Monday, October 5, 2015

Make Me Forget sale Blitz! Giveaway!

Title: Make Me Forget
Author: Brandy Lynn
Genre: New Adult/Romance
 Release Date: February 21, 2015


*Inspired by true events*

Where do you turn when the ones who are supposed to love you most, hurt you?

When is enough, enough?

That is the exact question Chloe Evans had when she escaped her own personal hell that terrifying night. Even though the road to rebuilding her life has been tough, she's spent the last few years trying to mend her battered soul. Doubting that all her efforts are even worth it, she begins to feel she will forever be tied to the man who took everything away from her.

Ryder Matthews is the epitome of what most girls associate with perfection. With his good looks, bad boy persona, multiple tattoos and piercings he is every girl’s fantasy; every girl except Chloe Evans that is. Ryder sees Chloe as a that he's more than confident he will win.

Drew Nichols is every girls dream guy. He’s sweet, sincere, trusting, and most of all patient. He’s exactly what Chloe needs in her life, but is he who she wants?

We all have things in life we'd like to forget about. Some bigger than others. When Chloe uses college as her diversion to escape the memories, will either of them be able to make her forget?

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Stepping into the building, I carefully maneuver myself through the throngs of people towards the elevator. As I step in, one of the boxes starts to fall from my arms and I quickly lean forward to try to catch it, when all of a sudden the entire contents in my arms start tumbling down. “FUCK.MY.LIFE,” I yell. Can this day get any worse? I have been here for less than an hour and already I’ve made an ass out of myself in front of people I don’t know.

“Here, let me help you,” a sweet sexy voice says. I peek around the boxes and notice a gorgeous guy picking up the contents that are spread out all over the elevator. He’s got dirty-blonde shaggy hair that hangs in a sexy mused manner, blazing brown eyes that remind me of my favorite mocha chocolate latte, tan skin that looks like he should be on a beach in Cali, and a straight angular jaw line that’s clean cut. He is definitely a pretty boy. Wow, who would have known that little old Radford could breed em’ like this, I think to myself. I’m taken aback by that thought just a bit. I mean I haven’t thought about guys in a long time. It’s strange and exciting all at the same time. I really have made a lot of progress these past few years.

“Thanks so much. I’m not sure why I thought I could make it upstairs with all these boxes without an incident. I am so clumsy. I really do appreciate your help. I’m sorry if I inconvenienced you in anyway,” I ramble. What the hell is wrong with me today? It must be the new environment. I typically don’t talk to men I don’t know and I definitely don’t ramble on about nonsense.

Mr. Sweet and Sexy cocks an eyebrow and I see the tilt of a smirk on his lips when he says “Really, it’s fine. I’m glad I was able to help out. Which floor were you headed too? I can help you take up this load to prevent any more accidents” Yep, kill me now. Immediately, I feel my neck start to warm from the flush. I’m sure my skin is glowing crimson red.

“Um, third floor, Room 306, I believe.” Oh. My. God. I just blurted out where I will be living to some random dude because he’s hot, sexy, or showed me a little kindness. What the hell is happening to me? After everything I’ve been through you would think I know not to give out personal tidbits about my life, such as where the hell to find me. I quickly duck my head trying to hide the fact that I feel exposed, because this guy, who I have no idea who he is, now knows where I will lay my head down at night.

“Cool. My cousin is actually in 306, Alexis Nichols. That’s where I was headed. “Actually,” he chuckles “She called me over to help her and her new roommate unload boxes and shit. You must be Chloe?” Sticking out his hand, he smiles a genuine smile with a slight glimmer in his eye. Introducing himself, he says “Drew Nichols.”

Reluctantly, I place my hand in his and introduce myself; “Yes, I’m Chloe; Chloe Evans. It’s good to meet you. So much for a good first impression,” I giggle softly. Did I just giggle? I am way outside of my comfort zone. This has to be my subconscious talking because I, Chloe Evans, do not do shit like this.

Author Bio

Brandy Lynn resides in Richmond, Virginia with her husband, teenage son, and six-year old Miniature Pinscher. She has a strong love for the written word, which started several years ago. Eventually, that love turned into passion and Brandy Lynn found herself blogging to the world of book lovers about her thoughts on what she was currently reading. After two years running a very successful blog, Brandy Lynn decided to try her hand at writing; ultimately finding happiness writing stories that you'll remember long after the book is closed.

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