Friday, July 26, 2024

Sparks Ignite Book Blitz


Sparks Ignite
Aurelia Yates
Publication date: July 26th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Colt Donovan has it all: a thriving bar, stunning looks, and a stream of admirers. But despite his success, he can’t shake the memory of Maggie Wilson, the woman who stole his heart during one unforgettable weekend. Her taste lingers on his lips, and her sassy spirit haunts his dreams.

Determined to find her, fate brings them together, but with a cruel twist—Maggie is now on the arm of his best friend. Torn between loyalty and desire, Colt faces a heart-wrenching dilemma: risk his friendship for the woman he can’t forget, or let her slip away forever.

Maggie, fresh from a painful breakup, dips her toes back into the dating pool, only to find no one compares to Colt Donovan. When he appears at her best friend’s wedding, his piercing blue eyes make her weak in the knees. Despite the man by her side, she can’t resist the magnetic pull of Colt’s presence.

Colt Donovan is trouble—the kind of trouble Maggie can’t afford, especially with danger lurking around every corner whenever he’s near. Can she navigate the treacherous waters of love and peril, or will she lose herself to the undeniable allure of the one man who makes her burn?

Dive into a whirlwind of passion, heartache, and suspense in this captivating romance where love tests the boundaries of friendship and fate.

Goodreads / Amazon

Only 99c for a limited time!


Charles’ showing up has shaken me. I nervously fumble with my dress, trying to hide the embarrassment that’s bubbling inside me. I never would have thought Charles would do something so desperate. After he claimed we were too different and I was beneath him, I would have thought he would have moved on. He and Nat seem perfect for one another. They were both on the same level. The level where you’re in between childhood and adulthood. You still think of only yourself before others. Yeah, that one.

Jay more than handled the problem and for that, I’m relieved. I’m not sure if he could see how upset I was or if it was a chance for him to get his hands dirty with blood. Something tells me he enjoys intimidating others along with beating the crap out of them.

Speaking of the devil himself, he struts back into the tent with a smile that I could only describe as amusement. I’m sure his size makes him feel like King Kong. He’s standing around six-one, but his muscles are larger than most of the men I’ve ever seen. Other than one other man. I’ve had the pleasure of being pressed up against.

“Are you okay?” Jay asks.

I nod, but I know I’m not. I don’t know how to feel.

The D.J. taps on the microphone getting everyone’s attention, “I want to introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Joel Huntingburg!”

The music cranks up as Macy and Joel walk in holding hands and dancing onto the dance floor. Everyone claps and it seems the outburst is forgotten as the evening kicks in.

After the newlywed couple cuts the cake, everyone takes their seat and I know it’s my time to make my speech. Tapping my glass, I stand up, “I want to make a toast,” holding up my glass I continue. “To the new couple. May your marriage be filled with happiness, and your hearts filled with love, and Macy, may you never have to call Bob again to do Joel’s handy work,” I wink at Macy and she laughs with a few others knowing exactly what the hell I’m referring to.

Everyone cheers, “Here, here.”

A few hours later, when the non-partiers go home, the lights go dim and the atmosphere changes to more of a club style vibe. When couples make their way to the dance floor, I stay planted in my chair, not bothering to look up. Concentrating on the napkin in my hands, I twist and pick it apart. I should get up and socialize with the other bridesmaids who have all gathered at the edge of the dance floor, talking in a deep conversation, but I don’t have it in me. My body is tired from these past two weeks of running around gathering and collecting items for this beautiful event.

When April, the girl I can’t stand, turns to her left and smiles at someone, I crane my neck to see who’s got her attention. I jump when someone’s breath fans my skin.

“I need a dance,” the deep voice says. “You owe me a date.”


My cheeks heat with discomfort. I really don’t know why I agreed to go out with him. His good looks and bad boy persona make me want to run away. I can’t visualize him as being husband material. A good fuck, of course. He’s everything you would want sweating over you, but I’m not looking for a good fuck, so why did I agree?

Sliding my chair back, I stand, only to face Jay as he softly wraps his hand around my waist, pulling me out of the dance floor. The music changes to a slower beat and I place my hands on his shoulders.

I’m about to step into his embrace when my body is jerked backwards. I gasp when I stumble up against something solid. My body instantly melts. There’s one person who my body has ever melted for, Colt.

“Your body remembers me, hmm?” He brushes his lips against my ear. “Does your pussy remember my fingers, or should I reintroduce them?”

Author Bio:

International, Barnes and Noble and Amazon Best Selling Author

Aurelia writes contemporary and dark romance and enjoys reading it just as much! She lives in Alabama with her husband, daughter and fur babies. She spends most of her time taking care of her loved ones and plotting stories. Excited to begin this new journey, she’s looking forward to sharing her stories.

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Echo on The Water Book Blitz


The Echo on the Water
JA Huss
Publication date: July 25th 2024
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Rosie Harlow is desperately seeking… well, she’s not sure. A romance would be nice but so would a dinner conversation with her pre-teen son. Too bad her boy is way too busy growing up to pay his mama any attention. Rosie never meant to swear off men and she’s not frigid—you don’t become a single mom at fifteen by being frigid—but this dry spell of hers has gotten out of hand and something must be done.

Enter Amon Parrish. Back in high school Amon was voted most likely to get caught with his pants down. He was a trouble maker. The quintessential bad boy. But twelve years away from home, traveling the world and working with Collin Creed doing super-secret (and somewhat illegal) things, changed all that. These days Amon Parrish is a brand-new, stand-up man.

And, to Rosie’s surprise, a romantic man as well. Because he has decided to court her. And this is not just any ordinary courting, either. It’s… well, a page ripped right out of a bodice ripper.

But everyone in Disciple, West Virginia has a secret in their past.

Even the cheerful, perpetually optimistic, and seemingly innocent, Rosie Harlow.

The Echo on the Water is a swooning plate of small-town fiction served up with a side of spice. It honors the themes of friends to lovers, found family, and is filled with bigger-than-life, morally-grey characters against a backdrop of the weird and wonderful.


Small Town Secrets

Charming Alpha Male

Friends to Lovers

Touch Her and Die

Morally Grey

Found Family

THIS BOOK WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE AT NOOK, KOBO, AND APPLE ON PRE-ORDER and will release two days early at those distributors. It will go into Kindle Unlimited on the stated release day of July 25, 2024.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo



When the show is over everyone gets up to leave, as do I, but Amon stays right where he is. Obviously waiting for me.

I make my way to the end of the row and stand before him, his eyes dancin’ a little. “Amon.”


“Are you here for me?”

“I am.”

“Oh. I see. Well. What can I do for you?”

“I asked you to go bowling last night.”

“You did.”

“You turned me down.”

“That’s right.”

“Well, I was wondering if it was just bad timing or if it was me.”

I let out a breath. “Why are you wondering that?”

“Why?” His eyebrows shoot up. “Because if it was bad timing, I’m gonna ask you again. But if you don’t like me, I’ll move on.”

“That’s very forthcoming of you.”

“Thanks. I like to be forthcoming.”

He’s talking with a straight face, but I’m smiling pretty big right now. “Well, can I think about this a little bit?”

“Can you define ‘little bit?’”

I smile bigger. “You’re flirtin’ with me.”

“Why does that surprise you? You flirt with everyone.”

“Well, yeah. But that’s me. You’re… you.”

“What are you saying? I’m not flirty?”

“Are you flirty?”

He smiles now. But he narrows his eyes too. “Should I ask again? Or should I move on?”

“If I say move on, will you truly move on? Or will you try again?”

His smile grows. “Try again.”

“Then I’m gonna tell you to move on.”

He nods, still smiling, then leans forward. “By the way, I read your little paper. Not the one you gave me, but the one from last week. My sisters had a copy.”

“Oh, right. They do the Revival marketing and I’m part of the marketing now.”

“I like it.”

“Which part? The whole idea of it? Or just the vibe?”

“The writing.”

I nearly giggle. “You like the ads?”

“Yeah. I’m kinda jealous of Robust and Hearty because I like his taste in women. And I was thinking that the woman he described sounded a little bit like you.”

I nearly guffaw. I manage to hold it in, but my cheeks get hot and I know I’m probably turning bright red. “You fancy a…” I pause to think back on what kind of partner Robust and Hearty was looking for. “A courageous and resilient woman who is ready to embrace the thrills and trials of a life less ordinary?”

Amon nods. “I do.”

“Well.” I pull myself together. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Amon Parrish. But I am not looking for a man at the moment. I am quite happy with my life as it is.”

He nods at me. Pretends to take off an imaginary hat and bows a little. And even though he’s not in costume—he’s wearing his usual outfit of black tactical pants and black t-shirt—I picture him in one. “Well, then,” he says. “I will leave you to your day. But I’ll see ya around, Rosie Harlow.”

I nod back. “See ya around, Amon Parrish.”

He turns and walks out, not even looking back. But I’m not unhappy about that because he already told me that he’s gonna try again.

I am being courted.

By Amon Parrish, of all people.

Author Bio:

JA Huss is a scientist, New York Times Bestseller, USA Today Bestseller, and a cowgirl who rides English. Five of her books were optioned for TV/film, several of her audiobooks have been nominated for the Audie and SOVA Awards, and she was a RITA Finalist in 2019. She has been an indie author in both fiction and non-fiction for seventeen years and lives on a ranch in Colorado with her family, horses, dogs, goats, donkeys, and chickens.

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Tempting Devil


Title: Tempting Devil
Series: Saint Trilogy #2
Author: T.K. Leigh
Genre: Dark Romantic Suspense
Tropes: Stalker/Age Gap/Revenge
Morally Grey Hero/Hidden Identity
Release Date: August 22, 2024


After five years, I’m finally about to get everything I’ve dreamed of — revenge against the men who destroyed my life.

There’s just one tiny complication — Imogene Prescott.

She was only supposed to be a tool. Someone I’d use, then toss out with the trash I thought she was.

She wasn’t supposed to get under my skin.

She wasn’t supposed to give me a reason to live.

But she did.

Now I have a choice to make — love or revenge.

But no matter what I chose, I fear it won’t be enough to protect her from the dangerous truth I’ve hidden from her.

Confucius warned to dig two graves when embarking on a journey of revenge.
I didn’t plan on one of those graves belonging to her.





T.K. Leigh is the USA Today Bestselling author of romance ranging from fun and flirty to sexy and suspenseful. Originally from New England, she now resides outside of Raleigh with her husband, beautiful daughter, special needs rescue dog, and three cats. When she’s not writing, she can be found training for her next marathon (of which she has run over twenty fulls and far too many halfs to recall) or chasing her daughter around the house.


The Darkest Chase Book Blitz


div style="text-align: center; margin: 0 auto 15px;">

The Darkest Chase
Nicole Snow
Publication date: July 20th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Two complete opposites fall into a heart-ripping fairy tale in this scorching hot small-town grumpy sunshine romance by Wall Street Journal bestselling author Nicole Snow.

Life is just full of crazy surprises with teeth.
One day you’re the forever single wallflower keeping up the boring family furniture shop.
The next, you’re getting mouth-to-mouth from a scary hot stranger who wants to make your life a thriller novel.
Yes, my disaster has a name.

Micah Ainsley.
Everything I’m not. Nothing remotely good for me.
He’s all wolf—moody, savage, and ferociously protective.
I’m a human puppy.
He thrives on secrets.
Everybody knows what I had for breakfast.
He’s experienced. So experienced.
I’ve never even been kissed.

But when he needs my help to take down a rich creep who just happens to be my new client, I’m game.
I’m ready to live a little.
I’m eager to prove I’m more than a hot mess with a cross-eyed crush on a coldhearted man who’s too old for me.

Then another surprise bites me in the face.
The night Micah claims me.
The moment our wrong becomes reality and there’s no going back.
The darkest chase is on and it only ends one way—sweet dreams or total devastation.

All the small-town sugar, spice, and angsty goodness in one epic slow-burn romance. Remember to breathe as you watch Redhaven’s coldest man thaw for the little spark he’ll fight like mad to keep.

Goodreads / Amazon


“You saved me in your phone as Vampire Man?” I raise both brows.

“Um.” Talia freezes, looking at me sheepishly with her phone clutched in both hands. “…guilty,” she whispers with an embarrassed smile. “Sorry?”

“Uh-huh.” I lean back on my hands, just watching her. “Why did you do that?”

“I just… you know, the first time we met—”

“You mean when I gave you mouth-to-mouth in the middle of town? After your asthma attack,” I growl.

Her face flashes pink.

She swallows loudly, nodding.

“Yeah. That time. It sorta felt like waking up from a dream. This beautiful man with sharp teeth and a red mouth hovering over me… I used to be a huge Anne Rice nerd. And Grandpa had me watching old Dark Shadows reruns from the time I was five.”

“Uh-huh.” I never take my eyes off her. She’s squirming now, and there’s a predatory pulse in my heart that loves every bit of it. “Have you thought about my teeth, Talia? Do you want to be marked?”

“Marked? O-oh.” Breathy, soft, and she’s already saying yes without really saying a single word. She can’t look away as her eyes gleam. “Maybe. I mean, you bit me before… but you were being gentle.”

“That’s not a yes or a no,” I tease.

Leaning forward, I prowl toward her.

Every last little vulnerable thing about her jumps out at me.

One minute, she’s this innocent angel who warms me with a light I can’t describe, who makes me feel like if I wanted, I might learn how to have a life again.

The next minute, she’s prey, plain and simple.

Her nostrils flare.

Her breathing quickens.

When she trembles again, I’m gone.

Forever lost in this woman.

My inner beast inhales deeply, stuck on her scent.

Vanilla heaven. All mine for the taking.


Closer, every slow movement makes her tremble more until I’m right there.

She whimpers as I stop, almost nose to nose with her, our eyes locked.

There’s more than rich vanilla rising off her now. This aromatic sweetness, heady and sharp.

Author Bio:

Nicole Snow is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author. She found her love of writing by hashing out love scenes on lunch breaks and plotting her great escape from boardrooms. Her work roared onto the indie romance scene in 2014 with her Grizzlies MC series.

Since then Snow aims for the very best in growly, heart-of-gold alpha heroes, unbelievable suspense, and swoon storms aplenty. With over a million books sold, she lives for the joy of making two people fight with every bit of their soul for a Happily Ever After.

Current fan favorites include her Enguard Protectors series, accidental love novels, plus long beloved MC romance thrillers like the Grizzlies and Deadly Pistols.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Bookbub

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Stranded and Seduced Book Blitz


Stranded and Seduced
Emmy Grayson
(The Diamond Club, #8)
Publication date: July 23rd 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

In this red-hot forced-proximity romance from Emmy Grayson, if they can’t escape one another, what chance do they have of resisting one another?

He doesn’t want his inheritance…
but he does want her!

Griffith Lykaois has rejected his family’s billion-dollar legacy. It’s a fitting punishment for his guilt over his father’s death. Only, estate lawyer Rosalind Sutton won’t quit. Amid a raging storm, the infuriatingly alluring woman is on his remote château doorstep determined he claim his inheritance.

Rosalind needs Griffith’s signature; the career she put her life on hold for depends on it. But stranded alone with the brooding tycoon, there’s no way innocent Rosalind can escape her response to their intoxicating clashes… The question is, does Rosalind even want to?

From Harlequin Presents: Escape to exotic locations where passion knows no bounds.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo


Dear Reader,

When I was invited to be a part of the Diamond Club series with Harlequin Presents, I was thrilled. When I learned that my romance was going to be inspired by Beauty & the Beast, I nearly shrieked. This fairy tale is one of my favorites, and the first movie I ever saw in theaters (well, a third of it—my father had to take me out because I kept screaming at the wolves!).

Writing Griffith and Rosalind’s love story, set against the backdrop of the Normandy coast, was a dream come true. Recreating the Beast’s castle, and adding a major dash of spice to a tale as old as time, was so much fun. I loved researching French chateaus, especially the Château de Gudanes in southern France. This restored home was not only a physical inspiration but a personal wonder as I learned how much restoration the castle has undergone in recent years. It was a treat describing the French retreat Griffith and Rosalind find themselves trapped in as they finally succumb to the attraction simmering between them.

I hope you enjoy reading their love story. Have a wonderful summer, and happy reading!

Love, Emmy


Griffith Lykaois traced a finger over the scar that cut through his right eyebrow, skimmed the corner of his eye, and sliced over his cheek. Another scar stretched from the side of his mouth down to his chin, surprisingly smooth to the touch. Still a visible angry red slash even when he combed his beard to cover it. As he sat in the leather high-back chair by the balcony doors, a glass of whiskey within reach, he could picture his ghoulish visage in his mind as if he was looking in a mirror. The past eleven months had faded the scars to dull pink. But time hadn’t dimmed the memory of the first time he’d seen himself. Stitches crisscrossing the fresh wounds. Eyes bloodshot and unfocused from the medication they’d pumped into him.


Author Bio:

Emmy's interest in romance can be traced back to her love of Nancy Drew books, when she tried to solve the mysteries of her favorite detective while rereading the romantic chapters with Ned Nickerson. Fast-forward a few years when she discovered a worn copy of "A Rose in Winter" by Kathleen Woodiwiss on her mother's bookshelf, and she was hooked. Over 20 years later, Harlequin Presents made her dream come true by offering her a contract for her first book.

When Emmy isn't writing or reading, she's chasing around her two kids, feeding her menagerie of fur babies or carving out a little time on her front porch with her firefighter hubby.

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Her Fake Boyfriend Book Blitz


Her Fake Boyfriend
Heatherly Bell
(Charming, Texas, #7)
Published by: Harlequin Special Edition
Publication date: July 23rd 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Her Prince Charming…

In a make-believe fairy tale?

Talented divorce attorney and town newcomer Michelle LaCroix needs roots in Charming to make partner, according to her old-fashioned boss. And that means a boyfriend! Problem is, she’s got to produce her beau in the flesh. Enter the town’s most eligible bachelor, former professional athlete Finn Sheridan, who’s only too happy to play pretend with his best friend’s ex—for a price. To his surprise, the more he’s thrown together with Michelle, the more he’s intrigued by a woman who’s far more than her ice-queen exterior. But with Finn’s trust still shattered by a brutal divorce, the make-believe match is just a fun diversion…until it becomes all too real!

From Harlequin Special Edition: Believe in love. Overcome obstacles. Find happiness.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo


“There you are, Boo!” Michelle ran over and threw her arms around him.

Finn seemed to freeze in place, his arms remaining where they’d been at his side. “Huh?”

“Please,” she hissed in his ear. “Go along with this and I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Go along with what?

“Long story, I’ll explain later. For now, pretend you’re my boyfriend.”

Hands on her waist, he set her back a step, eyes narrowed. “Have you been drinking?”

“No. I wish! Listen, there’s someone here I need to impress.”

“With me?” He quirked a brow.

“Well, you’ll do.”

He scowled. “I’m not interested in pretending. I know you’re a lawyer and this is your life but the rest of us don’t lie to people daily. Excuse me.”

He tried to step aside but she grabbed him by the lapels of his navy peacoat and planted a kiss on him. Nothing too crazy as she wasn’t big on PDA especially when she actually knew people were watching. Arthur hadn’t taken his eyes off them since she ran over here. Still, Finn’s lack of resistance surprised her. So did the buzz through her body. Finn was not a terrible kisser, as it turned out. And dear Lord he smelled good.

When she broke the kiss Finn was staring at her with mossy green eyes. It was a look that said he thought she should be committed to the nearest mental hospital, and the idea made him a little sad.

Well, she could work with that.

Author Bio:

Bestselling author Heatherly Bell was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama but lost her accent by the time she was two. After leaving Alabama, Heatherly lived with her family in Puerto Rico and Maryland before being transplanted kicking and screaming to the California Bay Area. She now loves it here, she swears. Except the traffic.

Over 200,000 copies of Heatherly's books have been sold, many of them translated into two languages.

Heatherly also writes sweet and wholesome books under the pen name of Maria Michaels. She is represented by Elaine Spencer of The Knight Agency.

Luke’s unwavering loyalty to Lexi and her family gives this sweet romance unexpected integrity ...Readers looking for a tender romance that leans more toward the emotional than the physical will find this very satisfying." ~ Publishers Weekly/Booklife review on Country Gold.

"Heatherly Bell writes romance that will capture your heart." ~ Marina Adair, New York Times bestselling author.

"What a thoroughly delightful story. I adored it." ~ Lori Wilde, New York Times bestselling author on Lucky Cowboy.

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Grim Justice Rease Blitz



Title: Grim Justice
Series: Royal Bastards MC: Tonopah, NV #18
Author: Nikki Landis
Genres: Dark MC/Paranormal Romantic Suspense
Tropes: Touch Her and Die/Alpha Male/One Bed
Found Family/Forced Proximity/Kidnapping
Release Date: July 23, 2024


There's a peace that can only be found on the other side of war.
I've waited nearly two decades for justice.
And I'm finally close enough to get revenge.
The bad blood between me and Razr goes way back to the day his father, Scar, murdered my old pres, Keys.
I took out Scar and then Razr's brother, Acid. They paid for their crimes.
I won't rest until Razr meets the Reaper and faces judgment.

But the past carries secrets I never imagined.
New information surfaces and challenges everything I know.
It's not just about protecting my club.
I'll do anything to keep my ol' lady and my son safe.
I would even give up the throne to ensure they survive.
Because nothing will stop me from reaping Razr's soul and forcing him to his knees.
There's a reason I'm called Grim. Death is my playground.
I will end this war and the feud with the Scorpions.
Not a soul, Reaper, or Lucifer himself will stop me.

This book is NOT a standalone. Devil's Ride should be read before Grim Justice.

Grim Justice is a full-length dark romance and includes steamy scenes, biker slang, violence, a paranormal REAPER twist, and a protective, possessive outlaw president hell-bent on vengeance. For best enjoyment, the series should be read in order.



Free in Kindle Unlimited


Devil's Ride (Book 4) is
99c for a limited time!


All free in Kindle Unlimited


Releasing December 20


Releasing February 14



Nikki Landis is a romance enthusiast, tea addict, and book hoarder. She's the USA Today Bestselling Author of over fifty novels, including her widely popular Tonopah, NV RBMC series. She writes wickedly fierce, spicy romances featuring dirty talkin' bikers, deadly, possessive reapers, wild bad boys, and the feisty, independent women they love. She's a mom to six sons, two of them Marines. Books are her favorite escape. Nikki also writes sci-fi and monster romance under the pen name Synna Star.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Mating Season Book Blitz


Mating Season
Kitty Thomas
(A Captive Bear Shifter Romance)
Publication date: July 17th 2024
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

Pop Quiz: You’re a woman alone in the forest… would you rather run into a man or a bear?

I’m lost out in the woods when I cross paths with a strange man. He offers to take me back to his campsite, feed me, get me warm, but every instinct in me screams NO!

He is an opportunistic predator, and I am his prey.

I run. He chases. And just before I’m traumatized for life, I hear a loud roar as a seven hundred pound Grizzly bear rips the man off me and mauls him to death.

So…. Team Bear?

If only it were so simple. This isn’t just any normal bear. He’s a bear shifter, and he’s convinced I’m his fated mate.

I appreciate the life saving and all, but I have goals and dreams, and I won’t allow fate to play matchmaker for me, no matter how otherwise appealing the shifter in question may be.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo


I start to move off the dance floor when someone comes up behind me. A male someone. My first instinct is to have an embarrassing freak out… but he smells… wow he really smells good. What is that?

It’s strong yet subtle at the same time. Warm, musky. But also mossy. But somehow in a good way. I’m not sure I’m describing it right. I’m not sure mere words could convey it.

And the solid warmth of him pressed up against my back feels… comforting somehow. His hands skim my sides to land on my hips as he urges me to move with him. His erection grinds shamelessly against my backside as his arm wraps around my waist, urging me to press harder against his length.

It’s a heady cocktail of that powerful scent, pure masculine strength, sensuous movements, and stark primal possession.

He hasn’t spoken a word to me, and given recent traumatic events, I should be panicked, but all I feel is calm—and other things I’m going to ignore. Dark animal things.

I’m hit with a bolt of such overwhelming lust that suddenly I want this man more than anything I’ve ever wanted. I want him to hike up my skirt and fuck me right here in the middle of the dance floor. I want him to put me on my hands and knees and drive into me from behind in front of all these people—sweaty, writhing hot bodies that could never compete with the inferno building between us. I feel hot and cold all at once and the arousal between my legs thumps heavy with the beat of the music. The pornographic images flitting through my mind only grow stronger the longer we dance.

If you could call this dancing.

One of his hands has moved up to grip the front of my throat, holding me in place against him as he brings us impossibly closer. His other hand starts to slide up my thigh, under my dress, between my legs, his fingers barely brushing against the heat and wetness of my panties.

And then my fear starts to edge out my lust. No! I can’t let this happen.

Forgive me if I don’t want to just jump back out there and let a man touch me after… the woods. It’s normal to feel a bit of disgust toward all men when one tries to hurt you like that. It almost feels shameful to let any man touch you ever again.

So why the fuck am I letting this stranger so close? Why am I rewarding any man for the bad behavior of his kind? Bad behavior I have personally suffered. I don’t know him. He could be a fucking serial killer.

I come back to my senses and pull away. He grabs me and pulls me back to him, and instead of more fear, I feel a kind of rage I’ve never felt before. I stomp down HARD on his foot with my heel. He lets out a yelp, and releases me.

“Rosalie, wait!”

I shouldn’t be able to hear him over the noise of the club, but I do. I turn around, and there’s Cooper. I shouldn’t be surprised. Didn’t some small part of me subconsciously just know? It’s why I didn’t look back at him—just let him be a stranger, because the stakes are far too high with him as he really is.

He’s wearing jeans and a black T-shirt that pulls tight over his muscles. His tattoos wind down his arms, ending just above his hands. Those warm brown eyes… that closely shaven beard… No. Absolutely not. His agenda might not look as bad on the surface as the guy from the woods, but it still involves his fucking boner… and controlling me. No. I’m not his mate. I’m not dealing with this alpha bro You belong to me, bullshit. I’m not going to just swoon into his arms because he’s pretty and saved me, as though a man doing the decent thing somehow now obligates me to give all my freedom away to him.

Men really are just living on an entirely different planet.

And he doesn’t get to just decide any of this.

I fight to get through the crowd on the dance floor, but his hand is around my wrist before I can get away.

“Let GO of me!”

A few people start to notice the conflict and back away, and I see a bouncer eyeing us. I’m pretty sure even as large as the bouncer is, that Cooper could take him.

He holds his hands up in surrender and takes a step back. “Just talk to me. I just need to talk to you.”

Author Bio:

KITTY THOMAS writes dark stories that play with power and have unconventional HEAs. She began publishing in early 2010 with her bestselling COMFORT FOOD and is considered one of the original authors of the dark romance subgenre.

To find out FIRST when a new book comes out, subscribe to Kitty's New Release List: KITTYTHOMAS.COM

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Disco Bar Release Blitz


Title: Disco Bar
Series: The Holden Bars #1
Author: Tori Ross
Genres: Polyamorous Romance (MMF)
Bisexual Romance (MM)
Trope: Age Gap
Release Date: July 16, 2024


Tori Ross, the award-winning author of Copper and Rocks, brings us a steamy romp through the 1970s.



For the first time in her adult life, Nicole Tate is without a job after being "let go" from her position as a fifth-grade teacher. She suddenly finds herself alone in Chicago with no real friends, no family, no job, and no love life.

Wanting to tear up the town after being a quiet teacher for months, she heads to the local club where sex, drugs, and disco reign. There, she meets Dex Holden, owner of the hottest dance studio and school in the city, and he also happens to be the hottest man Nicole has ever seen.

After a night of exploration and adventure with Dex and his smoldering partner, Felix, Dex offers Nicole a job as his studio receptionist and a spot as his partner in a dance contest that can both boost his career and help him buy the disco club he loves.

But convincing the jealous Felix that Nicole deserves her spot in the dance contest and in Dex's heart is harder than it looks.

Will the demure Nicole ever be the same after working with Dex, learning to dance, and making both men fall for her?

Disco Bar is a full-length, poly romance with an HEA for everyone. Boogie down!


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Releasing May 7



Tori Ross is the bestselling and award-winning author of steamy contemporary romance and romantic comedy. Her book, The Cuffing Season Contract, won the National Indie Excellence Award for romantic comedy, and she's written several shorts, novellas, full-length books, and serials. When she's not writing, she runs a podcast called Sitting Here Reading Corn with Tori Ross and plays pickleball to get out of the house. She lives with her family and a hyper dog that needs extensive training.


Broken Fortune Book Blitz


Broken Fortune
Aly Mennuti
Publication date: July 16th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Women’s Fiction

Broken Fortune explores the unraveling of a wealthy, blended family forced to reconsider their future together as their world falls apart around them.

Elizabeth Sunderland—a forty-three-year-old wife and mother of two teenagers—is the oldest of five children in a blended family that never quite blended. The only thing that has held them together is the iron will of their wealthy parents: Benjamin Sunderland, a venture capitalist, and Kate Bernard, a partner of a hedge fund. Together, Benjamin and Kate create and rule over a Manhattan dynasty of which their children each bear their own unique scars.

Elizabeth has been trying to keep the family together since she was ten years old, hoping to convince everyone they have more in common than just their fortune. This stance will be put to the ultimate test when Kate dies with one final request: that the family travel together to the island of St. John and spread her ashes in the ocean. However, Kate’s plan to fix the family will involve more than just a family trip to the sea.

As the hidden secrets and quiet betrayals built up over thirty years begin to ripple and crash like the ocean surrounding the sinking family, Elizabeth not only faces each of her sibling’s personal inflection points—moments that could lead to reconciliation or ruin—but she has to face her own demons that have laid dormant. What happens next will shock Elizabeth into recognizing a reality she had no idea existed.

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“How much money did you get?” Paul drops in, trying not to seem as outright aggressive as my other siblings but still trying to ferret out the information.

“It was nothing,” I say, trying to shut this conversation down.

“Oh, it wasn’t nothing,” Benjamin says. “It was over five million dollars.”

Everyone at the table looks ready to either spill their drink, fall off their chair, or turn me upside down to try and shake the five million out of my pockets.

“Can I have some?” Winnie says, shifting her attention for the first time this evening from my father to me.

“No,” Benjamin says sternly to Winnie. “Your mother is giving that back.”

“What about,” Paul says, daring to get between Benjamin and his money, “if you give us all five million dollars, so Lizzie doesn’t feel so alone. I mean…I’m sure my mother left something for all of us and Lizzie’s just came through first.”

“No,” Benjamin says. “Lizzie won’t feel alone when I have it back. Because none of you are getting any extra money. Everything that was Kate’s is now mine. That’s what we decided. And upon my death—which should be noted, won’t be happening anytime soon—you will all receive the entire inheritance split into five.”

“Wait,” Paul says, clearly upset. “Wait. She’s our mother. Mine. I’m her son. I mean, no offense to your kids Benjamin, but me…and Julian, we should get something now. Not have to wait until you die. You’re not my father.”

Paul’s words visibly cut through Benjamin, like an unexpected knife in the back. Even I can’t help but wince on his behalf—considering he’s spent the last thirty-three years trying to convince Paul he’s a reasonable, viable father. Meanwhile, he’s made not one corresponding overture in my direction, relegating me to the status of just an afterthought that will always linger…

Author Bio:

Aly Mennuti has always had two passions: philanthropy and literature. She satisfies one of those by being an executive at an international nonprofit consulting firm and has helped a diverse range of high-profile clients reach their philanthropic goals. However, she’s always had a desire to express herself creatively and carve out her own role as a writer in a writing family. Finally, in her forties (and with two children hitting their teens and deciding Mom is really uncool and not needed to hang out with anymore) she has the time and headspace to tell her own stories. She lives in Washington, DC, with her husband, Nicholas Mennuti, a novelist and screenwriter, their two children, Charlie and Lilly, and their eccentric Goldendoodle, Barry.

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