Beyond Anything In All Creation
Beyond Height and Depths Trilogy
Book Three
Christian Brown
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Young Adult
Publisher: C. Brown Publisher
Date of Publication: January 13, 2015
Number of pages: 180
Word Count: 55, 502
She’s anxious, but she might also be right. I do hope it’s not the end of the world. What do I know about this kind of stuff? I’m not sure what else to think. The world hasn’t exactly been in the best shape recently.
The long extinct volcanoes of our island home, as well as other parts of the world, still show signs of erupting at any moment. Earthquakes are a daily occurrence. The sun has almost completely vanished, leaving the world in a state of constant twilight. Fire has been falling from the sky off and on here for the last few weeks; meanwhile, other parts of the world seem to be in the middle of a miniature ice age, and the bodies of water that aren’t frozen have steam rising from their surface.
I would hardly call any of this normal.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The highly anticipated conclusion to the Beyond Heights and Depths trilogy is finally here.
Emmett and Ash are preparing for their big day. The two have overcome the greatest of evils to remain together. Together, they have won every battle, but the war is far from over. All signs point to the end of the world. The soul mates must face their toughest challenges yet. Relationships will be tested, sacrifices will be made, and a fight to the finish will decide the fate of the world.
This movie isn’t so bad. In fact, I can’t help thinking how real these scenes look. The special effects are spectacular. I feel like I am in the movie. I feel like I am walking along a dark trail. There’s no moon, which makes it incredibly difficult to see. Shadow figures begin to stalk from side-to-side. A gang of dark figures emerges out of the darkness. I can’t tell how many there are. Dozens of pairs of demonic red eyes suddenly open and stare at me. I seem to have walked into some sort of trap.
Oh no, this isn’t part of the movie, I realize too late. The swarm of shadow creatures rushes toward me. I try to turn and run, but I can’t move. I’m paralyzed with fear. What is happening to me? Wait, this must be a dream. I just need to wake up. The feeling of paralysis increases my anxiety. The more I struggle, the harder it is to move. You’re alright, I hear Ash’s voice say in my head.
Whew, thank goodness; I thought I was going crazy. Ash is on a run. I must have fallen asleep during the movie, so I am seeing this play out through her eyes. In the vision, I see that Ash is laughing, but I can’t hear her laughing. I take that as my cue to check out. Everything goes black for a moment, and then I open my eyes.
I’m looking at the ceiling of my house. I notice I am sweating profusely. I may not be in the middle of the fight, but the feeling of fear is completely real. I try to shake it off. In the safety of my home I have nothing to worry about, I try to remind myself. Yet, I can’t seem to shake the feeling of someone watching me. I’m afraid to sit up. This is ridiculous. You’ve fought demons of all sorts, died a few times, and have always come out on top. Surely you can deal with your childhood fears of the boogeyman.
I slowly sit up on the couch. The television isn’t even on. I wonder when I fell asleep. I hope it wasn’t during the movie. I try to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. When I open them again, I am startled to see the image of a dark figure standing ominously behind me. I jump up from my seat, turn, and instinctively throw the first thing within reach at the figure, which happens to be a box of sour gummy candies.
End of the World and Love Stories
of the world and love stories make up some of the most compelling
stories in existence. Both have been told since the dawn of humanity.
The variations of both make up a sizable portion of popular books,
television, and movies, yet there is always room for more. People love
these types of stories. It’s not hard to see why.
of the world stories have been handed down from
generation-to-generation pretty much since humans have walked the Earth.
End of the world stories span across multiple cultures and beliefs. At
some point or another, I would say everyone has heard at least one end
of the world prediction or story. Personally, I can recall three times
when people said the world would end, yet we are still here. In terms of
mythical or scriptural apocalypse, every generation since those words
were written has believed that they were living in the end times. This
generation is no different. I know many people who believe we are living
in the end of days. They believe the signs all point to the end, but
every generation has believed this to be true.
we are or not, I do not know. No one knows for sure if, when, or how
the world will end. One thing you will also notice in the stories that
have been passed down is that the end comes about in various ways; for
instance, fire and brimstone, hand of God, ice age, and world-ending
asteroid collision to name a few. In writing Beyond Anything In All
Creation, I wanted to present a possible end of the world that contained
familiar imagery but also give it my own spin. I set a lot of it in
Hawaii because I have never read or seen anything in movies or
television that depicted such events taking place in Hawaii. Moreover, I
believe another compelling aspect of these stories is triumph of the
human spirit. People want to believe that humanity will somehow continue
to exist. Heroes will rise up, and we shall overcome.
think love stories are just as compelling. They too have been handed
down from generation-to-generation. Love is the one language that knows
no limits and has no boundaries. Love stories reach beyond language,
culture, and pretty much every barrier. Some would argue that there is
no power greater than the power of love. Personally, I am inclined to
agree; love is quite powerful. However, that doesn’t mean there won’t be
obstacles along the way. I believe true love has to be tested. Love has
to overcome challenges and obstacles in order to be true.
the Beyond Heights and Depths Trilogy, Ash and Emmett have had to
overcome all sorts of challenges. They are soul-mates, but that is only
the beginning of their love story. I believe even soul-mates have their
love tested. True soul-mates remain together because their love is
battle-tested and proven to overcome. That is what makes their bond so
strong. To say they are in love just because they say so and have never
really faced anything of substance would be boring and naive. The
greatest love stories are those that have faced nearly insurmountable
challenges and have somehow remained together, not the ones that met,
fell in love, and that’s the end of the story.
I didn’t set out to write an end of the world story. I started with a
love story. Eventually, the soul-mates had to face challenges. Then, it
became a challenge so big that the fate of the world hung in the
balance. Is there a greater challenge than that? Thus, I was given the
chance to add my own love story and end of the world story to the many
stories being told over and over again and passed down from
generation-to-generation, and that’s a pretty amazing thing.

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