Title: Keeping Promises
Author: Renea Porter
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 26, 2018
I’m engaged to be married. But I have feelings for someone else… my sisters soon to be ex.
I keep feeling this magnetic pull toward Guy. Maybe it’s his British accent. Or the way his hair curls at the ends that makes me want to run my hands through it. Maybe it’s the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. Whatever it is, something is there, and I can’t shake it.
He’s my brother in law. It’s so wrong on so many levels. Even if there was a possibility there, it feels wrong because he belonged to my sister first. It’s becoming hard to ignore the nervousness that swirls inside me whenever I’m around him.
He says he won’t give up until I tell him I choose Trevor instead.
I can’t tell him that.
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Since my sister left Guy, I’ve barely heard from her. However, he’s thrown himself into the restaurant and even won an award for Best Steakhouse in the area. That is exceptionally rare for such a new restaurant. Lately, I’ve noticed there hasbeen a little pep in Guy’s step.
“Hey.” Smiling, I tug on his sleeve playfully.
“Yeah?” He spins around to face me.
“It’s good to have you back.”
“What did you call it? Back to the land of the living.” He smirks, nudging my arm with his elbow.
I laugh. “Yeah.”
“With the restaurant flourishing, I’m happy to be busy.”
To top everything off, I’ve been feeling this magnetic pull toward Guy. I don’t know. Maybe it’s his British accent, or the way his hair curls at the ends, that makes me want to run myhands through it. Maybe it’s the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles.
Whatever it is, something is there. And I can’t shake it. He’s my brother-in-law. Or my soon to be ex-brother-in-law. It’s so wrong on so many levels. Even if there was a possibility there, he belonged to my sister first. But it’s becoming hard to ignore the nervousness that swirls in my belly and my fast beating heart whenever I’m around him.
Six months ago, my boyfriend of five years finally proposed, and I said yes. That was way before my feelings for Guy shifted. Just being in Guy’s presence is already affecting me in ways that I can’t explain.
Then again, just because I feel a pull to someone, it doesn’t mean I’m in love with him. But my fast beating heart thinks otherwise.
About The Author
Renea Porter is best known for writing realistic stories with realistic characters. Her stories may even cause you to shed a tear or two. She mainly writes New Adult and Contemporary Romances. However, she's not afraid to venture into other genres like Paranormal Romance.
She enjoys spending time with her husband of fourteen years, and stepson. She calls Pennsylvania home but loves to travel and try new things. In her free time, you can catch her reading books, watching reality tv, and baking.