Thursday, May 5, 2016

Blog Tour Hidden Heart Windy City Book ONE! Giveaway!

 Title: Hidden Heart
Series: Windy City Series #1
By: Measha Stone
Publication Date: April 14, 2016
Cover Design: Double J Covers
Publisher: Orzel Publishing
Genre: BDSM/Erotica
Jessica Stanley is comfortable in her orderly life as a paralegal at a high end law firm. Having dated her fair share of liars and manipulators, Jessica views men through a pair of thick, cynical lenses. Men are good for one thing in her eyes, and one thing only. Her predictable life is thrown into a whirlwind of new experiences when she meets a dominating man at a casual dinner with friends. Royce Bradford is a man of intent and is used to getting his way. Until he meets Jessica. She is wound tight, and he finds himself yearning to unravel her secrets and her passions. Jessica declares their relationship casual. She’s tempted by his seductive tone and unusually powerful demeanor to give him that much. But for Royce, it’s not enough. He wants more. Except Jessica has built a secret tomb around her heart, and it will take a lot more than sensual play times and verbal commands for him to be allowed entrance. Royce never backs down from his desires. He takes up the challenge to seek out her Hidden Heart.
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“What are you thinking about?” He finally asked. “Last night.” An honest answer with no probing from him. “The bath?” He grinned. “No,” She laughed. “Although, who would have guessed that your shower head could do so much more than rinse my hair. I was thinking about what happened before the bath. I think we can take it off my limit’s list.” A subtle blush. “Take what off your list?” A small push. She sighed. “Isn’t it enough that I like it? That I’m willing to do it again? Do I have to say it?” Her eyes didn’t meet his. “Tell me what it is that can come off the limits list, and tell me you want to do it again. Willing makes it sound like you will endure it- and I remember last night very clearly. You did more than endure it.” “What will you do when I get so used to your way of talking that I stop blushing?” “Tell me.” He wouldn’t let her veer off course. She pierced her lips together and let out a long breath through her nose. She had already resigned herself to obeying, but she needed a moment to realize it. “You can take anal off my list. I would like to do it again.” She shoved a forkful of eggs into her mouth. “And again.” She grinned.
Secured Heart - Windy City #2
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Measha Stone lives in the western suburbs of Chicago with her husband and their children. She is a member of Romance Writers of America,as well as a member of the Windy City RWA Chapter. Her vanilla writing has been published in the online magazine efiction and the DuPage Writers Group annual journal Possibilities.
Social Media Links
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