Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Witching Elm Review Tour and Giveaway!

 The Witching Elm by C.N. Crawford. This is a YA dark fantasy and the review tour runs February 2nd-13th. Check out the tour page for more information.

The Witching Elm
Seventeen-year-old sorcerer Toby Corvin has one desire: to get back to Maremount, a world of talking ravens, ancient spells, and sinister bone wardens. Not only to fight a tyrannical monster, but to reunite with his girlfriend.
 There’s only one problem—he’s stuck in downtown Boston.
 After a brutal civil war forced Toby into our world, he took refuge in Mather Academy, blending in with the students in the prestigious boarding school. Sheltering in its creaky old walls, he secretly plots to save his home.
 But if anything can distract him from his mission, it’s his wild-haired and intriguing classmate Fiona. Of course, she has her own distractions with Jack: rich, mysterious, and annoyingly attractive.
 When a ghostly army from Maremount descends upon Boston, Toby and Fiona must work together, racing desperately to stop the slaughter. In the process, they face unspeakable danger while unearthing dark secrets of New England's past—a past that holds the key to saving both worlds from destruction.

In the book The Witching Elm by C.N. Crawford, the protagonist Toby Corvin seventeen year old boy, and a a sorcerer in training, goes through thee most life changing events, like going to Boston to a boarding school n his friends not showing up,and now hes trying to get back.I love how he has powers and knows spells, like transforming from a Sorcerer to a Raven and back,and also talking to the ravens,and saying a spell to put the principle in the mind set to make him think Toby is a foreign exchange student, on top of that this book was so detailed it was as If I was there every step of the way. 

When he transformed into a raven and soared the seas I could almost feel the snow hitting his face and the cold air below freezing on his skin, it was as if I was soaring with him.

Even when he talked to the ravens it was amazing and new because they are supposed messengers for both our world and the world of magic, which I thought was a pretty cool power.

I really liked how he put the principle under a spell because at one point as a kid or a teen who didn't want to put their principal under a spell, so you could not have school or not get in trouble, in my opinion that's a really cool thing to do.

C.N.Crawford did an outstanding job on this book, great detail which I always look for ,and it was even better because I'm a bit of a magic lover, the authors really know how to make Harry Potter seem boring, I recommend this book to people of all ages especially if you're a magic and mystery lover.

I give this book a two thumbs up and 5 stars.

**I was given this book in exchange for an honest review. I take pride in the fact that I can help others choose reading materials by reading my honest reviews.

Goodreads | Amazon

On sale Feb. 5-11th for only .99 cents! 

  C.N. Crawford is not one person but two. Christine (C) grew up in the historic town of Lexington, and has a lifelong interest in New England folklore - with a particular fondness for creepy old cemeteries. Nick (N) spent his childhood reading fantasy and science fiction further north during Vermont’s long winters.
      Together they work to incorporate real historical events and figures into contemporary urban fantasy novels.


Author site | twitter (@CN_Crawford) |facebook | pinterest

1st Prize: Ring & Necklace handmade by the author
2nd prize (10 winners!): Piece of jewelry handmade by the author
Each item has a fragment of a love spell from the book. 
Open to US/CA/UK

This tour was organized by CBB Book Promotions.


  1. Thank you so much for reading it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Thank you for stopping by Christine! It means the world to the boys and I to see authors stop in and leave a comment! :D Will be looking for more of your work in the future!

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one so much! It really was creative. Thank you so much for hosting a tour stop and sharing your thoughts!

  4. Two hours left. Good Luck to everyone!
