Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Against Me Release Blitz/Giveaway! With Excerpt

Patience has always been Caleb Whitetail's strength. Quiet and unassuming is what you see with the GFI investigator, but the blood boils hot right under the surface. He kept his distance for years only to see the woman who has held his attention almost lose her life not just once, but twice. He is done standing in the shadows.
Katie Acker, once a tough and athletic security specialist now struggles daily to walk. The closest to family she has are her colleagues at GFI. Especially the man who saved her life and always has her back. So when she unwittingly becomes the focus of a Mexican cartel, it’s no big surprise she finds him right by her side. 
With the combustive change in their deepening bond, Katie and Caleb do not see the oncoming danger - until it surrounds them.

The sound of voices gets louder as I make my way through the now dark guesthouse to the bedroom. Leaning against the doorway into the room, I can just catch the last few sentences exchanged between the women sitting on the big bed. It's obvious from the tearstained faces that some emotional stuff has gone down and I feel guilt eating at my insides. But then I hear Katie say that me walking out earlier meant I must have regretted what happened between us, I have to set her straight. She can't be further from the truth and it's time she knows it.
The moment her head swings around and her eyes meet mine, everything else disappears. I barely notice Emma leaving. In a few steps I reach the bed, lean in and pick Katie up.
"Whoa!" she calls out, scrambling to hold onto my neck. "Whatcha doing?"
"You in my bed means I can't think, and I'm having a hard enough time thinking around you. We need to set some things straight." I tell her, trying not to get lost in the feel of her soft body against mine, her subtle scent teasing me and her restless fingers playing against the short bristles in my neck. My dick, however, is a goner, and there is no way to hide it when I sit down on the couch with Katie in my lap.
"Stop squirming, you're making it worse,"
When she throws me an irritated look I'm glad to see the fire back in her eyes. There she is.
"Okay, enough of the manhandling, Caleb," Katie bats at my hands as I shift her around so she faces me. The old tank top and shorts she wears as PJs aren't doing much to cover her and I can't help the tortured groan that slips from me. Fucking hell, this is gonna be torture, with her nipples poking through the threadbare material. Right in my face.
"What the hell is this? I honestly don't know whether I'm coming or going with you."
"Shhhhh, don't get upset," I try to settle her before the tears I hear wobbling in her voice start flowing. "I just needed a minute."
Cupping her face between my hands, I tilt her head so I can look her in the eye. "This I have wanted and waited to do for so long, I need to make sure I don't miss a thing."
Her eyes are big and a little uncertain and her lips are perfectly parted when I brush my nose along hers, breathing in the soft pants of her breath. A light brush of my mouth over hers, barely skimming, and then I taste the length of her full bottom lip with my tongue before sucking its plumpness in my mouth. Fucking heaven. Her taste is heaven and I need more. Katie's fingers rubbing against my scalp is all the encouragement I need and I finally let go of my hunger for her and take her mouth. Jesus. Delicious wet heat meets me when my tongue plunges between her lips. Someone groans... and in the now furious tangle of lips and tongues I can't tell anymore. I want inside her. In one twist and without my mouth ever leaving hers, I have her below me on the couch, and I'm grinding my painfully throbbing cock between her legs. It isn't until she wrenches her lips from mine and

murmurs, "Caleb..." that I realize I am fucking humping her like some deranged rutting animal. I shoot back upright and move to sit on the coffee table, my head in my hands.
Why? Why does she make me lose all control when control has always come so easy?
"Are you gonna walk out of here again?" The amused tone of Katie's voice tells me she may be a little more attuned to the struggle I'm waging than she was before. "Because, that would seriously mess with my self-esteem, you know; getting rejected based on my abilities for giving head and kissing?"
I throw my head back and laugh. "Oh sweetheart, you couldn't be further from the truth if you tried."

Freya Barker has always loved being creative. From an early age on she danced and sang, doodled, created, cooked, baked, quilted and crafted. Her latest creative outlets were influenced by an ever-present love for reading. First through blogging, then cover art and design, and finally writing.
Born and raised in the Netherlands, she packed her two toddlers, and eight suitcases filled with toys to move to Canada. No stranger to new beginnings, she thrives on them.
With the kids grown and out in the world, Freya is at the ‘prime’ of her life. The body might be a bit ramshackle, but the spirit is high and as adventurous as ever. Something you may see reflected here and there in some of her heroines.... none of who will likely be wilting flowers.
Freya craved reading about 'real' people, those who are perhaps less than perfect, but just as deserving of romance, hot monkey sex and some thrills and chills in their lives – So she decided to write about them.




  1. Gorgeous blog post! Thank you so much for taking part!! xox Freya B.

  2. I love the colors and how easy it is to read.

  3. I must say that I am delighted to take part in this book blitz! I am sure this book is awesome too! Looking forward to reading it. Thanks for stopping in! xoxo
