Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Life and Death Parade Cover Reveal! #Giveaway!

Today Eliza Wass and Rockstar Book Tours are revealing the cover for THE LIFE AND DEATH PARADE, which releases June 26, 2018! Check out the gorgeous cover and enter to win an ARC!

On to the reveal! 

Author: Eliza Wass
Pub. Date: June 26, 2018
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Pages: 256
Find it: AmazonB&NTBDGoodreads

One year ago, Kitty's boyfriend Nikki Bramley visited a psychic who told him he had no future. Now, he's dead.

With the Bramley family grieving in separate corners of their home, Kitty sets out to find the psychic who read Nikki his fate. Instead she finds Roan, an enigmatic boy posing as a medium who belongs to the Life and Death Parade--a group of supposed charlatans that explore, and exploit, the thin veil between this world and the next. A group whose members include the psychic... and Kitty's late mother.

Desperate to learn more about the group and their connection to Nikki, Kitty convinces Roan to return to the Bramley house with her and secures a position for him within the household. Roan quickly ingratiates himself with the Bramleys, and soon enough it seems like everyone is ready to move on. Kitty, however, increasingly suspects Roan knows more about Nikki than he's letting on. And when they finally locate the Life and Death Parade, and the psychic who made that fateful prophecy to Nikki, Kitty uncovers a secret about Roan that changes everything.

From rising star Eliza Wass comes a sophisticated, mesmerizing meditation on the depths of grief and the magic of faith. After all, it only works if you believe it.

About Eliza:

Eliza Wass is an author, journalist and the wife of the late musician Alan Wass. Her debut novel, The Cresswell Plot, was published in 2016 to critical acclaim by Disney-Hyperion. She has contributed articles to The Guardian, Grazia, NME, Shortlist and THE FALL.
Her second book with Disney-Hyperion, The Life and Death Parade, will be published in June 2018.

Giveaway Details:

2 winners will receive a finished copy of THE LIFE AND DEATH PARADE (when they become available), US Only.

RELEASE BLITZ - By the Fates, Fulfilled by Patricia D. Eddy #Giveaway!

Title: By the Fates, Fulfilled
Series: By the Fates #4
Author: Patricia D. Eddy
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Suspense
 Release Date: October 31, 2017


I spend my days hiding. Spelled behind a mask. Waiting. Hoping.
While in the dungeon, Raven suffers alone. Chained and tortured, waiting for Ealasaid to rescue him. To fulfill her destiny and save the world.
Then a man I thought long dead breaks through my defenses.
He knows who I am. He's seen my true face. Will he expose my secret?
Or is he the one who will finally set me free?

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Chapter One

The lone figure shuddered under the thick wool blanket, and I released my breath. Alive. At least for tonight. The knot I’d carried in my chest for the past few hours loosened as I approached his cell. Not entirely, of course. The tether that bound me to the witch forced me to sense her constant fear. Only when she slept did I find any relief—and of late, she’d slept little. Perhaps once I cast the spell back in my chamber, I’d earn a few hours of peace.
Peace? You’re trapped as much as this man is. I cursed under my breath. The long days suffocating under the weight of my secret were taking their toll. I longed to breathe free air, but until we found a way to escape Eideard’s spells, I had to maintain my disguise lest the emaciated and broken man in the cell before me gained a companion. The dungeon walls pressed in on me. Most of the room was underground, keeping the temperature near freezing. Only the top few feet of the room peeked above the ground, a tiny window high on the wall providing a torturous glimpse of freedom so far from our reach.
Tufts of matted black hair stuck up from the prisoner’s cocoon. A thick chain rattled as he shivered. Why Eideard insisted on the manacle—running from the man’s ankle to a hasp low on the wall—I could not fathom. The binding spell, the starvation, and the beatings ensured he’d never escape. Not without some sort of miracle.
“Delphine? You’re relieved.”
The deep voice startled me. I nearly dropped the cup of water and the bowl of porridge I carried on a well-worn tray. The scents of cedar and fresh rain announced his presence behind me and I squeezed my eyes shut for a brief moment, not wanting to see him as he was now. After a breath, I found my voice.
“Shortly. I’ve brought the prisoner’s meal. You’ve time for a mug of kahve if you wish.” I turned, biting my lower lip to quell the tremble. Before…the human and I had been close, or we’d tried to be. I’d always found Conall to be a kind and interesting man—one I wanted to know better. Now, victim to the last remaining snáthaid, a stranger stood before me.
We hadn’t known what the snáthaid could do. How if left in a person’s body, it would burrow deeper, the magic eating away at the soul until only an empty shell remained, ready to be molded like clay. King Conall had died more than six months ago, and Eideard—along with his personal mage, Brandanna—had sculpted him into Lachlan, a low-level guard loyal to Clan Kendrick. After the witch’s escape, Eideard assigned Lachlan to the night watch to torture the lone prisoner even further.
 “I…” He glanced towards the stone steps that led out of the underground dungeon. “I do not like kahve.”
“You had a mug with you last week.” My fingers started to itch and the dull throbs of a headache bloomed behind my eyes. I couldn’t hold onto my spell much longer—another half an hour at most. “No matter. Take this morning’s tray back to the kitchens. Eideard may not care if the prisoner sleeps in rat shite, but I refuse to spend my days watching the disgusting things crawl all over him.”
I opened the cell and then gestured to the untouched meal. “Go on.” Even in my lowly position—barely a member of the Guarda, more of a glorified kitchen wench—I outranked Lachlan. Everyone did. From the king to the lowest foot soldier. At least he had no memory of his former station. Small blessings, I supposed.
Uncertainty pinched his dark brows, but he wouldn’t ignore a direct order. As he rose, his hands shook, and his gaze pleaded with me before he turned on his heel and trudged up the steps.
I couldn’t spare the time to wonder why he feared leaving the dungeon. Moving quickly, I dropped to one knee and pulled the blanket away from the warlock’s face. He cringed and shrank further into the corner. “N-no.”
“Shh. It’s only me.” I rested my palm on his chest, each rib sharp under his thin shirt. “You must eat.”
“Let m-me d-die.” His eyes fluttered closed. Blue veins contrasted starkly against skin that hadn’t seen the sun in months. With more speed than I thought him capable of, he lunged for the athame at my waist. Cursing, I leapt back.
“You are not worth the wrath I would earn if you died, warlock.” I spat at his bare feet, drew my athame, and pressed the blade to his throat in case Lachlan came back. Unable to hold his head up, the warlock sagged forward as hoarse sobs wracked his body. I should never have let him go this long without the respite from the Mists. I knew better, but the witch had been so insistent. “You will stay alive for as long as the king wishes. This I promise you.”
The anguish in his voice threatened my tenuous control.  I glanced over my shoulder. We were still alone. I let my spell slip away for a moment, and rather than a middle-aged, stout devil woman with no hair, yellow teeth, and a thick middle, I stood before the prisoner in my true form. Tall, with silver hair past my shoulders, and barely enough bulk to hold my corset up, my familiar face rallied him, though only slightly.
“I can give you peace, for a day or two. But only if you eat.” Thankful Lachlan was taking his time, I slid the athame into its holster and grabbed the prisoner’s arms so I could gently lower him to the floor. My whispered words only seemed to drive him further into despair. “As long as she lives, she will never stop searching. She’ll find a way.”
“Or die…trying.” As the man slumped against the wall, his dark lashes glistened with spilled tears in the torchlight, and I swore under my breath as I noted how sunken his cheeks had become. “Help me…protect her. Kill me.”
Six hopeless months ago, I’d made my vow. How much longer could I stand to watch him suffer? “You are the only reason she lives.” I cupped his chin and forced his head up. “The full moon will be here soon. I’ll be able to get a message to her then. Eat, so I can give you respite.”
I pressed a spoonful of porridge against his lips and thanked the Fates when he accepted the offering. As he ate, I told him how angry the corrupt king had been the last time a contingent of his men had come close to finding Ealasaid but had been cut down by the witch’s power. Eideard had punched one of the stone walls so hard, he’d broken four bones in his hand. “The idiot forgot he’d sent Brandanna to Lobhdain the previous night. He had to suffer with those shattered bones for a full day.”
Angry shouts echoed from the main floor, but I ignored them in favor of holding the cup of water to his lips. “You will not last long in the Mists this time. You must eat more.”
The sound that escaped his throat confused me until I saw his chest shake. Laughter? “You try…that shite. Eideard…has them put lye in it.”
“Fates be damned.” I raised the bowl to my nose, sniffed, and fought not to retch. It had never occurred to me that the king would sink that low. “When next you see me, I’ll have a better meal for you.”
As I wrapped the blankets around him, he forced his eyes open. “Thank you.”
With my hand on his cheek, I cast the spell that would send him into a type of hibernation. Nightmares plagued him there, in a realm created by ancient magic, but at least the cocoon of the Mists spared his body the pain of so many hours trapped in a frigid cell with an icy chain around his ankle.
With a final moan, he succumbed to the tug of the devil magic, and the lines around his eyes and lips relaxed. The magic drained me further, and I shivered. “On my life, I will find a way to free you. Sleep now, Raven, and try to dream of Ealasaid.”
My fingers shook as I shut the cell door, and my vision wavered as I reclaimed my disguise.
Lachlan’s voice startled me, and I almost lost hold of the spell. I wrestled for control and cleared my throat twice before I risked speech.
“Aye. I’ve sent the warlock into the Mists for the night. He’s all yours.” I brushed past Lachlan, but the scent of blood caught my attention. With my foot on the first stair, I cast a brief glance at the former king. He held a crimson-stained handkerchief to his swollen lip. “What happened?”
“I tripped.” He shrugged, winced, and spat into the cotton square. “The prisoner ate?”
Tripped, my arse. Lachlan braced himself against the wall, his breath stuttered at the end of his inhalation, and his left eye bore a reddish tinge that would likely turn black and blue by the end of his shift.
“Sit.” I offered him a clean handkerchief. When he waved me off, I gave him my best glare. “If you bleed all over your uniform, you’ll earn more of the captain’s ire. And you certainly don’t want to pass out during your watch.”
He didn’t so much sit as collapse into the metal chair.  The occasional hiss escaped his lips as I staunched the blood and passed a quick cooling spell over his swollen cheek, his jaw, and his ribs. “Nothing broken?” My magic faltered as I met Lachlan’s gaze, and I struggled not to show him my true form.
He frowned, shifted to one side, then back again. “No. Not this time.” His last words almost disappeared into his hands as he scrubbed his face. “Leave me. Please.”
Regret twisted like a knife deep into my gut as he struggled to straighten his shoulders. If I thought I could maintain my spell any longer, I’d offer to stay with him, but my skin had already started to crawl with the sensation of a thousand spiders. With the moon full, the mage would be gone, renewing the spells that surrounded the castle. If I could break into her rooms, perhaps I could find a way to escape the dampening field that kept me—and Raven—trapped here.
“I’ll relieve you a bit early tomorrow. Good night, Lachlan.”
Halfway up the stairs, his words followed me. “That’s not my name.”
I almost rushed back to him, hoping I’d find some part of the former king. But he’d relieved me every day for the past month and I’d never seen a single spark of recognition. I couldn’t risk the time or the danger. No. King Conall was dead. Killed by the snáthaid six long months ago. No amount of wishing could change that.
“Be well, my friend,” I whispered as I pushed through the scarred wooden door that sealed the dungeon off from the rest of the castle. “As well as you can be.”

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Author Bio

Patricia D. Eddy lives in many worlds. Witches, vampires, and shifters inhabit one of them, military men and women fill another, with sexy Doms and strong subs carving out the final slice of her literary universe. She admits to eleven novels (though there are at least five unfinished drafts on her desk right now), all while working a full-time job, running half-marathons, and catering to the every whim of her three cats. Despite this whirlwind, she still finds time to binge watch Doctor Who all of the Netflix Marvel shows, and most recently, The Handmaid's Tale. Oh, and she hopes to one day be able to say that she plays the guitar. Right now, she mostly tortures the strings until they make noise.

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Book Blitz: Proposal for Love by Sharon C. Cooper #Giveaway!

Proposal for Love

by Sharon C. Cooper Jenkins & Sons Construction Publication Date: October 31, 2017 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Nathaniel Jenkins-Moore never allows romantic entanglements to get in the way of running Jenkins & Sons Construction. That is until the woman who ripped out his heart crashes back into his life. She wants to leave the past in the past, and though Nate knows a thing or two about rebuilding strong foundations, her betrayal still haunts him. He can’t forget. He won’t forgive. She can’t be trusted. But why does his heart still beat double-time whenever she’s near? Liberty Stewart has been living a lie. Masking her shredded self-esteem and trying to overcome the emotional torment inflicted by her abusive ex-husband, she’s ready to rebuild her life. But just when she thinks she’s on track, her current assignment brings her face to face with the only man she’s ever truly loved—Nate. Too bad he hates her. Liberty knows she did Nate wrong, and getting him to trust her again might be impossible, but neither of them can deny the attraction that still runs deep. Is the burning passion they share enough to get their troubled hearts to finally beat as one? Or is the hurt too deep for a happily ever after?
Timing is everything. Sumeera Robinson refuses to settle for less than she desires, even if what she craves is the sexy, smart, and charming Nicolas Jenkins-Moore. At her age, she wants marriage and a family, not the empty promises Nick offers. Yet, there is just something about the man that makes moving on nearly impossible. As the new senior manager of Jenkins & Sons Construction, Nick’s five-year plan is on track with marriage and starting a family at the bottom of the list. Sumeera is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside, but not even she can entice him to abandon his carefully plotted road to success. That is until she walks away without looking back, leaving him yearning for her presence in his life. Nick is determined to convince Sumeera that he wants the same things she wants. But will an unexpected development keep them from the life they desire? Or will fate bring them closer than they’ve ever been before?

About Sharon C. Cooper

Award-winning and bestselling author, Sharon C. Cooper, is a romance-a-holic – loving anything that involves romance with a happily-ever-after, whether in books, movies, or real life. Sharon writes contemporary romance, as well as romantic suspense and enjoys rainy days, carpet picnics, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She’s been nominated for numerous awards and is the recipient of an Emma Award for Romantic Suspense of the Year 2015 (Truth or Consequences), Emma Award – Interracial Romance of the Year 2015 (All You’ll Ever Need), and BRAB (book club) Award -Breakout Author of the Year 2014. When Sharon is not writing or working, she’s hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work or reading a good book (a romance of course). To read more about Sharon and her novels, visit www.sharoncooper.net

Spirited Away Book Blitz #Giveaway!

Spirited Away

by Mary Billiter Publication Date: October 31, 2017 Genres: Adult, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Mystery
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
What happens when the legend of the old west becomes the new reality? In Mary Billiter’s fun novel of investigating the unknown and navigating love, a drop-dead sexy cop and a fiery redhead are linked by a mysterious haunting and the unsolved crime of passion behind it all. When Reese Pemberton relocates from the Golden State to the Cowboy State for a corporate promotion, she discovers a different state of mind. From the hustle and bustle mayhem of the Bay Area to the slow and easy meanderings of Wyoming, Reese welcomes the change in pace as the hotel’s new general manager. However, she shuts the door on the notion that her hotel is haunted. But when a series of mishaps introduces the fiery redhead to the hotel’s legendary cowboy ghost, she begins to question the events surrounding his demise. Reese and Cheyenne police detective Cody Pring join forces to put to rest the spirit that haunts the hotel. In the process, they discover long-buried secrets. Can the two solve a decades-old mystery or are some things better left with the dead?

About Mary Billiter


 Mary Billiter is an award-winning weekly newspaper columnist, romance author and college writing instructor. She also has novels published under the pen name, “Pumpkin Spice.” Mary resides in the Cowboy State with her unabashedly bald husband, her four amazing children, two fantastic step-kids, and their runaway dog. She does her best writing (in her head) on her daily runs in wild, romantic, beautiful Wyoming.

Let Her Go Release Blitz #Giveaway

Title: Let Her Go
Author: Briana Pacheco
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 31, 2017


Zoë Whitmore is in love with her best friend, but haunting memories and a guilty conscious have been holding her back from letting her be with him.

Owen Stevenson is unknowingly paying for the sins of his father. He doesn't understand why Zoë can't look at him for more than a few seconds or why his touch is unsettling at times. All he's ever wanted was to love her, to protect her, and to be hers, but it's not so easy.

She pushes, he pulls.
She hurts, he loves.

Both are holding onto ghosts of their pasts and in order for them to peruse a relationship they'll have to let them go.

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Author Bio

Briana Pacheco is the author of New Adult novels (DON'T LET ME FALL, SOUNDS OF YESTERDAY, A SKY FULL OF SECRETS, and LET HER GO), a twin, a dreamer, a tattoo lover, easily swooned by accents, and a little bit of an extrovert but a whole lot of introvert. When she’s not reading, writing or people watching, she can be found listening to music, perfecting resting bitch face, or at Dunkin’ Donuts.

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Lovers Like Us Book Blitz #Giveaway!

Lovers Like Us

by Krista & Becca Ritchie Like Us Series #2 Publication Date: October 31, 2017 Genres: New Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Purchase: Amazon | iBooks
Twenty-seven-year-old Farrow Keene lives by his actions, and his actions say he’s the best at whatever he does. As a 24/7 bodyguard and the new boyfriend to Maximoff Hale, protecting the headstrong, alpha billionaire has never been more complicated. And one rule can’t be bent: Keep your relationship secret from the public. Farrow is confident he’s the best man for the job. But a twist in Maximoff’s fast-paced life sticks them with the rest of Security Force Omega and their clients. On the road. In a sleeper tour bus. For four rocky months. Sexual frustrations, check. Road trip drama, check. Awkward bonding, check. But Farrow couldn’t have accounted for a high-risk threat (identity: unknown) that targets Maximoff before the ignition even turns. And it hits Farrow — someone has it out for the guy he loves. Every day, Maximoff & Farrow’s feelings grow stronger, and together, they’ll either sink or swim.

Damaged Like Us

by Krista & Becca Ritchie Like Us #1 Publication Date: June 27, 2017 Genres: New Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Purchase: Amazon | iBooks
Don’t date your bodyguard. It was the one rule he had to break. Maximoff Hale is a force of nature. A ship unwilling to be steered. Headstrong, resilient, and wholly responsible — the twenty-two-year-old alpha billionaire can handle his unconventional life. By noon, lunch can turn into a mob of screaming fans. By two, his face is all over the internet. Born into one of the most famous families in the country, his celebrity status began at birth. He is certified American royalty. When he’s assigned a new 24/7 bodyguard, he comes face-to-face with the worst case scenario: being attached to the tattooed, MMA-trained, Yale graduate who’s known for “going rogue” in the security team — and who fills 1/3 of Maximoff’s sexual fantasies. Twenty-seven-year-old Farrow Keene has one job: protect Maximoff Hale. Flirting, dating, and hot sex falls far, far out of the boundary of his bodyguard duties and into “termination” territory. But when feelings surface, protecting the sexy-as-sin, stubborn celebrity becomes increasingly complicated. Together, boundaries blur, and being exposed could mean catastrophic consequences for both.

About Krista & Becca Ritchie


 Krista & Becca Ritchie are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. Now in their early twenties, they write about other twenty-somethings navigating through life, college, and romance. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love. They are the New Adult authors of the Addicted series and Calloway Sisters spin-off series, and you can find them on almost every social media, frolicking around like wannabe unicorns.

Release Blitz: Pernicious Red #Giveaway!

Title: Pernicious Red
Series: When the Wicked Play #1
Author: Natalie Bennett
Genre: Dark Romance 
Cover Designer: Cover by Combs
Release Date: October 31, 2017
Little Red, Little Red,
do you want to play a game?
It starts with twelve
and it ends with one.
If you win
you get to live.
There's only one rule
don't go into the woods.
Rosalie Morgue is a simple woman that lives a simple life. She spends her days doing mundane things and her nights trying to forget about her past.
Channing Burrows is a man shrouded in mystery. He comes with a dangerous warning label and lives a life full of chaos and darkness.
One black rose and a riddle written in blood turns Rosalie’s world upside down and spinning right into Channing’s twisted web.
A volatile game of desire, murder, and manipulation ensues.
Truths are exposed and lives are destroyed.
*Each book in this series will be a stand-alone*
Content contains strong violence, coarse language, graphic sex, scenes of horror, and situations that most readers would find objectionable. 
Reader discretion is highly advised.
SN>This is not paranormal.
This is not a fluffy romance

Natalie Bennett is the creator of erotic stories that always come with a warning label. She writes about depraved alpha a**holes and women that love to hate them. Her books don't follow any specific tropes, have no set word counts, and tend to deviate from traditional HEA's.
When she isn't in front of her computer she's spending time with her husband and their three little boys.
Natalie is an avid fan of caramel frappes, horror movies, Shameless, and of course, reading.
You can find Natalie on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.