Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Ranger Blitz #Giveaway

The Ranger

by Brooke Sivendra A Deacon Thomas Novel Publication Date: September 30, 2017 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romantic Thriller
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
They say time heals all wounds, but that’s a lie. . . Seven years ago, Deacon Thomas’s girlfriend was brutally murdered. Every single day, he lives with the crushing truth—they killed her to get to him. Time hasn’t healed his wounds. Not even a little. But he’s found one way to survive: to suppress the memories of her—the good and the bad. Until now. One image changes everything, and whether he wants to or not, life is going to force him to face his past. But life is also going to give him something else: a second chance at happiness—if he can find the strength to forgive himself.

About Brooke Sivendra

Brooke Sivendra lives in Adelaide, Australia with her husband and two furry children—Milly, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, and Lara, a massive Great Dane who is fifty pounds heavier than Brooke and thinks she is a lap dog! Brooke has a degree in Nuclear Medicine and worked in the field of medical research before launching her first business at the age of twenty-six. This business grew to be Australia’s premier online shopping directory and Brooke recently sold it to focus on her writing.

Happily Ever Afters Grand Finale Blitz #Giveaway!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Happily Ever Afters
By Rachel Magee

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Author Interview

1. What is your motivation behind HAPPILY EVER AFTERS?

I actually came up with the idea for Happily Ever Afters while I was on a girls’ trip. Several of my friends at the time weren’t married and there were a few handsome bachelors at the resort. I started wondering what would happen if two people who didn’t live anywhere near each other fell in love.

It's All About the Romance - Why You Need to Go on Vacation – Or Read a Book – Or Both

Who loves vacation? Me too! It doesn’t matter if it’s a weekend getaway to a town nearby or a longer trip to someplace a bit farther, I love them all. My passion for travel worked its way into my book HAPPILY EVER AFTERS, which is about a couple who meet while on vacation. The rest of their story involves meeting up at the different destination weddings of each of their best friends and visiting each other in their home cities. . . .

“Excuse me.” The deep voice came from above me.

I cracked one eye enough to see a man standing there. He motioned to the large storage bin holding all the passengers’ bags stowed under the bench where I was sitting. Shifting out of his way, I didn’t let the interruption distract me from enjoying the tranquility of the sail.

“Nice to meet you, Lainey.” He flashed a charming smile and settled against the rail. My heart skipped a beat. “What brings you to Puerto Rico?” He casually folded his arms in front of his toned chest.

“We’re celebrating my birthday.”

“Happy birthday.” The cheerful sincerity of his voice coaxed my fake smile into a genuine one.

Paulette's Papers - Character Interview with Lainey on Location in Dallas

Hi y’all. Today we are in Dallas, Texas chatting with the heroine from Happily Ever Afters, Lainey Stratton.

Hi Lainey. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hi! I’m an internal medicine doctor. I finished my residency last year and am working at a hospital in Dallas. I like sports, especially hockey, and I love spending time with my friends.

"It's more than just a sweet romance, it's a journey filled with emotion and growth. . . . The last part of the book is filled with emotion that yanked my poor heart out. I was fully invested in the lives of these characters. Their journey wasn't easy, but it was satisfying. I loved my time spent with this book. I'll be watching for more from Rachel Magee!"

The Bookworm Chronicles - 5 Reasons to Get Swept Away with Vermont

The second destination wedding takes place at a bed and breakfast in Vermont. For this wedding, I wanted a location with a charming fairy tale like setting that would be the perfect place for our couple to meet up again. And what’s sweeter than maple syrup from Vermont?

"Magee is a new-to-me author and I was blown away from the powerful impact of the emotion that I felt throughout, and not just because of the jabs to my heart. The romance was palpable; the friendships were strong; the joys were high and the sorrows were low. This is one author worth watching out for!"

"Overall it was a cute story, much like a traditional romance. It was a clean read – although the characters were drinking, and some people may be bothered by that. Having never read something by this author before, I was unsure what to expect, but I found that I enjoyed it and will check out other books she has!"

Book Lover in Florida - Character Interview with Carter

Today we are talking with Carter Thompson, hero of Happily Ever Afters. Hi, Carter!

Hi. No one’s ever called me a hero before. I’m flattered. And searching for my cape.

Tell us about yourself.

Like you said, I’m Carter Thompson. My official title is long, but it means that I’m an economist for the State Department. I’m 34 and I live right here in Washington, D.C.

"A fast reading book, even though some of the first parts were slow the story kept me interested from start to finish. About finding love, recovering from lost loves."

Wishful Endings - Excerpt

“Then I definitely think we should try them,” I whispered back. “Any idea what’s in it?”

He shrugged. “Nope. But tonight, I’m feeling daring. How about you?”

Daring was not a way I often felt. I preferred to make decisions based on fact and scientific reason. But for some reason, on this picturesque street with this handsome semi-stranger, daring sounded like a great idea.

"Happily Ever Afters was aptly named. It was a adorably sweet romance with a happily ever after ending. It was not a fairy tale retelling, but it definitely had a fairy tale ending. I love books like this one. Lainey had definite struggles to overcome in her life and relationships. As mentioned in the synopsis, she faced a tragedy that rocked her world. And the pain in her past kept her from trusting easily. Both problems were genuine and well-addressed."

Bookworm Lisa - Review

"The road that the characters travel is a hard one. There is tragedy, loss, and pasts to deal with. Carter is a strong support for Lainey. You really can't help but like him from the moment he is introduced. In many ways he becomes her rock. . . . The book is well written, full of emotion (good and bad). I look forward to reading more from Rachel Magee."

Heidi Reads... - Review

"The twist midway through the plot is what brought out the emotion and connection for me. Seeing Carter be there for her and support her through such a hard time was great, and I thought the author did an authentic job of portraying Lainey's grief and overwhelming emotions. Of course some external conflicts also arose that had to be overcome, and I was swiftly turning pages until I found Lainey's perfectly sweet happily ever after."

Remembrancy - Review

"This book. Wow. The first third was fun. A vacation in San Juan, good friends, adventure with a gorgeous guy and meeting new friends. It set me up for a fun romp. . . . And then Pow! Now I’m crying, grieving along with Lainey at her loss, her loneliness, her heartbreak. . . . Rachel Magee’s debut novel is moving but, more importantly, it reminds us of the power of falling in love."

Jorie Loves A Story - Author Interview

When you were pitching Happily Ever Afters - how did you decide to focus on an Indie Publisher and what motivated you to seek out Clean Reads? What gives them the advantage over other Indies?

I liked the idea of a small publisher because it allowed me to be more involved in all the decisions while still having the expertise and advice of people who had done this many times. Clean Reads was actually recommended to me by a good friend who thought it would be a perfect fit for this book. I’m so happy she did! They publish clean fiction in a variety of genres, so it was a great match for my love of writing sweet romances. It allows my story to shine in the specific market where it belongs. But more than the books they publish, they are an amazing group of people who inspire and encourage me. It’s a joy to be part of the Clean Reads team.

"I love a good clean love story and this is one of those. . . . This story had so much emotion in it, I kept going from crying to laughing to being mad at one of the characters. It is a really good read. . . . I would highly recommend this book to other readers. I loved it."

And don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...

Happily Ever Afters
Rachel Magee
Contemporary Sweet Romance
ebook, 286 pages
September 19th 2017 by Clean Reads

Lainey Stratton does not fall in love with strangers she meets on vacation. It simply doesn’t make logical sense. So when Lainey meets Carter Thompson on the first day of her Caribbean vacation, she knows it could never amount to anything more than a crush. At the end of the vacation she will return to Dallas and he will return to D.C., and that will be the end of it. Well, unless he wants to join her at a friend’s destination wedding, which would be considered vacation too, right?

But when an unexpected tragedy sends Lainey’s logical world spiraling out of control, she realizes her vacation crush might be the only one who can help her pick up the pieces of her shattered life. That is, as long as she can get out of the way of her own happiness. And as long as Carter’s past doesn’t catch up with him before she gets a chance.

About the Author

Rachel Magee wrote her first novel when she was twelve and entered it into a contest for young author/illustrators. Unfortunately, the judges weren’t impressed with her stick figures. So she dropped the dream of becoming a world famous illustrator and stuck to spinning stories. When she’s not busy working on her latest book, she loves to travel with her family and friends. By far, her favorite destination is the beach, which tends to work its way into most of her stories. Between vacations, you can find her at home in The Woodlands, TX with her wonderful husband, their two adventurous kids and a couple of spirited pets, all of whom share Rachel’s love of the ocean. Well, except the cat and dog. They’re both afraid of water. Find out more about what Rachel has been up to at

Tour Giveaway

Happily Ever Afters Prize Pack 1 (US residents only)
· Happily Ever Afters coffee mug
· Tea Sampler Pack
· Happily Ever Afters notebook
· Lilly Pulitzer pen
· Chocolates
· ‘Vacations’ picture frame

Happily Ever Afters Prize Pack 2 (US and International residents))
· $25 Amazon e-gift card

Giveaway ends October 4th

Grab Our Button!

Falling Into Right Cover Reveal

Title: Falling Into Right 
Author: Sharon Kay 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: October 24, 2017 
Cover Designer: Kim Killion

How do you recover when life kick boxes your soul?
Becca Gable is fighting to stay on her feet after a series of crushing losses. She's always been the good girl until the events of the past year push her to make a mistake she can’t take back. Now, her corporate finance job and her fiancée are gone thanks to her newly-acquired criminal record.
Shane Marlow survived an IED blast during his service in Iraq—but half his team did not. Physically healed, he returns to his home county as a K9 officer. The scars of loss run deep and though local folks admire him, no one truly gets him—until Becca literally lands in front of him.
Their bond of shared tragedy evolves into a connection both fiery and healing. But a stalker decides that Becca’s crime should stay front and center. As the unsettling episodes reveal that no part of her life is secret, Shane is all that stands between her and the enemy.

Shane dipped his head to her ear and kissed a path down. Hell, he’d thought about kissing her all night. He couldn’t wait to taste more than her mouth.
Licking along the vein at Becca’s throat, he dipped his hand at her waist lower, caressing her hip. She squirmed and let out another shaky sigh. When he got to the spot where her neck flowed into her shoulder, he sucked gently—
A giggle escaped her.
He glanced up.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
He went back to tasting her, getting the faint tang of exertion mixed with the heady scent of her skin. But she giggled again.
He straightened, setting both hands on her waist. She looked sexy and delicious, but also a bit embarrassed.
“I’m sorry,” she said again. “That tickles. ‘Cause I-I’m kinds tipsy.”
He flexed his fingers into her, loving how she stated the obvious. But good to know she wasn’t always a giggle box. “I know. So we’re stopping.”
A flash of worry on her eyes. “Are you mad that I am?”
“No, ‘course not.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I like you tipsy. You’re pretty damn cute, all giggly.”
“Giggly, tripping, dropping stuff…” She kept her hands behind his neck. “I haven’t had a first date in so long, I don’t even know what to do.”
“You’re doin’ just fine.” He kept his hands at her waist, because she was inches away and tempting, and they weren’t going any farther tonight. “Especially the part where you said there’d be a second date.”
“Yeah. For sure.”
“And next time I kiss your neck…” He traced a finger along her dewy skin below her ear.
She sucked in a breath.
“I want you sober.” Not that he would mind getting stone cold drunk with her—but for what he wanted to do to her, with her, he wanted her completely aware and on board with him.

Sharon Kay writes award-winning fiction and can never get enough reading time. She loves winter and black coffee, and is endlessly inspired to write kick-ass heroines and the men strong enough to capture their hearts. Sharon lives in the Chicago area with her husband and son, and one weekend the idea for her Lash Watchers and tough leading ladies formed in her head, refusing to stay quiet until she put pen to paper. Her characters tend to keep her up at night, as they banter, fall in love, and slay endless varieties of power-hungry demons.

DIOMERE'S EXILE Release Blitz (by Sabrina A. Fish) #Giveaway!

Diomere's Exile Tour Graphic
Sabrina A. Fish
Series: The Gate Keeper Chronicles Book 1
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Publication Date: September 29, 2017
Diomere's Exile
An exiled woman seeking redemption, and the man who distracts her from finding it.
Five Gates. Five Sisters. Five Very Different Men.
Once there were two worlds connected by five magical gates. Then the Gate Keepers closed the gates and disappeared. The Gate Keepers have returned.
Nadia de Quinones was exiled when her nephew, the crown-prince was abducted on her watch. She'll let nothing stand in the way of her redemption, not even discovering her heartbonded and a connection to an ancient magical gate.
Lord Gregor Cyrene is sworn to protect his country's royal heirs. After the youngest prince's life is threatened, Gregor sets out to discover who is responsible and suspects the answer lies with Nadia.
When fate forces their competing goals to align, neither are prepared for the irresistible attraction between them. Can they see beyond their pasts and a millennia old hate between their people? Or will they continue to distrust, allowing those plotting against them to win?
This is an excellent, fast-paced story that held my attention from beginning to end. Prepare yourself - the love scenes are hot, hot, hot!
- Staci, Goodreads Reviewer
Secrets, lies, magic, love, lust and betrayal made for an excellent read. Recommended.
- Errin Krystal, Goodreads Reviewer

Purchase Links

Available now for $4.99 only. Grab your copy today.

An Excerpt from the Book

Take an inside look at Diomere's Exile. Read this sizzling excerpt from the book.
Playing her part, she bit her bottom lip and looked up at him through her lashes. "Pardon, m'lord. I didn't mean to mistake you for a running path."
His low, husky voice caressed her ears, its softness belying strength and control rather than weakness. "If all runners were as beautiful as you, I'd be willing to be the path more often."
She barely kept from rolling her eyes. Expose a little cleavage or the hint of a curvy figure and men were all the same, the sight of a woman's face being totally unnecessary to judge beauty. Even had she not been wearing the mask, she knew there was nothing beautiful about her. Too tall and mouthy, she preferred dressing like a Diomerean nobleman rather than the noblewoman she was. Never mind the scar that bisected the left side of her face.
"Thank you, m'lord," she said, tone dry. She smiled and batted her lashes up at him.
His low chuckle sent a shiver down her spine as he leaned toward her until his breath tickled her ear. "Acting the coy miss isn't one of your gifts," he said, his lips grazing her ear, causing an arrow of desire to arc through her body.
She leaned up on her toes, their cheeks only a breath apart, and whispered back. "Insincere flattery is obviously one of yours."
She caressed his chest, unable to resist the swell of muscle under her palms as she pulled away, chin lifted. Striking amber irises circled in a black outer ring and thick black lashes peeked from the eyes of the mask. Her mind went blank as desire rolled through her, taking her breath. A ripple rolled through the power inside her, like this man had reached in and touched a finger to the still surface of her a'mi. Her smile slipped. You're acting like Father. Her stomach flipped, threatening to eject her morning meal. She jerked her hands from his chest as if she'd been burned.
He trapped her gaze in his. "Is it not said that flattery makes friends and truth makes enemies?"
Nadia scowled and shoved her a'mi deep.
"Then I'd rather be enemies." She stepped back and held her hand out in the traditional greeting of her people, rather than the shoulder clasping Thunoans used. His smoldering gaze held a challenge as he slid his palm against hers. His thumb caressed the back of her hand, making her shiver, before he finally pulled his hand back toward his chest, the parchment she'd slipped him tucked between his fingers. The greeting ended with their palms over their hearts. Nadia ignored the heat pooling in her stomach. "The gods keep you, m'lord."
"Asha's blessing on you, lady."
She told herself she clenched her fist because the greeting demanded it, not to hold on to the feel of his skin against hers.

Book Tour Schedule

Follow the book tour from October 3 - 16, 2017.
Discover more features, excerpts, reviews, interviews, fun facts and other extras on the tour.
Check the daily tour schedule at Diomere's Exile Book Page.
Diomere's Exile Tour Graphic


Diomere's Exile Giveaway Graphic
Prizes up for grabs:
$25 Gift Card (Winner's choice: Amazon or Barnes & Noble)
2 Diomere's Exile eBooks
3 Mystery Prizes
Contest runs from August 29 - October 16, 2017.

About Sabrina A. Fish

Sabrina A. Fish
Sabrina A. Fish lives in Oklahoma with her husband, son, and two cats, where she owns a trophy company and collects names for her novels from lists of award's recipients. She loves all things chocolate and her husband is sweet enough to never let the candy dish near her computer become empty.
She loves and advocates being involved in the local writing community, and is President for the 2018 Oklahoma Writers' Federation, Inc (OWFI).
She is an annual featured speaker at The Rose State Writing Conference and has been a panelist at Wizard World Comic Con.
Born and raised in Oklahoma, she considers the three years she spent in a Texas high school to be a short trip down the rabbit hole that ended at graduation. She returned to Oklahoma where she received her Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Oklahoma. BOOMER SOONER.
When she isn't writing & promoting her novels or running her company, she can be found reading, scrapbooking, or spending quality time with her family.
To find out more about Sabrina and her books, visit her website
Connect with Sabrina A. Fish on social media:

About The Wild Rose Press

The Wild Rose Press
The Wild Rose Press has been publishing electronic and print titles of fiction for more than nine years. Our titles span the sub-genre spectrum from sweet to sensually erotic romance in all lengths to mainstream and womens fiction. To check out the latest and upcoming releases and more, visit
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Friday, September 29, 2017

Rewrite Cover Reveal!

Title: Rewrite
Author: Stephanie Rose
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Photo: MaelDesign & Photography
Models: Josh & Shauna Meyers
Release Date: October 19, 2017


Once upon a time, a girl loved a boy and he loved her back. They lived happily ever after.

But our story was never that simple.

I loved Josh with all I had, right until the day he left. Now, all these years later, he was back—and wanting me the way I’d always longed for him. Except now, I belonged to someone else. Someone who never left me the way Josh had. I figured that was the end of our story. I couldn’t alter the past.

I didn’t want to rewrite my future.

Brianna was always more than my best friend. She was the shining light in my black hole of an existence, and I loved her with every cell and bone in my body. I wasn’t good enough for her, though—more the villain than the hero in our fairy tale. When I had to leave, I vowed to come back a better man—for her. But when I finally did return, she wasn’t waiting for me anymore. She had someone new, her very own Prince Charming. Did that mean our story was over? I couldn't change our past.

It was time to rewrite our ending.


Brianna hadn’t uttered a single word since we stepped into the truck. Tension radiated off her entire body as she faced as far away from me as possible. I knew she was avoiding me. Our near kiss was too much for her to handle right now. I should’ve backed off and let her have her space, and I did for a few days. All we were doing was delaying the inevitable—whether she chose to admit it or not.
“I’m sorry we had to leave so soon. I would have liked to meet more of your friends.” I glanced her way, and Brianna nodded in response, still not looking at me.
“I saw Christal corner you at the bar.” Her voice was aloof but the ticking in her jaw said otherwise as she drew back into the seat.
Sick, my ass. I noticed her glaring at me and Christal tonight. She stared daggers into Christal’s back every time she touched me. She could act as aloof as she wanted. I knew she fucking hated it. My cupcake was in a losing battle with herself. She was going to make herself really get sick if she didn’t surrender soon.
“Yeah,” I chuckled. “Chatty little thing.”
Brianna nodded but wouldn’t look my way.
“She is. I’m surprised she didn’t slip you her number,” she scoffed.
“Oh, she did. In fact, she opened with that.” I fought a smile, picturing the wheels turning in her adorable little head.
Brianna’s head whipped to mine. “She did?”
“What’s wrong?” I asked with as much innocence as I could get away with. “You don’t like her?”
“No,” she offered a bit too abruptly. “I mean, she’s fine, I guess. You can talk to whomever you want.”
"So, if I take her out . . . you'd be okay with that?” I let Christal down easy and right away, but Brianna didn't need to know that. The prick in me wanted to see how this played out.
"Sure." She shrugged as she turned away from me again. "Do what you want." Her jaw clenched so hard, I thought she was going to chip a tooth as she focused on the Hudson River whizzing passed the car window.
Since we were kids, she had the worst poker face. I always knew the second she was pissed off, and judging by how her chest heaved, she was about ready to blow.
Traffic always bottlenecked around the same exit. We inched until we came to a full stop. I slid my arm around her and leaned in. She stiffened, but unless she jumped out of the car onto the side of the highway, she had nowhere to go.
I nuzzled her cheek. Fuck it, I was going for broke.
"And if I . . . take her home. You'd be . . ."
"Fine," she breathed out, her voice a mix of fury and lust. "Like I just said, do what you want."
I laughed, victorious. "Cupcake," I whispered as my lips grazed her cheek, “you are so full of shit."

Author Bio

Stephanie Rose grew up loving words and making up stories. Being able to share them with readers is her dream come true. This lifelong Bronx girl loves Starbucks, wine and 80s rock. Her voice often gets mistaken for a Mob Wives trailer.

She married her prom date and has a seven-year-old LEGO obsessed son. She believes there is nothing sexier than a good guy who loves with all his heart, and has made it her mission to bring as many as she can to the page.

Author Links


The Witches of Wildwood Spotlight Tour!

Witches of Wildwood: Cape May Horror Stories and Other Scary Tales from the Jersey Shore 

A Collection of Contemporary Horror Fiction

Mark W. Curran 

Genre: Horror/Speculative Fiction

Publisher: NMD Books

Date of Publication: Sept 15, 2017

ISBN: 978-1-936828-51-7

Number of pages: 300
Word Count: 83,365

Cover Artist:  Robert Gonzales

Book Description:

Werewolves... vampires... swamp beasts... zombies... even a Jersey Devil... all of these chilling creatures and more await you in this haunting collection of 11 contemporary horror fiction stories by Mark Wesley Curran.

Uniquely set 'down the shore' in South Jersey's Cape May County, these scary tales are sure to terrify and entertain both adult readers as well as young adults.


There was no doubt among the sisters that the murders were increasing their power. Each felt the surge of energy that coursed through them with each kill.
“I feel so alive!” Zoey exclaimed on the morning after they’d tied Harlan Clemmons to a chair and stabbed him multiple times through the heart, “like I’m 
plugged into some bitchin’ electrical source!” she marveled.

The other girls felt it too. Both Jaz and Ali would lay awake at night and feel it running through them - bringing them even more vitality and strength than even their young ages provided. 

About the Author:

Mark Wesley Curran is a writer of contemporary fiction, specializing in the horror and suspense genre. Born and raised in Suburban Philadelphia, he spent many summers living and working in Wildwood, New Jersey during its heyday. He now resides in Los Angeles where he enjoys creative pursuits as a writer, filmmaker and musician.   

Release Blitz: Black Belt in Love by Winter Travers #Giveaway!

Title: Black Belt in Love
Series: Powerhouse M.A. Series Book Three
Author: Winter Travers
Genre: Contemporary Sports Romance
Release Date: September 29, 2017 Cover Model: Troy Gerkey Photographer: David Gaustad Photography Cover Designer: MGBookCovers

Kennedy Kramer has lived the dream. It just wasn't her dream. Yearning to build a life of her own, free of her overbearing parents, she opens Zen yoga studio.
To appease her distressed parents and get them off her back, she needs to convince them she’s living the life they want for her.
She somehow finds herself entangled with Dante Craig and Operation: Decoy.
Dante Craig doesn’t want for much. As long as he has his friends and can do karate whenever he wants, he’s good to go.
With nothing holding him back or tying him down, Dante latches onto Karlton's harebrained scheme to be Kennedy’s Decoy. But it turns into something neither of them saw coming. Her ass in those yoga pants only helps cement the concept of making the temporary decoy position a permanent one.
Kennedy might have a decoy, but Dante is the one with the secret. When light is shined onto the truth, will they earn a black belt in love or end up with broken hearts?
“I’m a fighter, Kennedy. It’s what I’m good at.” I sat up and scooted around to sit on my knees next to Dante. My fingertips grazed the cut on his face. “But do you have to get hurt doing it?” “This doesn’t happen all of the time. The guy got a lucky punch in today, and the damn mat cut me.” “Black eye and a cut, but you still won,” I said lightly. That didn’t really seem like a win to me. He grabbed my hand and pressed a kiss to my fingertips. “Stop focusing on that.” He grabbed me around the waist and lifted me into his lap. I straddled him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’m thirty-nine, honey, but that doesn't mean shit. I can beat half the guys out on the circuit.” “I do have to admit that it’s pretty hot that you can beat up someone half your age.” He chuckled and shook his head. “As much as I’d love to compete against those guys, I compete in the thirty-five and older bracket, honey. I just train against those guys which gives me an advantage against all the other old guys trying to get their asses kicked.” I ran my fingers through his silver hair and smiled. “You really are a Silver Fox Ninja,” I muttered.
Winter Travers is a devoted wife, mother, and aunt turned author who was born and raised in Wisconsin. After a brief stint in South Carolina following her heart to chase the man who is now her hubby, they retreated back up North to the changing seasons, and the place they now call home.
Winter spends her days writing happily ever afters, and her nights zipping around on her forklift at work. She also has an addiction to anything MC related, her dog Thunder, and Mexican food! (Tamales!)
Winter loves to stay connected with her readers. Don’t hesitate to reach out and contact her.