Sunday, September 6, 2015

Bleed Blog Tour Review/Giveaway!
Publisher: Garden Gate Press
Release Date: September 1st 2015

LIFE IS A NIGHTMARE for Miranda. Without knowing when or why, blood oozes from her palms – an anomaly that makes her feel like a freak. But her abnormality is now the least of her worries. She’s just enrolled at “Suicide High.” Three deaths in three months – one occurring just days before her arrival.

When she bumps into a cute boy named Jake, things don’t appear so glum. Especially since Jake’s a psychic who can predict the immediate future. But his gift of sight can’t prepare her for the horrors that await.

Through Jake, Miranda meets three other extraordinary students:

Topher – who can heal by touch.

Sam – who eats the sins of the dead.

And Xyan – who speaks and understands all languages.

It’s then that Miranda learns the secret behind why she bleeds.

When it becomes evident that supernatural forces are at play, the five determined friends team up. Now it’s up to them to destroy the evil infecting their school.

I really enjoyed this book. The author Dax Varley had me really going with this read.I felt compelled to flip page after page. Learning the truth can sometimes be just as hard as accepting the truth. Miranda and the four other special ones bring the paranormal to the reader's eye. Did I mention I adore anything paranormal and it really makes this book jam! I hate to throw any spoilers, since I can't stand spoilers! This read is one you can enjoy all at once or even dropping in and squeezing in a bit at a time.  It reminds me of the old Justice League cartoons where the good come together to protect all. Fighting demons will always be one of the aspects of good character thst I will always LOVE!

Dax Varley did an awesome job! Can't wait for more from this author! Definitely well worth FIVE Awesome Stars!

I reccomend this read to all those lovers of the paranormal!

* I was given this book in exchange for an honest review. 
All opinions are mine and I was not compensated for them.

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Follow the Bleed by Dax Varley Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

Dax Varley writes the kind of young adult novels she wishes were around when she was a teen. She's a lover of humor, horror and all things paranormal. 

When Dax isn't writing, she's collecting odd photos online, reading recaps of her favorite shows or kicked back with a good book. She lives in Richmond, Texas with her husband, a shelf full of action figures and about a dozen imaginary friends.


1 comment:

  1. I screwed up! My day 1 should have been "A Reading Nurse". I'm following via bloglovin.
