Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Rough Edges Book Blitz

Rough Edges
Elsa Jacobs
Publication date: April 25th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Two teenage boys’ shared love for basketball brings their single parents together.

Laura Fields, a spirited head nurse, juggles the demands of her work life and the tough work of single motherhood. Her history with relationships isn’t great. But maybe the secret crush she has on a colleague will be different…

Bennett Keller, a ruggedly handsome supervisor at the local paper factory, sports inked skin that tells a tale of love, loss, and a vow to never love again.

So when their boys become fast friends on the court and off, the parents find themselves seeing a lot of each other. As Laura and Bennett’s lives entwine, they navigate the delicate balance of new love while honoring the memories that shaped them. In Meadows Creek, with its tranquil charm and supportive community, two people find themselves with a second chance at love. But will they take the risk of getting hurt again?

Get ready for a love story with a slam dunk!

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I wish I had a booty call on speed dial.

Amanda hummed, her bright pink lips shining in the low light, and her crystal blue eyes narrowed. “Want to go out and find a big dick to satisfy your craving?”

Emily gasped and dramatically fluttered her thick black lashes, but I burst out laughing. My best friend knew me inside and out. It had been years since I had any satisfying manly action. “I would even take a small, skillful one.” I giggled. “Or we could go shopping for something where I can choose the size.”

Amanda snorted. “Last time we went shopping, you bought a toy that made your pussy itch for weeks.”

“I’m cursed,” I breathed.

“You’re not cursed. One-night stands don’t agree with you; you need more. Someone you’ll see often, who can learn every intricate instruction of your body,” Emily said with a finger raised.

“Instruction of my body?” I gritted my teeth. “You make it sound like I’m a complicated spaceship that needs an engineer to operate.”

“You are,” Amanda stated.

“Fuck you, Mandy.”

“I would if I wasn’t married.” She laughed.

I snorted. Amanda and Nicole had had an on-and-off relationship since college. They had tied the knot after a decade of breaking up and reconciling. It was a joyous occasion to witness Amanda finally committing to Nicole after years of being scared to get married.

“Do you think I’m that complicated?”

The question slipped out of my mouth before I sealed my lips. Silence answered me, and damn it be, for shame rose in my gut. I missed having a man the most during those times, my horny times. Since my husband’s death, I hadn’t found a man who brought me to climax.

Not a single one.

Even though I was open and communicative in the bedroom, I seemed to lack something… or had too much of it? I didn’t see myself as hard to please, but maybe I was wrong.

“Babe, it’s not like that,” Amanda responded, but I didn’t believe her.

Shame poured over me like acid rain, and I choked back a sob.

I was complicated.

“Want to go out somewhere new and exciting?” Emily suggested, her radiant smile coating my discomfort with sweetness.

“I heard about a place in Albany called The Sultry Lounge where one might stumble across a DTF gentleman,” Amanda added.

I sighed and weaved my fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp.

I’ll have to go to his place, though. “Okay. Let’s find me some spice for tonight!” I blurted.

Looking at myself in the tiny mirror of my compact, I brushed my hair, put on some glossy lipstick, added a touch of mascara, and smiled. I might be as complicated as a spaceship, but I was a damn fine one. A flirty kiss to my reflection later, we were on our way to The Sultry Lounge.

Author Bio:

I’m Elsa Jacobs, an indie author of contemporary romance and romantic suspense/thriller. I write unique love stories with a substantial amount of twists, turns, and spices.

Let me tell you how it all started. A few years back, I was battling brutal insomnia that just wouldn’t quit. Nights were a blur of characters and plots swirling around in my head, refusing to let me catch some shut-eye. It was maddening. Writing became my escape hatch—I had to get these stories out of my head.

In less than a year, I wrote four drafts, all because I needed an outlet for the chaos that was keeping me up at night. Publishing wasn’t even on my radar; I just needed some peace of mind. But then, something unexpected happened. I sent a chapter to an editor, not really expecting much to come of it.

But instead of a brush-off, I found myself teaming up with that editor to bring my first novel to life.

It was a game-changer. That’s when I decided to take the plunge and share the rest of my drafts, bit by bit, with the world.

My stories might have been born out of sleepless nights, but they’ve become my sanctuary, and I hope they become yours too.



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Friday, May 24, 2024

One Weekend in Venice Book Blitz


One Weekend in Venice
Christi Barth
(One Weekend, #1)
Publication date: May 24th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Cady Staunton and Jasper Holt have been best friends forever–and only friends, aside from one unexpected kiss in Vegas eight years ago. But everything changes during a destination wedding in Venice.

Their rock band may or may not be breaking up. Jasper is definitely hiding a secret from her. Actually, they’ve both always hidden their true desires for each other. They intended to keep it that way until circumstances–and another accidental kiss–lead them to take a leap.

They’ll use this weekend in Venice to test shifting from friendship to something…more. If it doesn’t work? They’ll go back to being best friends. Except…that never works. And there’s still the problem of Jasper’s big secret and what to do about their band. Will their friendship, let alone their attempt at love, even survive the weekend?

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have you ever seen us be romantic?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Then why do you believe Jasper’s going to propose?” And—more to the point—why wasn’t Jasper busy shooting down this stupid rumor too?

Levi raised his arm before saying, “Because you’re single. Desperate.”

Nobody had asked for the answer to be crowdsourced. “That’s not—what? How do I give off desperate vibes?”

“You don’t.” Hudson awkwardly patted her shoulder. “Aside from I know you’re thirty.”

“Yes, but it isn’t 1930. God, Hudson, pull your head out of your chauvinistic, patriarchal ass.”

“And you made a promise. You two never go back on your word.”

Well. It was nice to be appreciated. Cady did take great pride in her reliability. It wasn’t sexy or exciting, but it kept their career moving in the right direction. It also meant that she was the go-to friend to fix any and everything.

Enough was enough. Jasper was a few steps ahead of her, making his way over the low, narrow stones of an arched bridge. All while he mimed a sword slicing through the air. She took the steps two at a time to catch up.

She tried, anyway.

The anorexically thin bootie heel slid between the cobblestones. That rolled her ankle. Cady plummeted sideways. As her body slid through nothingness, she remembered Jasper’s whole point about visiting this bridge.

No freaking guard rails.

Then the breath whooshed out of her as a strong arm banded her to a chest that might as well belong to a gargoyle as it was so hard. Instinctively, her hands clasped behind Jasper’s neck.

Bella signorina,” he murmured. “You’ve got to be more careful.” He triumphed over gravity and brought her upright—but only for a second.

As soon as both of her feet were planted, he tipped her the other way into a deep, right-outta-the-movies dip, bracing the small of her back against his thigh. Jasper kissed her. Cady gasped, and his mouth stole the breath as it settled over hers.

It felt…intentional.

Unlike last time, they were both sober. No excuse to fall back on. Nothing to prove.

And yet…

The kiss kept going. They both sank into it. As if they were lovers who’d reunited after being parted for years. His tongue took the lead in swirling and tasting and thrusting.

She distinctly felt everywhere they touched. The soft edge of his hair against her thumbs. One breast against his rock-hard pec. The distinct bulge in his pants along her ribs.

That was for…because of her?

Cady’s eyes flew open. She immediately met Jasper’s unwavering stare and the heat in them that almost threw off sparks. No mistake. He definitely knew who he was kissing.

And yet…

The kiss still kept going. It got wetter. Hotter. Deeper. More passionate. All her nerve endings were on high alert to the heat of the May morning. The strength of Jasper’s thigh against her ass. A strong scent of the sea from the tidal saltwater of the lagoon with a chaser of gasoline from all the boats.

Mostly, though, she smelled Jasper. The lemon, sage, and mossy cologne he’d worn for as long as she’d known him. And she tasted the sweetness of the strawberry crostata they’d chased with espresso before leaving the hotel.

And…she felt desire—strip your clothes off at the front door levels of desire—roaring through her. This wasn’t a casual kiss to be laughed off. Cady wanted all of him. Naked. Over her.

All of Jasper.

All of her best friend.

Oh, shit. Her best friend. She was making out and on the verge of dry humping her best friend. In broad daylight. That had to fall under “Things That Labeled You an Ugly American.” A bad tourist.

Author Bio:

USA TODAY bestseller Christi Barth earned a Masters degree in vocal performance and embarked upon a career on the stage. A love of romance then drew her to wedding planning. Ultimately she succumbed to her lifelong love of books and now writes contemporary romance. Christi lives in Maryland with her husband.

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Pity Parade Book Blitz


Pity Parade
Whitney Dineen
(Pity Series, #4)
Publication date: May 23rd 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

Trina Rockwell here. You know, your favorite TV host from Midwestern Matchmaker?I have a I am without a doubt, the unluckiest dater in the history of the entire world. I’m not even embellishing. I’ve inadvertently dated a mobster, a dead-beat dad, and a guy who puts salt on watermelon. What’s next, pineapple on pizza?As my past relationships reads like the who’s who of court jesters, it’s no wonder I’ve refused my producers desire to spotlight me as one of the singles on a new show they’re putting together.

The problem is that Midwestern Matchmaker just got canceled and unless I agree to their terms, I’m out of a job.

In order to keep doing what I love doing—matching midwestern singles, I either need to suck it up and parade my dating life on national television or I need to get married—STAT.

Guess which one I’m putting my money on?

Goodreads / Amazon


I sit down on the deck and take my shoes off. The warm boards feel wonderful on my bare feet. I can visualize myself drinking my morning coffee here every day at sunrise and sitting out and enjoying a glass of wine at the end of the day. If I weren’t so desperate to get out of doing another show with Tom, I’d forget everything to do with men and simply enjoy the summer for myself.

I’m suddenly eager to put my feet into the water, so I stand up and walk down to the end of the pier. Within moments, I’m lost in my reverie and I don’t hear anyone approach before a deeply masculine voice announces, “Hi there, you must be my neighbor.”

I spin around so quickly I almost tip over. Oh. My. Heavens. I’m staring at the glorious-looking Heath Fox. My mouth suddenly goes so dry I can barely ask, “You’re my neighbor?”

His green eyes pop open in recognition as he answers, “Trina Rockwell. Imagine meeting you here.”

Heath and I met at a charity event last year. He was one of the bachelors being auctioned off for the cause—childhood diabetes. One look at him kicked my libido into overdrive and I bid more on him than the next three men received combined—for charity, of course.

“What are you doing here?” I ask this as though inquiring why he’s sunbathing on the moon or why he has fourteen toes on each foot.

“I’m taking the summer off to enjoy myself. How about you?”

“Me? Oh … um … same.” Heath’s and my charity date went spectacularly well, or so I thought, until he kissed me goodnight. After that, he assured me in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t looking to get involved with anyone.

I was offended to the extreme. It’s not like I thought I was buying a relationship with the man, but to end the night by giving me the kiss off—literally—was a bit much.

“Dating anyone?” he wants to know.

“I’m not exactly sure why would you care?” Yeah, I’m still mad, but better keep it passive-aggressive. I’m not a shrew or anything.

He shrugs nonchalantly. “I don’t know. I thought I might have heard from you again after our evening out, but I didn’t.”

You thought you’d hear from me?”

“I thought we had a nice time,” he says.

“Then maybe you should have called.” So I could tell him to take a long walk off a short pier.

“According to the paperwork we signed for the auction, I wasn’t allowed to make first contact after our date. They didn’t want any of the ladies to feel unsafe.” I don’t remember reading that, but it sounds plausible.

“Huh.” I mean, what else can I say? Oh wait, I know. “You made it perfectly clear you weren’t looking for a relationship. I can’t imagine you thought I was clueless enough not to take the hint.”

“I wasn’t looking for a relationship,” he confirms. Then with a smirk that nearly melts my butter, he adds, “Nothing long lasting, anyway.”

Author Bio:

Whitney loves to laugh, play with her kids, bake, and eat french fries -- not always in that order.

Whitney is a multi-award-winning author of romcoms, non-fiction humor, and middle reader fiction. Basically, she writes whatever the voices in her head tell her to.

She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, Jimmy, where they raise children, chickens, and organic vegetables.

Gold Medal winner at the International Readers' Favorite Awards, 2017.

Silver medal winner at the International Readers' Favorite Awards, 2015, 2016.

Finalist RONE Awards, 2016.

Finalist at the IRFA 2016, 2017.

Finalist at the Book Excellence Awards, 2017

Finalist Top Shelf Indie Book Awards, 2017

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

My Enemy’s Boyfriend Book Blitz


My Enemy’s Boyfriend
Linda Kage
(The Seven, #2)
Publication date: May 23rd 2024
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


It was no mystery why I hated Genesis Gusano. She liked to take other people’s things. The bitch stole a pair of my cutest shoes along with my favorite necklace and a school paper I’d written, which had nearly gotten me expelled from Haverick University entirely. But the last straw came when she dared to take the one thing I’d been pining over for two years.


I had craved Hudson Ivey in a way I didn’t even know craving was possible, and that was before I’d learned his dang name.

He had no idea he’d become a possession that two enemies were warring over. All he wanted to do was graduate with his culinary arts degree and become the best chef possible.

But now he’s stuck in Genesis’s sick game until a ghost from his past changes all the rules, possessing him in a whole new, far more dangerous way.

I promised myself I was done with the paranormal life. I was determined to be a normal, everyday, average girl. But I can’t just stand aside and watch him be destroyed. So I guess it’s time for a little Faith to step in and save the day.

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“What the hell are you wearing?”

“Huh?” He glanced down at himself, then added, “Oh. Yeah. I had my six-month evaluation at work this evening. Didn’t get a chance to change out of the monkey suit before I had to leave home again.”

I wanted to ask him why he’d had to leave home so unexpectedly in the first place, but…

He was wearing a suit.

Unable to get past that, I backed myself into the nearest wall and stared, basically forced to gawk unashamedly.

“Suit,” I whimpered, no longer operating with brain cells but supercharged by hormones alone.

He sent me an amused squint as he slipped his hand down his tie and stepped close. “Yes, I’m in a suit,” he answered before he grinned suddenly and winked at me. “And I look good in it, too, don’t I? But, uh…” He motioned his finger around me. “Why are you hovering against the wall like that?”

I shuddered, and all my self-discipline crumbled. “To keep myself from doing…this.”

Reaching out, I grabbed his tie and yanked him forward with it, intent to crush his mouth against mine.

But the man had super reflexes. “Whoa. Hey!” he cautioned, slamming his palm against the wall near my face to brace himself from getting tugged all the way in.

Our noses were about five inches apart as he grinned and shook his head. “Down, girl. I thought you were an all-looky, no-touchy kind of stalker.”

“What in God’s name made you think that?” I demanded, scowling slightly as I tugged experimentally on his tie, only to find his resistance firm and unwavering. “I never agreed to that.”

“It’s part of this unspoken thing between us,” he argued, looking amused as his attention strayed down to my mouth.

I scowled. “There’s no unspoken thing between us.”

His gaze shot back up to mine, and when his eyebrows crinkled in a really? kind of way, I started to melt.

“Sure there is,” he murmured in a silken, hot voice that made my freaking ovaries start to sizzle.

And those eyebrows…

Oh God, he was using them on me, and it was the most amazing thing in the world.

I begged him with my stare, pleaded with him to change his mind and just kiss me already.

In return, his features softened. His head swayed toward me, loosening to the pull between us. He was giving in to the idea, I could see it on his face.

So I whispered…

Author Bio:

Linda writes romance fiction from YA to adult, contemporary to fantasy. Most Kage stories lean more toward the lighter, sillier side with a couple meaningful moments thrown in. Focuses more on entertainment value and emotional impact.
Published since 2010. Went through a 2-year writing correspondence class in children's literature from The Institute of Children's Literature. Then graduated with a Bachelors in Arts, English with an emphasis in creative fiction writing from Pittsburg State University.

Now she lives with hubby, two daughters, cat Holly, and nine cuckoo clocks in southeast Kansas, USA. Farm girl. Parents were dairy farmers. Was youngest of eight. Big family. Day job as a cataloging library assistant.

Harry Potter House Gryffindor, Patronus White Stallion, character match Hagrid. Supernatural Team Dean. Game of Thrones Team Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister. The Walking Dead Team Daryl. Outlander Team Jamie Fraser. Teen Wolf Team Stiles. Avenger Team Thor...or Hulk (can't decide). Justice League Team Flash. Arrow Team Stephen Amell. Stranger Things obsessed. Heard Laurel, not Yanny.

Started out reading with the Baby-Sitters Club. Then moved to Sandra Brown, Linda Howard, Julie Garwood, and LaVyrle Spencer in high school. Now all over the place with her romance reading tastes.

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Monday, May 20, 2024

The Broken and Afraid Reveal


The Broken and Afraid
Monica Corwin
Publication date: August 1st 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

I can still feel the sand under my nails. The blood on my skin.

Parrish’s blood on my skin.

It’s been a year since my friends, Poe, Gin, and I returned home from overseas and left military service. A year of waiting to take our fallen friend’s ashes to the ocean he loved more than anything else.

But we can’t do it alone. Not when every night is a circle jerk of nightmare fuel and none of us can even look at each other without breaking.

I need her. The nurse who saved my life, my ex, the girl I thought I’d marry one day. But she hates me. I’m only hoping she can put our past aside long enough for one final mission.

The Broken and Afraid is a why choose steamy road trip romance with ptsd reconciliation, sword crossing, and so much only one RV vibes.

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Author Bio:

Monica Corwin is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author. She is an outspoken writer attempting to make romance accessible to everyone, no matter their preferences. As a Northern Ohioian, Monica enjoys snow drifts, three seasons of weather, and a dislike of Michigan football. Monica owns more books about King Arthur than should be strictly necessary. Also typewriters...lots and lots of typewriters.

You can find her on Facebook at:, on Twitter at:, on the web at: Monica Corwin is also on Instagram: and Bookbub:

If you want up to date information on releases be sure to follow her here on Amazon or you can join her newsletter at

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

This For Change


Title: Time for Change
Series: Burgers and Brew Crüe #9
Author: Lacey Black
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Small Town/Age Gap/Single Father
Opposites Attract/He Falls First
Cover Design: Melissa Gill Designs
Photographer: Wander Aguiar Photography
Release Date: June 18, 2024



There’s nothing more liberating than picking up your life and relocating. I needed a fresh start, desperately looking to get away from my past. Stewart Grove is such a cute small town and seems like the perfect place to settle. Add in the fact I got a job serving at the popular Burgers and Brew restaurant, and everything seems to be clicking into place.

Then single dad Jack Harper sat down at one of my tables and turned my world upside down.

I wasn’t expecting to meet a man so quickly after moving, let alone one ten years my senior, but there’s no denying the instant connection. The problem is, I carry a secret. One that could destroy this new life I’m creating.

I just pray it all doesn’t blow up in my face.


Weekends are spent with my kids. As a local electrician and business owner, I don’t exactly work your typical nine-to-five job. Add in co-parenting with my ex-wife, and there isn’t a lot of free time for myself. Dates have always been an afterthought, especially when the few I’ve been on didn’t go well. I’m content with just being Dad, making sure my kids always come first.

Then I met her.

Stevie Clement is completely unexpected in the best sort of way, and I find myself drawn to her like I’ve never experienced. I want all of her time, in my life and in my bed.

However, it may come down to an impossible decision: my kids or the woman I want to spend my life with.



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USA Today Bestselling Author Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading, writing, and shopping. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and three rowdy chickens.


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Brutal Kings


Brutal Kings Series
Author: Via Mari
Genre: Dark Romance
Tropes: Mafia Romance/Enemies to Lovers


I’m a ruthless mafia prince. She’s feared me for a lifetime. Will our love survive the sins of the past?

As head of the Larussio mafia family, people whisper “Giovanni Larussio” with fear and reverence across the land. I didn’t aspire to be heir to the crime throne, but the choice is not mine. I must ensure the ruthless birthright endures, and the Italian family will not let anyone stand in the way of that.

Especially her… a girl from the wrong side of the tracks who doesn’t belong in our world. But Serena’s innocence calls to me on a primal level and my savage heart wants her for my own.

Breaking through the wall of Serena’s defenses will not be easy, but nothing worth having ever is. I’m known for my fearless brutality, and nothing scares me—except losing the dark-haired beauty.

When my rivals find out Serena is my weakness, they make the deadly mistake of threatening her life. I’ll enjoy teaching them to cower in terror from the beast they’ve unleashed with me.

But when she sees the deadly truth, will any chance at love die with my enemies?

Rule is the volatile first book in the completed Brutal Kings trilogy by Via Mari. It is a deliciously dark, enemies to lovers, mafia romance. You will love this trilogy where the passion is fiery, the loyalty is fierce, and the stakes are high. Each novel in this collection builds on the next and is most enjoyably read from beginning to end with a guaranteed HEA in the final book, Reign.



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A crime boss heir named Giovanni. A dark-hired beauty caught between two worlds. Will I win the mafia war and keep her as my prize?

After a deadly attack, I’m next in line for the Larussio crime family throne, and in charge of an exclusive casino to keep my uncle’s legacy alive.I can have any woman I want, but I’ve never seen any reason to settle for more than one night with a single woman.

But that was all before her.

Serena Moretti’s family has suffered years of hardship and oppression at the hands of my relatives, they call us Cosa Nostra. Her parents raised her to believe the Larussios are merciless savages. They weren’t wrong. But now that I have her, I’m not letting her go.

My ruthless cousins and I allow our enemies to live, as long as they stay in their own territory. However, when brutal rivals circle too close to the woman I adore, they unleash a fury and wrath they will not survive.

But am I strong enough to keep Serena protected from the greatest danger of them all: me?

Rise is the thrilling second book in the completed Brutal Kings trilogy by Via Mari. It is a deliciously dark, enemies to lovers, mafia romance. You will love this trilogy where the passion is fiery, the loyalty is fierce, and the stakes are high. Each novel in this collection builds on the next and is most enjoyably read from beginning to end with a guaranteed HEA in the final book, Reign.



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A mafia crime prince. A dark-haired beauty. Will our love survive the ruthless vendetta of our enemies?

I am Giovanni Larussio, heir to the mafia crime family throne. When my ruthless cousins expand our reach and stake claim on the Las Vegas territory, it makes me and those I love a target for our enemies.

When the rivals attack, Serena is exposed to just how savage the Larussio family and their enemies can be. She learns first-hand the dangers of being with a brutal, future mafia boss like me.

Once Serena knows the truth, will she flee from the criminal underworld or embrace life with a dark-souled man entangled in a world of sin?

Reign is the explosive conclusion in the completed Brutal Kings trilogy by Via Mari. It is a deliciously dark, enemies to lovers, mafia romance. You will love this trilogy where the passion is fiery, the loyalty is fierce, and the stakes are high. Each novel in this collection builds on the next and is most enjoyable to read from beginning to end with a guaranteed HEA in the final book, Reign.



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Via lives in the Midwest with her husband. As a child raised in both the United States and the United Kingdom, she spent countless hours traveling and developed a passion for the written word at a young age.

She is also an avid reader of romance. In fact, you can find her curled up in an overstuffed chair, especially during winter when the wood fire is crackling and popping, reading a page-turning novel until the early hours of the morning.


Pain & Promises Release


Title: Pain & Promises
Series: Stepbrothers of New York #1
Author: Meadow Jones
Genre: MM Romance
Tropes: Hurt/Comfort, Grumpy/Sunshine
Release Date: May 16, 2024


My stepbrother had always been my favorite person until he returned from college, a completely different man. Ten years later, we're back in each other's lives, and I hate being around him. However, I start to see glimpses of the person I used to know and love. At first, I try to deny my feelings, but I realize I still love my stepbrother. When I discover that he has been living in loneliness, I'm compelled to heal him and make him understand that I'll never let him push me away again.

I returned home from college feeling broken and ruined. I decided to keep everyone at a distance, including those I've always loved. As a result, I'm isolated and barely leave my home. Ten years later, Amund, my stepbrother, re-enters my life. Though I hate having him around, I also secretly enjoy his company. Amund is better off not knowing my truth, but I can't resist my brother's desire to help me. Amund wants to heal me and be a part of my future. I'm torn between my past and a future with Amund, but I soon believe I can have both.


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Meadow Jones is a hopeless romantic who loves makeup, the beach and anything with whiskey. If she's not writing, she's most likely reading and enjoying a Crown and Coke. She can't help but give her character's a hard fought HEA, with lots of heat and even more heart. Follow Meadow on Facebook and other social media under Meadow Jones Writes. Oh, and she loves chatting with her readers, so don't hesitate to DM her.


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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Most Eligible Killer


Most Eligible Killer
Daria White
Publication date: June 4th 2024
Genres: Adult, Cozy Mystery, Mystery

Love, lies, and a lethal reunion.

In the heart of Edenville, Texas, Bianca Wallace’s life is blooming—her business is thriving and her romance with Detective Lamar Sims is heating up. But when her high school crush, Eddie Talbert, becomes the prime suspect in a murder case at her mother’s matchmaking event inspired by ‘The Bachelor,’ her world spirals into chaos.

Reluctantly drawn back into Eddie’s life, Bianca must sift through past feelings and present dangers, as Lamar races to solve the crime. Torn between her blossoming love and a past flame, Bianca’s loyalties are tested—does she trust her heart or the evidence stacking up against Eddie?

As secrets surface, Bianca realizes she might be closer to the killer than she ever imagined. Will her quest for truth be her last?

Dive into Most Eligible Killer to discover if Bianca’s pursuit of justice will salvage her future or sever her deepest ties forever.

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Author Bio:

Daria has lived in Texas for most of her life. She never liked reading as a kid. In fact, she almost hated it. However, as she grew up that all changed. Though she received her degree in healthcare management, Daria kept her writing as a hobby. She meant it to be private and her own way of expressing herself. It never crossed her mind to publish until she was in college. So, she took a chance and self published. It worked! Starting off as a sweet romance writer first, Daria branched out in 2020 with books in cozy mystery and Christian fiction. She even has nonfiction titles in the works, reflecting her Christian faith and work in ministry.

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The Summer I Met You Cover Reveal


The Summer I Met You
Blair Hayse
Publication date: June 20th 2024
Genres: New Adult, Romance

Small town southern girl Brianna Davis’s world is spinning faster than she can keep up with. She’s burying herself working as a hotel manager, having her personal life scrutinized as a socialite, and has one of the town’s most eligible bachelors on the hook in the form of Branson. However, it isn’t long before Brianna finds that relationship collapsing, as she falls intensely for Branson’s fiercest enemy in town: popular DJ and bar owner Levi Arrington. Sure, Levi caught her heart from the moment she met him, but there are too many complications for them to become a couple right now, aren’t there? He needs to grow up and she needs to open herself to love. Add to that the town, which sees the rising flames of passion all too well and is doing everything it can to stamp them out. Will Brianna find the love of her life in Levi, or will the small town rumors, drama, and the smothering presence of Branson be too much for her to bear?

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble

Author Bio:

Blair was born and raised in Tupelo, Mississippi. After graduating high school in 1999, she lived in Birmingham, Alabama, before moving back to Mississippi in 2008. She is an avid yoga lover, free spirit, shopping addict, and mom to four beautiful children: Parker, Kathryn, Jackson, and River Rose. She currently resides in Northeast Mississippi and enjoys traveling in her spare time.

Blair is a visibility coach for creatives and enjoys helping authors and speakers create a platform on which they can thrive. Blair is a nine-time best-selling author and international speaker.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Spellbinders Release Blitz


I am so excited that the paperback of SPELLBINDERS: THE NOT-SO-CHOSEN ONE by Andrew Auseon is available now and that I get to share the news!

If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.

This blitz also includes a giveaway for a signed copy of the book & swag courtesy of Andrew & Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.


About The Book:


Author: Andrew Auseon

Pub. Date: May 14, 2024

Publisher: Yearling

Formats:  Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Audiobook

Pages: 448

Find it: Goodreads 

"Ben may only be pretending to be the 'Chosen One'—but I’ve definitely chosen this one as my favorite new fantasy series.”
—Max Brallier, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Last Kids on Earth series

How far would you go to play the hero? One seventh grader gets way more than he bargained for when he is swept into the fantasy quest of his gaming dreams in this funny illustrated series full of adventure and twists.

It’s not so easy being the Chosen One (or in Ben Whitlock’s case, pretending to be the Chosen One). Sure, when you’ve been mistaken for a long-prophesied hero by a teenage girl/mysterious assassin and transported to a fantasy realm you're supposedly destined to save, you don’t have to worry about things like math homework. But when flying narwhals are trying to blast you into oblivion (gulp) and a bunch of old mystics in flip-flops want you to enter something called the Gullet of Eternal Torment (double gulp), suddenly a C in algebra doesn’t seem like such a big deal.

Back in the real world, Ben preferred to escape into fictional adventures and role-playing games. But the more he learns about his true quest, the more he realizes that being a hero goes way beyond rolling a few dice. . . .


Spellbinders hooked me from the beginning, but it became one of my favorites around the first flying narwhals.'“—James Riley, New York Times bestselling author of the Story Thieves series

"Here comes a new series that brilliantly embodies the power of creativity....The book’s immersive fantasy world of Lux is one I did not want to leave."—George Jreije, author of the Shad Hadid series

"To use the local parlance, a “ridonkulously” entertaining kickoff." —Booklist

"The themes of interpersonal relationships and change give the work emotional heft...A love letter to escapism and writing one’s own destiny." Kirkus Reviews

"Through subversions of familiar fantasy tropes and a thoroughly engaging plot, Auseon conjures an idiosyncratic realm replete with endearing characters, madcap humor, and hijinks-filled adventure"— Publisher’s Weekly


Book Trailer:



Life with Biscuit

“Did you just call me an Ogre Lord?”


A chair squeaked. “Ben? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.”

Outside in the nearest tree, a small bird chirped joyously, and somewhere far away on the recess field, a kickball boinged. Shouts and clapping. A potted plant on the principal’s sunny windowsill died of thirst, inches from a full pitcher of water.

There was no Ogre Lord. This was not a dungeon throne room.

Across from Ben sat Mr. Sandusky, the principal of Sweet Air Middle School, and a man with far too many photos of his dog on his desk. It was like a shrine to a potbellied, bug-eyed pug named Biscuit--a name that Ben knew because Biscuit was usually photographed wearing expensive sweaters with his name on them.

“You looked far away,” Mr. Sandusky said with a smile.

Ben blinked, taking in his surroundings. Real life, in all its boring sameness. Room B12, the principal’s office. It was 3:15 p.m. on another Friday. “Yeah, sorry,” he said, feeling a rush of color in his cheeks.

The kids outside shouted and laughed, and he’d never felt more alone.

“Tell me, Ben,” said Mr. Sandusky, leaning forward with his elbows on the edge of his desk. “How are you doing?” A single strand of hair crossed from one side of his pale bald head to the other, like a crack in an eggshell. On one of his bookshelves sat a framed photo of Biscuit in a stroller. The principal seemed like a nice guy, but it was sometimes tough to take him seriously.

Ben would have preferred the Ogre Lord.

“It’s been six months since you came to us,” Mr. Sandusky said, “and I’d like to think you’re settling in.” His fake smile turned upside down. “But I’ve talked to your teachers, Ben, and they’re worried about you. They say you don’t pay any attention in class and don’t talk to any of the other students in the halls. They say that you spend all your time doodling in your little notebooks.”

Ben tried to explain. “When I get ideas, I have to write them down.”

“What about making friends? How is that going?”

“I’ve already got friends,” Ben said. “But they’re back home. I’m sort of the leader, the one who keeps the group together. Well, I was, until we moved.”

“Who’s the leader now?” Mr. Sandusky asked.

“It’s called a Quest Master,” Ben said, “and the new Quest Master is my friend Big Barry.”

“Why is he called that?”

“Because he’s bigger than Regular Barry.”

“I see.”

Ben sighed. “I don’t really need to make new friends here because we’re not going to stay in Sweet Air.”

Mr. Sandusky’s eyebrows jumped. “Oh, you’re not staying?”

“I have a feeling this whole move won’t last very long,” Ben said with a shake of his head. If he said it enough times, he might actually start to believe it.

“Well . . . ,” Mr. Sandusky began, rubbing his hands together. “Six months is a long time.”

“Maybe. But why make new friends when I’ve got a great group back home?”

“Okay. That’s fair. Do you still see them a lot?”

Glancing away, Ben felt his face flush. “Not a lot. Not right now. I mean, it’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to hang out, but I’m seeing them tonight, actually. They promised.”

“Tell me,” Mr. Sandusky said. “When you and your friends get together, what do you do for fun?”

“Games, role-playing games, mostly.”

“A role-playing game. Is that like playing pretend? Like, with imaginary friends?”

Ben grumbled. “No. I’m talking about Kingdoms of Forever, the fantasy game. It was created a long time ago, like, in the nineteen-somethings. It’s pretty famous. You play with a group of friends. Um, not imaginary ones. The real kind.”

“And you play Kingdoms of Forever with them?”

“I used to, back home,” Ben said, flinching at the words back home, which he found himself saying much too often. “We played every week. They were my party. That’s what they call the group you adventure with--a party.”

“Neato. Parties are fun.”

“Once, my friend Wanda’s character got turned into seaweed.”

“Exciting!” Mr. Sandusky said, but in that voice adults use when they’re making you feel good about something they think is a waste of time. “Maybe you could meet some kids here who play? Start a new game group?”

Ben shook his head. “I’ve already got a party. We call ourselves the Five of Legend.” Leaning over, he unzipped his backpack and dug inside. “But until I go back home, I’ve been working on making my own game, as practice.”

“You’re making a game?” Mr. Sandusky asked, brightening. “Wow. That’s so cool. Does it have a name?”

“Not yet.” Ben pulled a large notebook out of his backpack and set it on his lap, trying to keep it balanced, as stray scraps of paper fluttered to the office floor. A shooting star was branded into the fake-leather cover.

Mr. Sandusky’s eyes widened. “Wow. What’s all that?”

Ben grinned. The notebook had been a gift from his dad, and he carried it with him everywhere. Last time he’d checked, he’d filled 541 of its 600 pages. Inside, he kept scattered notes on his new fantasy game, all the ideas he’d been recording since last summer: maps; monster descriptions; long, cool character backstories; complex family trees; and, most important, all the rules of how to play. It was more than a story, it was a whole world, and it was the only place where he felt in control.

“I can see that you’re passionate about this,” Mr. Sandusky said, scrunching up his face so that he bore a remarkable resemblance to Biscuit. “But you can’t work on your game in class, and you can’t ignore your teachers. You won’t make any friends if you avoid the other students.”

“I’m not avoiding--”

Smiling, Mr. Sandusky leaned over his desk. “Listen. I know you’re new here, and I know we don’t know each other that well. But I can see that you’re a smart kid. Very smart. You’ve got so much potential. How can we help you learn if you’re always distracted, always somewhere else in your head? You can’t succeed in life if you don’t take it seriously sometimes, if you don’t set goals for yourself.”

Ben had been in enough of these meetings to know what to expect. Especially when the principal, teacher, or guidance counselor started pulling out words like potential and goals. He was twelve. His goals should be playing laser tag with Wanda and Dee Dee, or brainstorming the best way to melt an Ice Dwarf, or scavenging for turkeys online with strangers in Smash Royale. He should enjoy life, like Biscuit in his little stroller.

“Can I go home now?” he asked. “It’s Friday.”

“Got some big Friday plans?” Mr. Sandusky asked.

“I’m going to the Fantasy Fandom Convention downtown. My friends are supposed to meet me. We do it every year.” He didn’t mention that Wanda, Dee Dee, Big Barry, and the Pooch hadn’t been returning his texts, or if they did, the responses always seemed to be one-word bursts, like “sweet,” “vibe,” or “chill,” and nothing important.

Although his recent text messages had gone unanswered, Ben wasn’t worried. He and his friends had attended every annual Fan Fan Con since their first trip back in fourth grade, for Wanda’s birthday, when the movie series Toxic Freaks had turned the entire convention floor into a working sewer system. The convention started as Ben’s idea, something special he and his father had done together every spring since he was a little kid, back when they’d been a family.

Fan Fan Con was the Midwest’s largest gathering of fantasy fiction and gaming enthusiasts, founded in 1982, where the keynote speakers were William Dalton and J. S. Profit, the creators of legendary role-playing game Kingdoms of Forever. Ben would have given anything to attend that first convention, but it was held thirty years before he was even born, so unless somebody invented a time machine, he’d have to settle for the current version, which was still his favorite day of the year.

Mr. Sandusky stood up. “Good for you, Ben. I hope it’s fun. But do me a favor and try not to be back here again next week. All right?”

“I’ll try,” Ben said.

They shook hands for some reason, like they’d been having a business lunch. The principal’s hand felt like a chicken thigh from the grocery store--soft and cold, pressed tight against the plastic package.

Outside, Ben took a deep breath, relieved to have once again survived a duel with the principal of Sweet Air Middle School. A few seconds later, the final bell rang and doors flew open, spilling rowdy students into the empty hallway. Ben made straight for the exit, brain starting to rev up again, bursting with ideas for his notebook: spells (Fog of the Mind-Bender, Dark Malarkey), monsters (Knot of Tentacles), and magical items (Hover Pants), all of them inspired by his daydreaming.

He caught the bus at the corner by the cell phone store, taking the F40, which started in the outer suburbs and ended in the center of downtown. After his parents’ divorce, Ben and his mom had moved to Sweet Air, a small town twenty miles outside the city. Sweet Air’s claim to fame was Gas Monster™, a popular medicine that helped with stomachaches . . . and turned your poop white.

The bus was mostly empty. An old lady with a goldfish in a clear plastic bag sat near the front, across from a pair of guys outfitted in green cloaks and pointy ears, headed to Fan Fan Con. Far back in the last row of the bus lounged a teenage girl with purple hair that fell in waves and curls down her back, another fangirl on her way to the convention. Nobody paid Ben any attention at all.

He checked his phone: 3:48. Plenty of time. His last text still glowed in the ongoing chat between him, DD, WANDA, BBARRY, and DE POOCH.


Opening his notebook, Ben settled down in his seat and began to draw the first thing that came to mind, and, as always, the rest of the world seemed to melt away.

The Butt-Doodle Bench

When the F40 approached Lamplighter Avenue, Ben pulled the cord to signal his stop, and got off in front of the old public library. A pair of tall owl statues loomed on either side of the library steps, watching the sidewalk suspiciously. He cut behind the building to the large park in back, which overlooked a broken fountain and a colorful carousel that groaned and sagged when it turned. Little kids raced around a playground sprayed with graffiti, and moms and dads pushed strollers along the overgrown paths. Not one of them pushed a dog in a sweater.

When he lived in the city, Ben and his friends came to this park to meet and hang out. They’d even marked their favorite old bench with a collection of gum wads and butt doodles, as if they were a secret society casting a spell that kept everybody else away. When he sat in that spot overlooking the carousel, the world around him felt normal again. Like he was himself. Like nothing had changed.

He sat down and checked his phone: 4:30. Right on time. He tapped a text:


As he waited for a response, he tried to distract himself from the fact that he hadn’t gotten many replies in the last few days, and the ones he’d received didn’t exactly share his level of enthusiasm.

Like, from Dee Dee:


Or the Pooch:


And the final message from Wanda, arriving just that morning:


They wanted to change the routine for the first time in history, something Ben could never support. Every time they brought it up, he shut them down with a playful GIF of a cat staring at a bathtub full of water above the words NO THANKS, BRO! Fan Fan Con was a tradition, and after months of anticipation, he was ready to meet up with his friends like they did every year and hit the convention floor. It was the only way he’d find the courage to return to Sweet Air again, where he’d have to survive another long stretch in a desert of loneliness.

Opening his notebook, he scratched out a few ideas on a blank page.

And he waited.

And kept waiting.

Five o’clock came and went.

Notifications for all the convention events Ben was missing popped up on his phone one after another: 5:00: Chloe Perkins, “How to Draw the Crustiest Hags”; 5:00: Dean and Sean Flicker, “Twins and Mind Powers”; 5:30: Laser Beak Studios, “Creating the Worlds of Kingdoms of Forever.” At 5:32, he couldn’t resist any longer and texted the group chat:


Nothing. Not from Dee Dee, Wanda, Big Barry, or the Pooch.


No answer. They’d ghosted him.

Or worse. They’d started a new tradition.

But that didn’t make any sense. He was the Quest Master, the one who’d introduced them to each other.

Ben sat alone in their park--on their bench--and watched the carousel turn, its rusty old circus animals bringing smiles to the faces of all the children. Fan Fan Con was in full swing only thirteen blocks away, but he didn’t even care anymore. Going alone wasn’t the point.

Growing up, Ben could always count on Wanda, Dee Dee, Big Barry, and the Pooch to have his back, whether they were copying each other’s homework in algebra or raiding the Minotaur dungeons of Upper Gruel, deep in the flooded Canyons of Worm. Five unique kids who’d never completely fit in on their own but who fit perfectly together as a group, where each had a space to be themselves.

They were the Five of Legend, and they changed Ben’s life, because when you find the right people, the whole world seems to brighten.

All his life, people had accused Ben of being a dreamer, of wasting his time with silly games and make-believe worlds, as though he couldn’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Unfortunately, his parents’ divorce had taught him the difference pretty fast, and everything he loved--monsters, sorcerers, legends, and quests--all seemed pretty silly by comparison. He felt comfortable sharing his ideas with his friends, but outside that group he’d always felt exposed, like he’d been hit with the bright beam of a spotlight.

That’s why, when he wasn’t scribbling furiously in his notebook, he kept it bound tightly with fat blue rubber bands, tucked away from prying eyes.

His phone buzzed, and he practically dropped it in his hurry to check the message; but it was from his mom, not his friends:




He sighed. Even his mom had better things to do and more important people to see. They’d been close when he was younger, but she worked all the time now, and he hardly ever saw her.




About Andrew Auseon:

Andrew Auseon is the author of several books for children and young adults, and he is the writer of numerous bestselling and award-winning video games. A transplant from the Midwest, he lives in Washington, D.C. with his family and two very naughty cats. He loves breakfast cereal, the sound of the ocean, and the feeling of a brand-new book in his hands.


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Giveaway Details:

2 winners will receive a signed finished copy of SPELLBINDERS: THE NOT-SO-CHOSEN ONE & a swag pack. US Only.

Ends June 8th, midnight EST.