Thursday, September 22, 2016

GRAND FINALE BLITZ: The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl Giveaway!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl
By Leigh Statham

We hope you enjoyed getting a little taste of Lady Marguerite Vadnay's adventures in this Steampunk world. If you missed any of the tour stops, go back and check them out...

Launch - Tour Welcome

"I’m so excited to share my latest adventure with you. Lady Marguerite Vadnay is at it again, causing problems, and getting in trouble around the world."

The Broke Book Bank - Review

"Right away, I was pulled into the story. It was easy on the eyes and flowed beautifully. There’s plenty of refresher information so I didn’t feel like I missed anything. It was quite comfortable just jumping in. My luck paid off and the good feeling lasted."

Falling Leaves - Excerpt

Lady Marguerite Vadnay strapped herself into the tiny compartment and slipped her goggles over her eyes. A glass hood lowered over the upper half while her lower body sat snug in the cockpit of the single-man aership. The wind was blowing enough to rock the small cabin back and forth as her envelope filled beside her, eventually leaving the ground completely, its seams tight with helium.

Letters From Annie (Douglass) Lima - Interview

What dangers should we avoid in New France?

Don’t get on the wrong side of a pirate, or a nun. Some of the girls at His Royal Majesty’s Flight Academy for Resilient Young Women wouldn’t be fun to run into in a dark alley if you’ve recently stolen their boyfriend. But for the most part it’s a wonderful place to visit.

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium - Promo

Katie's Clean Book Collection - Top 10 Tools Lady Marguerite Always Has on Hand

2. A Dashing Young Man (or two) – This goes without saying. A lady must have someone to dote on her every need and provide for her, unless you are a young lady who can take care of herself, then a dashing young man is an excellent target for anger or love, depending on the day.

Wishful Endings - Excerpt

The view was instantly breathtaking. Her new home city of Montreal lay beneath her in all its splendor. The river wound like a loose ribbon through the brick and wood dwellings. Her school was visible almost immediately, its roof littered with experimental equipment for weather and aviations. The chapel caught her eye next, its soaring crucifix and brightly colored windows winking in the perfect morning sun.

Bookworm Lisa - Excerpt

Before she could call for help, Marguerite was whipped around the tower, her envelop caught in the trusses. She banged into one pylon and then another, the glass around her shattered, tearing at her exposed cheeks and nose. She cried out and braced herself for impact with the ground, her giggles from the moment before were now cries for help.

Rockin' Book Reviews - The Beauty of a Steampunk Setting

But even better than the aesthetic beauty of the steampunk life is the versatility it affords a history buff. You can take almost any story from the past and turn it into something amazing using the basics of steampunk world builind.

Mel's Shelves - Crushing on Jacques

Jacques Laviolette is a man of many talents. Marguerite frequently takes for granted the tiger she has by the tail in this series. He comes from money, but he’s seen the rough side of life as well. He’s handsome, has a secure future as an aership captain, and certainly doesn’t need the headaches she brings to his life, and yet, he loves her anyway.

Christy's Cozy Corners - Excerpt

“Marguerite!” Jacques was the first on the scene. “Are you alright, my dear? Quick! Someone get a ladder. Call the medic! Move!” He was barking orders like the Air Captain he was born to be.

EskieMama Reads - Interview

What’s your next project?

I have a scifi book out on sub right now, and this amazing idea for a steampunk novel based on a Broadway play. Can’t really say much more, but keep your eyes open for some awesomeness!

Don't forget to enter the awesome giveaway below!

The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous GirlThe Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl
(The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl #2)
by Leigh Statham
YA Steampunk
Paperback & ebook, 297 pages
September 20th 2016 by Month9Books

Lady Marguerite Vadnay and her trusty automaton, Outil, have settled into life in New France rather well. Marguerite is top of the class at flight school and her future as an aerpilot is nearly secure. She has everything she wants— except a commission on the pirate hunting dirigible The Renegade. Using every card in her aristocratic arsenal, Marguerite wiggles her way onto the finest warship France has to offer. But as usual, Marguerite’s plans endanger the lives of those she holds dear— only this time no one else is going to save them. As Marguerite and Outil set off on a rescue mission they may not return from, she finally realizes it’s time to reorder her cogs.

This steampunk adventure is littered with facts from The Golden Age of Piracy and follows (not too closely) some of the lives and adventures of the brave men and women who sailed the seas as privateers, pirates and soldiers.

Other Books in the Series

The Perilous Journey of the Not So Innocuous Girl (The Perilous Journey of the Not So Innocuous Girl #1)The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl
(The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl #1)
by Leigh Statham
YA Steampunk
Paperback & ebook, 297 pages
March 17th 2015 by Month9Books

Lady Marguerite lives a life most 17th-century French girls can only dream of: money, designer dresses, suitors, and a secure future. Except she can’t quite commit to a life of dull luxury and she suspects she may be falling for her best friend Claude, a common smithy in the family's steam forge. When Claude leaves for New France in search of a better life, Marguerite decides to follow him and test her suspicions of love—only the trip proves to be more harrowing than she anticipated. Love, adventure, and restitution await her if she can survive the voyage.

Based on the true story of The Daughters of the King, Louis the XIV’s social program to settle the wilds of Canada with women of noble birth, Marguerite’s steampunk adventure follows in the footsteps of nearly one thousand brave women and girls who were rewarded handsomely for trekking across the pirate infested Atlantic to a strange land.

"The writing is solid and the world-building – that clever combination of historical detail and Ms. Statham’s imagination – is excellent."~ The Australia Times Books

Leigh Statham was raised in the wilds of rural Idaho, but found her heart in New York City. She worked as a waitress, maid, artist, math teacher, nurse, web designer, art director, thirty-foot inflatable pig and mule wrangler before she settled down in the semi-quiet role of wife, mother and writer. She resides in North Carolina with her husband, four children, five chickens and two suspected serial killer cats.

Leigh is also a founder of and is currently serving a life sentence there as senior editor and gnome driver. She loves all things sparkly and strange that go bump in the night.

Tour Giveaway

• 1 winner will win signed copies of The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl and The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl plus some awesome Steampunk goggles (US only)
• 3 winners will win ebook sets of The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl and The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl (open internationally)
• Ends September 23rd

Grab Our Button!

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