Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Honeyed Light Release Blitz Giveaway!


Kunal, relative newcomer to the strange town of Harmony, has his hands full preparing for Diwali. That should be enough to keep anyone’s mind preoccupied, but Kunal can’t really ignore that he’s nearly thirty, single, and still buried in the closet.
Out of town at a gay club one night, he bumps into Oscar, proprietor of Harmony’s only sex shop, and figures his secret is now officially out. What he doesn’t expect is a slow seduction, or to have to decide what it is he really wants in life.

Freddie Milano lives with her partner-in-crime, two adorable and devilish cats, and far more ideas than she really has time to set down on (electronic) paper. She’s been writing since she could hold a pen, though most of the embarrassing stories thankfully never made in onto the internet, and can stay safely buried.
She loves wine, Korean pop music, tea, chocolate, coffee, mythology, and both video and tabletop gaming. An ESFJ surrounded by introverts, Freddie has learned the art of socialization in moderation. Besides, staying in just leaves her more time to write.

Win a honey pot & 
spice container, 
and a digital copy of the book. 




  1. Thank you for hosting and also OMG I love what you did with the photos. It's so cool and rainbow-y! ♥ And the butterflies!

  2. :D I really wanted to get in on this one! Love the colors and it was a pleasure. Sounds like an awesome read!

    1. Thanks again. If you get a chance to read it, I do hope you enjoy!
