Friday, January 16, 2015

Burnt Edges REVIEW Blog Tour

Title: Burnt Edges

Author: Dana Leipold

Publication Date: Oct. 21, 2014

Genre: Women's Fiction 



Abuse or an uncertain future. This is Laurel Lee Page’s choice when she is faced with an unplanned pregnancy at 18. Born into a broken family, all she has ever known is guilt and shame. No matter what she does or who she meets, Laurel appears to be living a condemned life but she is determined to find independence and freedom in spite of her family’s legacy of hatred and self-contempt. Can Laurel see that she is in a powerful position, poised to break the cycle of abuse? Set in Southern California during the tumultuous 1960s era, Burnt Edges is based on true events and proves that strength can be found even in the most horrific situations.

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Dana Leipold is a freelance writer, author, 

and member of the Association of 

Independent Authors and Creativity 

Coaching Association. Her debut novel,

 Burnt Edges, depicts the unwavering 

resilience of a young woman in the face 

of family violence and abuse. She has 

self-published two other books: a collection

 of limericks in Dr. Seuss-style for adults 

entitled, Stupid Poetry: The Ultimate

 Collection of Sublime and Ridiculous 

Poems, and a non-fiction book entitled,

 The Power of Writing Well: Write Well.

 Change the World. In addition, she coaches 

other writers on story structure,

 messaging, and writing skills so they can 

achieve their dreams to become published 

authors. Leipold lives with her husband 

and two children in the San Francisco Bay 

Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads | Pinterest

Book Review 

of Burnt Edges 


Dana Leipold 


In the fictional book Burnt Edges by Dana Leipold the reader is led from the years of youth to young adulthood with the main character Laurel Page. The reader comes to know the Page family and the secrets and hatred that many of them in the immediate family have been able to keep over the years. With an alcoholic father and a mother that likes to lead a man, Laurel is caught in a bad place at the wrong time. She is hopelessly looked over and must find a way to live her life for her. 


Leipold gives her readers a sense of responsibility and understanding for children that are in dysfunctional families. She helps her readers to have a clear sense of compassion with the way that she tells Laurel's story and displays her life concerns. This author actively provides her readers with the necessary background information that helps to form the main bulk of dysfunction within the Page family unit. There is no guessing here with this novel, everything is straight forward and easy to grasp. 



I personally loved how fast the story moved and enjoyed reading it so much so, that I purposely made extra time to complete the novel. Leipold had me in tears and brought my heart to see how hard it may be to forgive those that you love, yet how important it is for the one wronged to forgive. I recommend this book and am certainly satisfied after completing it.

RATED 5 Stars!



 Ten (10) $10 Amazon giftcards 

courtesy of the author. 

Ends 1/23.


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