Emerald Isle
KaSonndra Leigh
(Path Seekers, #2)
Publication date: October 24th 2024
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Suspense
A year ago, Tandie Harrison learned she was a Pathseeker, a shaman who can manipulate time. With the help of her soulmate, Eric Fontalvo, she was able to break a 300-year-old curse. Now she has established herself as a private paranormal investigator in the quiet little old southern town of Bolivia, North Carolina. With the past behind her, she’s prepared to embark on a new journey of love and success.
However, the past has a way of coming back to haunt you when you least expect it. Enter Saul Chelby: the handsome real estate tycoon who stepped aside to allow Tandie happiness with Eric. Now a new entity threatens everything Tandie, Saul, and Eric worked to conquer. Will Tandie and Eric’s newly reignited love will pass this latest test?
Love, ghosts, witches, old houses, handsome heroes, and a secret that will threaten everything Tandie and Eric fought to achieve. The Emerald Isle, a Paranormal Time Travel Mystery.
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Waves from the Atlantic Ocean pummeled the coastline of the small dune known as Shelly Island. A scent like rotten eggs drifted past them. The sun’s last rays gave way to nighttime’s watery embrace.
A strange pang lit up her chest. Something behind that window called Alyssa. Or rather some force called to the supernatural side of her, a gift to call upon spirits, passed down through the females in her family. Alyssa had impressed her future sorority mates with tales of the way she attracted ghosts. Going inside and calling up one shouldn’t be a big deal, right?
The initiation included calling up the spirit and taking photos. Alyssa removed her phone from her pocket and aimed the lens at the structure. Darkness loomed around the trio, and she stilled her thudding heart.
“Let’s get these photos done,” Alyssa said.
“We can leave Rodney out here to keep watch. I don’t want him puking all over the floor and making us fall,” Chris said.
“Screw you.” Rodney stood tall. “I can do this.”
“No one’s leaving anyone,” Alyssa said. “We do this thing together.”
Alyssa and her friends turned toward the strange house and went up the stairway. The house cried out in pain.
“Make sure we don’t fall through the floor,” Chris said, his confident look replaced by worry. He pushed on the first step and hesitated.
Alyssa turned to Chris. “Now who’s the pussy?”
“Yeah, right. I got yours right here.” Chris grabbed his crotch and shook it.
“Oh, please.”
Alyssa wouldn’t let the thought of going inside in the dusk bother her. At night, a demon prowled the area. Or so they said. Sharks washed up on shores at the oddest times. The so-called demon was probably one of those beasts thrashing about.
She turned the knob. The door creaked open. A pungent scent of rot and mold wafted out, engulfing the three friends. It was time for the séance.
Alyssa led the way inside the dark and musty structure. The floorboards creaked underfoot with every step, as though the house was alive and protesting their intrusion. Though she tried to stifle it, a feeling of unease creeped up her spine. This was different than anything she had ever experienced before. It was almost as if the house was alive and watching them.
Chris shone his flashlight around the room, illuminating piles of discarded furniture and debris. The air was thick with dust, making it difficult to breathe without coughing.
“This place is creepy,” Rodney said. “I don’t think we should be here.”
“Don’t be such a wimp,” Alyssa snapped, her nerves beginning to fray.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Chris interrupted. “What do we do first?”
Alyssa pulled out a bag of candles and matches from her backpack. “We light the candles and begin the séance.”
They found a small, decaying table in the center of the room and set the candles on top. Alyssa lit them one by one, watching as the flames flickered and danced in the dark. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting her mind clear as she focused on calling forth the spirit of the master.
“May the spirits of the other world hear our call,” she said in a low, steady voice. “We ask that you come forth and make yourself known to us.”
At first, nothing happened. The only sounds were those of the candles flickering and the winds outside. But then, Alyssa felt a cold breeze brush against her skin and a low, guttural growl filled the air. The table began to shake as though something was trying to push its way through from the Otherworld into this one.
Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Alyssa, appearing out of nowhere. It was tall and shadowy, with glowing red eyes that seemed to pierce right through her. The chill of terror ran through Alyssa’s veins as the smoky figure grew. It moved with a swift, eerie silence that sent chills up her spine. Then an inhuman howl pierced the darkness, echoing off the trees and sending a shockwave of dread that froze Alyssa and her friends to the spot. Before she could react, the mysterious figure vanished into thin air.
“Guys, listen,” Rodney said.
Alyssa stood and walked outside. “You hear that?”
“I thought this island was deserted.” Chris turned to Alyssa.
“What are you looking at me for? Rodney was supposed to check.”
Two more howls cut through the silence. The wind picked up, and the waves crashed against the shores harder than before. The full moon pushed her hand against the water.
“We need to go back,” Rodney said.
This time, neither Alyssa nor Chris teased him about the suggestion.
All three kids turned toward the growing fog surrounding the house. A damp and rancid smell, one that was even stronger than the scent of wet wood coming from the house, filled the air.
“All right, we’re going back to the boat,” Alyssa announced, punching in the ferryman’s number on her cell phone.
No one hesitated as Alyssa walked away from the house, and Rodney and Chris followed close behind her.
Another howl sliced through the air. The wind screeched an eerie wail, adding to the burgeoning feeling of terror inside Alyssa’s belly.
“I can’t see a damn thing,” Rodney said.
The group headed toward the spot where the boat should’ve been. However, the pier sat empty.
“Thought you said this was the spot?” Chris turned on Alyssa, his face swollen with rage. “I never should have listened to you. This shit’s gonna get us killed.”
“Shut up and let me think!” Alyssa said.
The fog thickened, and the chill caressed Alyssa’s skin. The touch almost felt human.
She shook off the thought and focused on the situation.
At once, Chris’s body went airborne, his screams echoing through the air. Wails of terror.
“What the fuck?” Rodney asked in a strained voice.
“Stay close to me!” Alyssa shouted. The fog thickened and stung her eyes. “Chris! Where are you?”
Author Bio:
Meet your word sculptress...
Author of the International bestselling novels, the Prelude and the Lost Immortals Saga, KaSonndra is also a mother, designer, reader, gardener, home renovator, and a slayer of undead Egyptian mummies in Tomb Raider. She believes in karma, coffee, and seriously wishes that the producers of Xena would bring her favorite show back.
KaSonndra was born in the race-car city of Charlotte, NC, and now lives in the City of Alchemy and Medicine, NC, when she's not hanging out in Bardonia (Lost Immortals Saga setting). Most of her characters are based on people that she has met throughout her travels and adventures.
People tend to stop and start conversations with KaSonndra as if she has known them her entire life. Does this freak her out? Not really. Her mom says that one day she’ll get kidnapped by one of these folks. KaSonndra's response? She told her mom that if it weren’t for these lovely people, then she wouldn’t be able to create such fabulously romantic stories!
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