is my stop during the blog tour for Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar
Conspiracy by Paula Berinstein. This blog tour is organized by Lola's
Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 30 November till 13 December, you
can view the complete tour schedule on the website of Lola’s Blog
far this series contains 3 books: Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar
Conspiracy (Amanda Lester, Detective #1), Amanda Lester and the
Orange Crystal Crisis (Amanda Lester, Detective #2) and Amanda Lester
and the Purple Rainbow Puzzle (Amanda Lester, Detective #3).
Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy
(Amanda Lester, Detective #1)
Paula Berinstein
category: Middle
reluctant detective, a criminal mastermind, and . . . sugar?
Lester wouldn’t be caught dead going into the family business. Her
ancestor, Sherlock Holmes’s colleague Inspector G. Lestrade, is a
twit. Nevertheless her parents refuse to see his flaws, and she’s
going to a secret English school for the descendants of famous
detectives whether she likes it or not.
Amanda arrives at the dreaded school, she considers running
away—until she and her new friends discover blood and weird pink
substances in odd places. At first they’re not sure whether these
seeming clues mean anything, but when Amanda’s father disappears
and the cook is found dead with her head in a bag of sugar, they’re
certain that crimes are taking place.
Amanda must embrace her destiny and uncover the truth. The only snag
is that arch-villain Blixus Moriarty, a descendant of Holmes’s
nemesis Professor James Moriarty, might be involved, and he doesn’t
like nosy little girls interfering in his business.

you are a middle grade book fan, and I don't care what age you are
you can be one, you will definitely be wild about the author Paula
Berinstein. Berinstein gives her readers a chance to connect to her
characters and does so with precision. The first book in the series
that I read was Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy and I am
so glad that I did. I homeschool my children and read aloud to both
of them because they are years apart but both can still enjoy a story
being told to them. Well that is exactly how the first book in this
series was presented to my homeschool, by reading aloud. My youngest
son loves to snuggle in and listen to me read and this was a chance
for him to hear a middle grade story. Suffice to say he loved it just
like mom and his older brother did! To me, when children take a
liking to a story it means something. It means that the author has
connected with her readers in a good way. That to me is what is one
of the most important aspects of writing for children, the fact that
they connect. Berinstein gives you just what you need in order to
keep going!
characters are written well and in depth. I didn't feel lost at all
because Berinstein keeps the reader well informed. That is another
aspect of her writing that I totally love! It matters and I am so
happy to see a middle grade author that really connects. I recommend
Berinstein's books in the Amanda Lester series. If you are looking
for awesome writing and excellent storylines check out this series. I
rate this book a FULL Five Stars and can't wait to read the next book
in the series.
can find Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy on Goodreads:
can buy Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy here:
books in the series:
Lester and the Orange Crystal Crisis (Amanda Lester, Detective #2)
Paula Berinstein
category: Middle
15, 2015
only Sherlock Holmes's great-great-grandson weren't such a dork . . .
a new student at the Legatum Continuatum School for the Descendants
of Famous Detectives and Amanda is supposed to work with him.
Scapulus Holmes is a descendant of the great Sherlock and he’s
crazy about her. Unfortunately she thinks he’s a dork and would
rather die than have anything to do with him.
when the kids discover a dead body encrusted with strange living
crystals, Amanda realizes she needs Holmes’s help. If the crystals
fall into the wrong hands they could be used for nefarious purposes,
and only he knows how to protect them.
the detectives keep the bad guys from learning the crystals' secrets?
It would help if they could figure out who the dead body is too. Only
if Amanda and Holmes can find a way to work together can they prevent
a disaster, and it isn’t looking good.

Berinstein the author does it again! She entertains her readers with
pizazz and keeps the pace going hard and strong! Not once were my
homeschoolers ever bored while I read this story aloud to them. I
just love that face that when I got ready to read this one, my kids
would automatically settle down and tune in. This is what I
absolutely adore about her writing! What mom wouldn't be pleased? She
really keeps the reader entertained and never did the boys want me to
put the bookmark inside. That means that it was time up and they were
never ready. I must say that the characters are just as well written
and in depth as the first book in this spectacular series.
recommend this book for all of you out there that LOVE a super middle
grade read! I did and I am sure you will too!
rate this book FIVE Stars and CAN'T WAIT to read the next one! 
can find Amanda Lester and the Orange Crystal Crisis on Goodreads:
can buy Amanda Lester and the Orange Crystal Crisis here:
Lester and the Purple Rainbow Puzzle (Amanda Lester, Detective #3)
Paula Berinstein
category: Middle
15, 2015
rainbows, a mysterious crypt, and pots of gold . . .
are not going well for Amanda and the secret detective school. A
priceless artifact has disappeared, a dangerous hacker is
manipulating matter, and zombies are being seen all over the Lake
the real trouble starts. When her cousins go missing and her friend
Clive is kidnapped, Amanda is forced to turn to someone she’d
rather not deal with: her old boyfriend Scapulus Holmes. But then he
vanishes too. Now’s she’s sure that arch-villain Blixus Moriarty
is involved . . . or is he?
Lester and the Purple Rainbow Puzzle newsagent excerpt:
When they arrived
at Crocodile’s first-floor flat, they could see that the door was
blocked with yellow crime scene tape. However upon looking in a
couple of windows, they concluded that no one was there to stop them
entering. It would have been weird to post a guard around the clock
anyway, with manpower so squeezed and all. The local police didn’t
exactly have the budget for that kind of thing.
are we going to do?” said Eustace, eyeing the tape.
I see it we have two choices,” said Amanda, mentally weighing the
options. “Go in the door or crawl through a window.”
aren’t they locked?” said Eustace.
“Let’s take a
before they could try the locks, Amanda saw something out of the
corner of her eye—a person moving between buildings, but not an
ordinary person. He was pale and scruffy, with old, tattered clothes.
He—or she—looked like a zombie!
on,” she said as quietly as she could, grabbing Eustace’s hand
and pulling him along with her.
what are we doing?” said Eustace. “We can’t get in by running
saw something,” said Amanda.
whispered Eustace, taking a cue from Amanda’s hushed tone.
come on,” she said.
when they got to where she had seen the zombie, it had disappeared.
These zombies, or whatever they were, certainly were elusive.
she said. “Lost ‘em.”
what?” said Eustace.
Are you kidding?”
not kidding, but it might have been a homeless person. Or an actor.
The thing is, we keep seeing these zombies but no one can get close
enough to see what’s going on. Of course that was in Windermere.
Not here.”
gave her a sidelong look. “If there were zombies, it would be the
coolest thing ever, but come on, Amanda. You know it was just a
homeless person. There are tons of them around. Not just in
Windermere either.”
she said. “But there’s something about these guys. I’m not the
only one who’s noticed.”
what?” he said.
not just rumpled. Their coloring
. . .” What was their coloring
anyway? It was so nondescript that she couldn’t picture it.
Professor Sidebotham would not be pleased.
you got a picture?” he said.
no. That would help, wouldn’t it?”
time you see one of these guys, don’t worry about following them.
Just take the picture.”
right,” she said. “From now on, I’m keeping my camera at the
he said. “Let’s get back to the crime scene.” She could hear
him giggling. Obviously he thought she was crazy.
they returned to Crocodile’s flat they discovered that everything
was locked up tight as expected. Amanda desperately wished Clive had
come with them and brought his acoustic levitator, which would
probably have got them in in about thirty seconds, but unfortunately
she hadn’t thought of that. The device, which allowed Clive to lift
things without touching them, had come in handy on more than one
a minute,” she said, suddenly getting an idea. “What kinds of
locks are on the windows?”
pretty basic,” said Eustace. “All you do is turn the handle and
the little bar goes up and down into and out of the latch.”
cried Amanda, and whipped out her phone. She pressed an icon and
waited a moment. While this mysterious behavior was occurring,
Eustace peered into the flat.
pretty messy in there,” he said.
said Amanda into the phone. “Oh, sorry. I forgot how early it is.
But please can I talk to you for a second? Thanks. Listen, do you
think your acoustic levitator would work over the phone? Yes, I know
you have to put that foil behind the thing but
. . . a window lock. Yes, I know
it’s breaking and entering but
. . . take pictures through the
windows and enlarge them? I don’t think that will work. I’m not
sure what we’re looking for. Just information about Crocodile’s
connection with Blixus or Wink. We’re trying to find Blixus. I
think Crocodile’s computer is still there. Eustace, is there a
computer inside?”
said Eustace. “You don’t think we can read it from outside, do
said Amanda, turning back to Clive. “I don’t think even he could
do that with the power off. You could ask him. Oh, sorry. I
could ask him. Do you think if you were
here in person you could get the acoustic levitator to open the
window lock? We could come back and get you. Yes, Eustace.” She
turned to Eustace. “Clive says hi.”
Clive,” said Eustace. “How’s that head?”
says it’s almost completely better,” said Amanda. Clive had been
hit by a rock at the quarry, but the nurse had seen to him and he was
doing well. “Hang on a minute. What if we could turn the computer
on remotely? Remember when Simon charged up Scapulus’s tablet with
the crystals at the quarry? Why couldn’t we use a beam of energy to
do that? The password. Oh, right, that.
Scapulus could do that, though, couldn’t he? Yes, I suppose I
should call him. Or would you like us to come get you and your
acoustic levitator? Yes, we’d still have the password
problem—unless the thing is actually on and signed in. The crime
scene people wouldn’t leave it like that, though, would they?
Didn’t think so. Okay, I’ll call Scapulus.”
got the gist of that,” said Eustace when Amanda had hung up.
didn’t want to call Holmes in the worst way, especially so early in
the morning. Was there anything else? “Wait a minute. Maybe that
key Wink had opens this door.”
key?” said Eustace.
but I don’t have it. I could ask Simon to send me a picture and we
could get a duplicate made, though.”
don’t think any locksmiths are open yet,” said Eustace. “What
key Wink Wiffle swallowed before he died.”
tasty,” said Eustace. “What does it look like?”
small and—hang on. I’ll draw you a picture.”
took her Kangaroo Egg Film Society membership card out of her bag,
turned it over, and made a quick sketch.
said Eustace. “That isn’t for this door. It’s not for a door at
know about keys?”
yeah. My dad’s an ironmonger.”
guys call it a hardware store, I think. He’s got one. I know all
about that stuff.”
grabbed him and planted a big kiss on his forehead. “Eustace,
you’re a gem,” she said. “We can get into this place easily.
Why didn’t you say?”
thought you had a plan,” said Eustace.
no,” said Amanda. “So what do we do?”
looked around. There was no one nearby. “Pick the lock,” he said,
can find Amanda Lester and the Purple Rainbow Puzzle on Goodreads:
can buy Amanda Lester and the Purple Rainbow Puzzle here:
Berinstein is nothing like Amanda. For one thing, she’s crazy about
Sherlock Holmes. For another, she’s never wanted to be a filmmaker.
In addition, compared to Amanda she’s a big chicken! And she
wouldn’t mind going to a secret school at all. In fact, she’s
hoping that some day she’ll get to build one.
is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Amanda Lester and the
Pink Sugar Conspiracy. These are the prizes you can win:
paperback copies of Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy
(Amanda Lester, Detective #1), Amanda Lester and the Orange Crystal
Crisis (Amanda Lester, Detective #2) and Amanda Lester and the Purple
Rainbow Puzzle (Amanda Lester, Detective #3) by Paula Berinstein
2 winners will each win a paperback copy of Amanda Lester and the
Pink Sugar Conspiracy (Amanda Lester, Detective #1) Paula Berinstein