Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Truth About Princessrs and Dukes Book Blitz #Giveaway


The Truth About Princesses and Dukes
Bianca Blythe
(The Duke Hunters Club #6)
Publication date: March 30th 2021
Genres: Adult, Historical Romance

Princess Aria has been exchanging letters with the most marvelous man in the world. Perhaps her true love is somewhat aged, and perhaps she didn’t feel fireworks when they met briefly at a ball, but she is certain now that there is no man as wonderful as the Duke of Framingham. She is overjoyed when he proposes marriage.

When Rupert’s cousin, an elderly duke, tells him he’s fallen in love with a beautiful woman and needs someone to write letters on his behalf, Rupert reluctantly agrees. His cousin claims he is eager to wed her. On his wedding day, Rupert learns that the duke plans to toss her off his balcony so he can marry his mistress. The duke just wants the princess’s money, and Rupert knows he has to rescue her.

Princess Aria is astonished when she is kidnapped by a young man. She’s in love with the duke—after all, he’s sent her such wonderful letters for weeks. Soon, though, they are on the run together to London. If only Rupert were the man who’d sent her such lovely letters.

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“You should not be here.” The princess raised her upturned nose and sniffed. Rupert may as well have been an unpleasant scent wafting from a cow-filled pasture.

“And you should not be murdered.”

She fixed her eyes on him. Unlike her demeanor, which was cold, as if she’d been raised by glaciers and polar bears, her eyes were a warm honey color. Something in Rupert’s heart clenched, but he shook the emotion away.

In her letters, she’d been warm and playful, but now when he was speaking with her, her demeanor was frosty. His very presence repulsed her, and his throat tightened.

He was not going to muse about her undeniable beauty. He was absolutely not going to ponder her golden skin, her large dark eyes or her upturned nose. He was not going to think about her curly dark hair, and he certainly was not going to ponder the glossiness of her strands. He had the definite sense that touching her hair would be wonderful indeed.

But Rupert was not going to think about that. She was a princess, a duchess, and worse—his cousin’s wife. It didn’t matter how curved her waist was, how alluring her long delicate neck was, how intriguing her collarbone and sloped shoulders. He forced himself not to gaze at the ruby pendant that hung from her neck. Thinking about her ruby pendant might draw his attention to her beautiful face, or worse, it might draw his attention to her deliciously curved bosom. That generous slope was most intriguing.

But Rupert wasn’t going to think of her breasts, and he wasn’t going to ponder their shape, and he certainly wasn’t going to muse about what they might feel like in his hands. He wasn’t going to imagine trailing kisses to her waist, and he wasn’t going to imagine stroking her flat belly. He absolutely was not going to imagine any of her lower region, even though her legs were long, and even though they might feel quite good wrapped around him.

No, Rupert wasn’t going to think of those things, no matter how much his heart hammered, and no matter how appealing her jasmine and violet scent was.

He was going to stop her from being murdered.

“Look,” Rupert said hastily, “I know this sounds mad.”

“Mad?” She huffed. “Even asylum dwellers would find it challenging to say something of equal absurdity.”

“I know,” Rupert said. “I know. But it’s—er—true. Absolutely true.”

For a moment the princess hesitated. She had to believe him. She’d spent the day married to his cousin—that might be sufficient reason to believe.

“Why are you saying this?” she asked finally.

“I don’t want to see you get hurt.” He glanced at the window. “Or more accurately, I don’t want to see you get flung from the balcony, and I don’t want to hear my cousin tell others that you slipped in an unfamiliar environment.”

Her face paled. “He wouldn’t do that.”

“He said he would do that this very afternoon.”

Author Bio:

Born in Texas, Bianca Blythe spent four years in England. She worked in a fifteenth-century castle, though sadly that didn't actually involve spotting dukes and earls strutting about in Hessians.

She credits British weather for forcing her into a library, where she discovered her first Julia Quinn novel. She remains deeply grateful for blustery downpours.

After meeting her husband in another library, she moved with him to sunny California, though on occasion she still dreams of the English seaside, scones with clotted cream, and sheep-filled pastures. For now, she visits them in her books.

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The Anti-Relationship Year Book Blitz Giveaway


The Anti-Relationship Year
Katie Wismer
(The Pact #2)
Publication date: March 30th 2021
Genres: Adult, New Adult, Romance

Johanna Palmer is very much over relationships.

After a scarring experience her freshman year of college, she’s decided she’d much rather have something fun than something serious.

Her best friend Miller has seen it all—the tears, the parties, the drunken phone calls at four in the morning when she needed a ride. In fact, there might be several things Miller saw that Jo herself can’t remember.

Things Miller can’t forget.

With the whirlwind of senior year underway, Jo just wants to move on, get her degree, and land her dream job. But her past might not be as easy to outrun as she’d hoped.

The Anti-Relationship Year is a friends to lovers college romance that acts as a companion to The Anti-Virginity Pact. Both books can be read as standalones.

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“They’re seniors at Portland State,” Kayleigh hissed under her breath as the bouncer glanced at their IDs and ushered them inside. Miller wiggled his eyebrows as the three of them hurried through the doors. The bar was lively, but not as crowded as Jo had expected. The stage was just a small platform in the back corner with a few lights pointed in its direction. Wires and musical instruments were strewn about, but none of the band members had surfaced yet.

“I’ve never heard of them,” Jo admitted.

“They’re about to make it big,” Kayleigh insisted, raising onto her tiptoes to get a look at the line out the windows. “I can’t see Addie or Liv anymore.” She turned to Miller. “What are your roommates’ names again?”

Miller frowned and shrugged.

Jo stifled a snort. At least it wasn’t just her.

“You don’t know any of their names?” Kayleigh demanded.

Miller narrowed his eyes, considering this. “Pretty sure one of them is Alan—big guy with the goofy hair? And one of them might be Gatsby. Or maybe he just likes The Great Gatsby…” He shook his head. “Nah, he doesn’t seem like the kind to read. I think it’s his name.”

Kayleigh threw her hands up, her gaze now moving on to survey the rest of the crowd—a few people were wearing T-shirts with the name UNITED FATES scrawled across the front, but not many. She jutted her chin toward the bar and elbowed Jo in the ribs. “You should get the drinks. You look the most twenty-one of the three of us.”

Jo shot an uneasy glance toward the bar and adjusted the straps of her tank top. She already had the wristband from the front door. The hard part was over. She forced a smile and flipped her hair over her shoulders. She’d curled it tonight, and the tinted lights overhead were making it look more wine-colored than its usual copper shade. “I’ll be right back.”

The bartender did a quick once-over as she approached. “What can I get you?” His hair was nearly as red as Johanna’s was, complete with a matching mustache. He also looked to be barely twenty-one himself.

“Three beers.” Her gaze swept the bar, and she pointed to a fish-shaped tap handle. “That one.” She had no idea if that one was any good, but the bartender turned away wordlessly and grabbed three glasses.

“Those all for you?”

A man slid into the chair on Johanna’s left. The first thing she noticed was the tattoos. He braced an arm on the bar, revealing a sleeve all the way from his wrist to his shoulder beneath his white T-shirt. All of the images and words blurred seamlessly together, the black ink stark against his pale skin. A silver coin on a long chain dangled from his neck as he leaned forward.

The second thing she noticed was how inky and gelled his hair was, styled to stand up just-so in the front. He must have spent at least half as long as she had in front of the mirror tonight.

The final thing she noticed was the way his eyes lingered on her body. He found her face eventually, but it was a steep climb to get there. He started at her legs, then gradually made it to her hips, her waist, her chest, and then, finally, her eyes. He wasn’t even being subtle about it. He wanted her to see him looking at her.

From what she could tell, he had a nice body, too. But she definitely wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of watching her check him out.

“I don’t have NPS tattooed on my lip for nothing,” she said as the bartender returned and slid the beers across the counter to her.

“NPS?” asked the mystery guy.

She quirked an eyebrow at him over her shoulder. “No pussy shit.”

Author Bio:

Katie Wismer is a diehard pig-lover, semi-obsessive gym rat, and longtime sucker for a well-written book. She studied creative writing and sociology at Roanoke College and now lives in Colorado with her cats Max and Dean. She spends most of her free time on her Youtube channel Katesbookdate where she chats about books, life, and veganism. You can find her online at katiewismer.com or @katesbookdate on Instagram and Twitter.

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When A Cowboy Loves A Woman Book Blitz Giveaway


When a Cowboy Loves a Woman
Jennie Marts
(Creedence Horse Rescue #2)
Published by: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Publication date: March 30th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

They both know the pain of loss and how to protect their hearts…but fate has a way of stepping in…

When a kitchen fire forces young widow Elle Brooks to move in with her friend Bryn and her motley collection of rescue animals, she doesn’t foresee ending up in the muscled arms of handsome cowboy and veterinarian Brody Tate. But she can’t deny the feelings that being close to Brody are stirring in her. Spending time with the hunky cowboy and his adorable young daughter as they rehabilitate rescued horses reminds Elle of all she lost in a car crash years ago.

As a widower himself, Brody is devoted to being a good dad for his spirited daughter. He hasn’t let romance even enter his head. But now he’s met Elle. Spending time with her is shaking up the calm he’s worked so hard to achieve, and he can’t seem to get this woman off his mind.

Elle and Brody have both lost people they loved, but their mutual attraction and growing feelings are too strong to ignore. The hope of a future together is a beautiful possibility, but can these two wounded souls take a chance on each other and find the courage to love again?

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Everything hurts, thought Elle Brooks as she sank lower in the bathtub. Her back and shoulders ached from carrying bales of hay and brushing the horses that morning at the Heaven Can Wait Horse Rescue, where she volunteered. Although she preferred the physical labor over the headache she got from spending the afternoon with her financial advisor, going over the trust and through her finances. Between his company and his considerable life insurance policy, her beloved Ryan had left her with a substantial amount of money. But she’d give it all away for one more day with him.

She pushed a bubbly pile of suds across the spacious garden bathtub as the final strains of one of her favorite Pink songs faded in her ears. Usually the pop star’s music could energize her, but tonight she felt more like a sinking stone than any kind of rock star. With a sigh, she pushed the drain release with her toe and pulled the earbuds from her ears.

That’s when she heard the sirens.

Hair raised on the nape of her neck, and a chill that had nothing to do with the cooling bathwater raced up her spine. She slammed her eyes shut against the onslaught of memories. It had been over a year since Ryan died, but the images of the ambulance’s throbbing lights and the mournful sounds of the sirens were as vivid as if it had happened the day before.

She caught the first whiff of smoke as she heard the fire trucks pull up in front of her house. Water sloshed over the side as she stumbled to get out of the tub. Grabbing a towel, she scarcely had time to run it over her body before she heard the slam of her front door and raised voices.

Reaching for her pajamas, she pulled on the cotton shorts and wrenched the tank top over her head.

Move, her brain screamed. Get out.

The fabric clung to her damp skin as she snatched up her short robe and raced out of the bathroom. From the landing, she could see a flurry of men in yellow coats dragging a gray hose across the Italian marble of her foyer toward her kitchen.

She choked on the acrid smoke filling the air. There were no blazing flames, but the smoke scorched her throat, and she blinked against the sting of it to her eyes.

An older fireman caught sight of her. “You need to get out of the house, ma’am.”

Panic gripped her as she wildly looked around at the chaos invading her home. Then her gaze caught and held on the familiar eyes of the tall cowboy who’d just stepped into view. He was dressed in jeans and boots and a black Stetson hat, and the sight of his broad shoulders filling the doorway somehow grounded her.

She didn’t really know him—she’d briefly met him a few weeks ago. But that one time had shown his ability to stay calm and steady in a crisis situation. His name was Brody—Doctor Brody Tate. He was her best friend Bryn’s veterinarian. But why was a veterinarian at a house fire?

A plume of dark smoke billowed out of the kitchen, and Elle caught the distinct sound of the crackle of flames. She coughed, then turned around and ran back down the hallway.

She heard the older fireman’s voice yelling, “Get her out of here, Tate,” followed by the sound of cowboy boots sprinting up the stairs as she raced to the closed door at the end of the hall.

She pushed through, ignoring the rush of emotions that normally flooded her when she opened the door to the room decorated in pink-and-white stripes. A hand-knit pink blanket lay in the seat of the rocking chair. Elle grabbed it and clutched it to her chest. If she could only save one thing, it had to be this.

She turned back to see Brody in the doorway. He didn’t say anything, just reached for her hand and led her quickly back down the hallway.

They reached the top of the stairs, and she froze again at the commotion below—the rush of the firefighters’ feet, the commanding tone of their voices as they shouted orders, the pulsing flash of red lights against the white walls of her entryway.

Brody pulled at her hand, but she couldn’t move. He turned back and must have seen the panic in her eyes. His tone was soft as he swept her up, cradling her to him as if she weighed nothing at all. “It’s all right, darlin’. I’ve got you.”

She buried her face in his chest, clinging to him, as he carried her down the stairs and out the front door. Elle lifted her head and gulped at the fresh air.

“Is there anyone else in the house? Any pets?”

She shook her head. “No. Only me.”

“You remember me? We met a couple of weeks ago at Bryn’s?”

“Yes, I remember. But what are you doing here?” And why was she clutching his neck like he was a life preserver? A handsome, tall cowboy life preserver.

Author Bio:

Jennie Marts is the USA TODAY Best-selling author of award-winning books filled with love, laughter, and always a happily ever after. Readers call her books "laugh out loud" funny and the "perfect mix of romance, humor, and steam." Fic Central claimed one of her books was "the most fun I've had reading in years.”

She is living her own happily ever after in the mountains of Colorado with her husband, two dogs, and a parakeet that loves to tweet to the oldies. She's addicted to Diet Coke, adores Cheetos, and believes you can't have too many books, shoes, or friends.

Her books include the contemporary western romance Hearts of Montana series, the romantic comedy/ cozy mysteries of The Page Turners series, the hunky hockey-playing men in the Bannister family in the Bannister Brothers Books, and the small-town romantic comedies in the Lovestruck series of Cotton Creek Romances.

Jennie loves to hear from readers. Follow her on Facebook at Jennie Marts Books, or Twitter at @JennieMarts. Visit her at www.jenniemarts.com and sign up for her newsletter to keep up with the latest news and releases.

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Monday, March 29, 2021

British Big Dhot Release Blitz


Title: British Big-Shot
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: J.H. Croix
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 28, 2021

Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward's New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.


Next level opposites attract.

If there’s a contest for two people who don’t belong together, Jasper and I would definitely win.

Jasper’s tall, dark, and waaaay too handsome to be on my farm. He’s an uptight British big-shot, and my goat got mud all over him only minutes after he showed up. It’s safe to say we didn’t get off to the best start.

To make matters complicated, Jasper owns half of my farm. I’m broke, he’s dripping with money, and I hate him on sight.

Inconveniently, hating him only seems to make me want him more. Even worse, he’s staying here. On the farm. With me. Because of some ridiculous clause in his grandfather’s will.

Life didn’t prepare me to resist a man as devastatingly charming as Jasper. We’re next level opposites, and my hormones aren’t getting the memo that we do not belong together.

Except, maybe we do. Maybe Jasper is about to prove me wrong.

British Big-Shot is a hate to love/roommates/opposites attract romance inspired by Cocky Bastard and British Bedmate.



Free in Kindle Unlimited



USA Today Bestselling Author J. H. Croix lives in a small town in the historical farmlands of Maine with her husband and two spoiled dogs. Croix writes swoon-worthy contemporary romance with sassy women and alpha men who aren't afraid to show some emotion. Her love for quirky small-towns and the characters that inhabit them shines through in her writing. Take a walk on the wild side of romance with her bestselling novels!


The Road of Resistance Blog Tour

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE ROAD OF RESISTANCE by Chase Bolling Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:

Title: THE ROAD OF RESISTANCE (Vanguard #1)

Author: Chase Bolling

Pub. Date: November 27,2020

Publisher: Wahida Clark Presents Publishing, LLC

Formats: Paperback

Pages: 350

Find it:  GoodreadsAmazon, B&N, TBDBookshop.org

Read the novel hailed as " Stirring, gritty, connected, and epic. A great read!" by Christian Cameron! When a rogue artificial intelligence makes medieval weapons the only weapons, and America spirals into collapse, a former gang member finds himself leading his inner-city community in a harrowing fight for their lives, after hate groups and corrupt police attack their home!

When Chessed woke up to prepare for work, he never expected his day to end in blood and triumph. When hate groups and corrupt police threaten his home, Chessed uses his love of history, fantasy books, and martial arts, along with his criminal past to lead his community in battle against tyranny!

If you loved books like Game of Thrones, or books like The Hunger Games, this contemporary fantasy is a must read! With action like The Witcher, and perspective like The Coldest Winter Ever, The Road of Resistance is perfect for fans of Octavia Butler, Brandon Sanderson or Sarah J Maas! Penned by African American Fiction rising star Chase Bolling, this epic fantasy delivers a unique blend of romance, military fiction & sword and sorcery, to create an almost arthurian, grimdark tale of a political uprising in the inner city!

With a cast of diverse characters, the heart of a Tom Clancy political thriller, and the soul of a Bernard Cornwell historical fiction, The Vanguard series is a must have addition to any sci-fi/fantasy lovers bookshelf, and sure to be among your top 10 dystopian novels or top 10 post apocalyptic books! Get your copy today!



About Chase:

Chase E.F. Bolling has also published as Chase Bolling.

You can say Chase is a father, revolutionary, and author in that order. Born and raised in Bridgeport, CT and he grew up in a proud Afro-indigenous family with strong roots to the military, activism, and public service. Surrounded by strong BIPOC women, his grandmother, mother and aunt were all heavily involved in local politics. While Chase spent his youth a delightful contradiction pretty much being Huey and Riley of the Boondocks at the same time. His mom did her best, and made sure he was cultured, educated and raised with a W.E.B Dubois-esque talented tenth, sense of responsibility. She kept him around good mentors, and even made him take etiquette classes...but there was and likely still is a hoodlum streak a mile wide. While on one side Chase was always well read, well spoken, with a firm belief in the edification of his community, a youth involved with street gangs and other illegal activities and he found himself in trouble...often. He played football, lacrosse and got into historical martial arts which Chase still practices to this day. He spent years in the indie hip-hop scene as The Legendary Thug Poet, until a near fatal car accident left me with a traumatic brain injury. Now he mainly sticks to activism and being an author, and now proudly serves as director of SF/For the Culture the fantasy, sci-fi, and speculative fiction side of W. Clark Publishing!


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Giveaway Details:

1 winner will win a $10 Amazon Gift Card, International.

Journey to New Salem Book Blitz Giveaway

Journey to New Salem
Mark Rosendorf
(The Witches of Vegas, #2)
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Publication date: March 29th 2021
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult

The Witches of Vegas are back, and their lives will never be the same again.

A year has passed since The Witches of Vegas saved the city from the evil Wiccan vampire, Valeria. Since then, the show has hit an all-time high. So has the romance between teen witch Isis Rivera and teenage magician, Zack Galloway.

Things couldn’t be any better for them until Isis develops seizures that cause her power to spiral out of control. Fires and earthquakes are just the beginning of the chaos caused by the misfired witchcraft. Unable to find a cure, Isis’ family journeys to New Salem, a fabled village of witches which may or may not even exist. Meanwhile, Zack ends up face to face with the only being who may have a cure…Valeria. But does he dare pay her price?

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“Two club sodas, please,” Zack answered.

“I’d like a mimosa.” Isis glanced over at Zack’s tilted head. “I’ve always wanted to try one.”

The bartender snorted. “I’m going to need to see I.D. for that.”

Isis had learned a lot about her connection to the planet’s energy and how to manipulate it. Her mom and Sacha trained her on moving objects while her dad taught her how to create illusions. Dad also knew how to use his connection to force hypnotic suggestions into people’s minds. Although he hadn’t yet taught that skill to Isis, she had seen him do it more than a few times. It basically ran on the same principle as all the other reality-manipulating powers of a witch. Time to put it to the test.

Isis reached into her pocketbook and pulled out her hotel room keycard. She looked the bartender directly in the eyes. “I am showing you my I.D. and it says I am old enough to drink an alcoholic beverage.” She focused her thoughts on the bartender’s mind. “You see my picture and my age at twenty-one. Now that you have seen my age, you can place a mimosa on the counter for me to try.”

The bartender laughed. “That was cute. Two club sodas coming up.” She reached under the counter and placed two bottles in front of Isis and Zack. “That’ll be eight bucks. You can leave it on the counter.” She then moved onto another group of customers.

“Well, damn.” Isis shook her head. “That didn’t work out at all. I guess hypnosis just isn’t my thing.”

Isis held out her open palm, pointed at the club sodas. One bottle glided across the countertop to her hand like a piece of metal being pulled to a magnet. At least that ability was still working.

“Or maybe your heart just wasn’t into committing a crime.” Zack reached for his bottle and picked it up off the counter.

“I’m sure you’re right.” Isis took a swig of the soda while staring off at the dance floor. “Still, I wonder why her blood tastes like syrup.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Zack’s face whipped her way. His eyes squinted.


“Did you just say something about tasting the bartender’s blood?”

“Did I say that?” Isis honestly couldn’t remember those words coming out of her mouth, yet they sounded so familiar.

Zack stood from his bar stool and clenched her wrist. “Isis, are you all right?”

Isis stared at the strobe light above the dance floor. Somehow, it seemed brighter, or darker. Or… something. She could hear Zack shouting her name. It echoed as if they were on opposite ends of a tunnel. A striking pain crossed her chest. Everything around her blurred, just like when she’d teleport herself to a new location. But she was sure that wasn’t what was happening. She inhaled but couldn’t catch her breath. “Zack, I think I’m not…okay…” Did she say that out loud or did she think it? Isis couldn’t be sure.

Her attention turned back to the bar from the sound of one or both bottles exploding. Her forearm stung from a piece of glass piercing her skin. Zack called out her name.

Then everything went dark.

Author Bio:

Mark Rosendorf 's writing is based on the personalities and experiences he has come across throughout his life, coupled with his own wild "if only I could do that" imagination. He is the author of the young adult series, The Witches of Vegas. He is also credited with The Rasner Effect series, a suspense/thriller trilogy published between 2009 and 2012.

Born November, 25th, 1974, and raised in Queens New York, Mark holds a Master's Degree from Long Island University's Human Development and Leadership program. He is a licensed Guidance Counselor for the New York City Department of Education's special education district. He began his counseling career in September, 2001. Prior to that, he worked in the hotel industry.

Mark has also moonlighted as a professional magician. Today, he teaches magic and Illusion to his students in order to teach teamwork while developing their confidence.

Having accomplished his goals of becoming an author, Mark decided on an early retirement from writing. Then, one night, at two a.m., a new and unique story shot into Mark's brain like a lightning bolt, screaming for him to write it. Mark found himself spending several nights taking notes on the characters and their stories. That is how The Witches of Vegas series was born.

The Witches of Vegas placed second in the young adult category of The International Digital Awards. It was also named one of Shelf Unbound's Notable Indy and received a five star rating from the prestigious InD'Tale Magazine.

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Wallflower Book Blitz Giveaway


Cookie O’Gorman
Publication date: March 25th 2021
Genres: Romance, Young Adult

Wallflower (wohl-flou-erh): Identifier for someone who is shy and/or awkward. For reference, see Viola Kent.

Seventeen-year-old Viola Kent likes being invisible. Well, not literally, but she’s content being a loner, reading her books, and hanging out with the animals at the shelter. She just wants to keep her head down and get through her senior year at Durham High.

Driving Dare Frost to school every day wasn’t part of the plan.

And when Viola finds out her dad recruited Dare, his number one player, to be her friend?

Her inner Slytherin demands revenge.

The solution: Get Dare to be her fake boyfriend.

Convincing the star athlete to pretend is easier than she’d thought it would be. The hard part is protecting her heart. With every word, touch, and kiss, Viola’s feelings become more real.

The problem: Viola knows she’s falling for Dare—but he doesn’t believe in love.

This book features two sets of soulmates, one happy pooch named Hermione, so many sizzling kisses and answers the question:

Can a dork and a jock fake their way to true love?

Goodreads / Amazon


This had to be a dream, I thought. Either that or a hallucination.

Standing in our driveway, leaning back against my little Honda, hands in his pockets like he was Jake Ryan from Sixteen Candles or something, was a guy who knew he looked good even in sweats and a hoodie.

Dare Frost.

His six-foot-three frame dwarfed my car. Dare was the last person I expected to see waiting outside my house on my last first day of high school. I was so surprised it took me a second to find my voice.

But Dare just cocked his head.

“Morning flower,” he said. “Better hurry or we’ll be late.”

I shook myself out of it. “Are you lost?”

“Nope, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.”

“What are you even doing here?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” He held his hands out, a small smile playing on his lips. “I’m here to bum a ride to school. Speaking of, could you pop the locks?” Dare rubbed his hands together. “It’s a little chilly out here.”

I laughed, couldn’t help it. “Are you crazy? Dare, I’m not taking you to school.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No. I’m not.”

Dare shrugged. “Coach said you would.”

My jaw dropped. “He did what? When? Why?”

“That’s a lot of questions,” he said. “But yeah, your dad and I talked the other day after practice. He said you’d give me a ride because we live so close to each other. Said it would be no problem. I run by your house every morning anyway. Plus, my car’s in the shop for repairs.”

“Didn’t you just get that car?” I asked.

The question made Dare smile for some reason. “You keeping tabs on me, Vi?”

I choked. “What? No!”

“Hey, no worries,” he said. “I’m not mad about it. A lot of girls do it. Just wasn’t aware you were one of them.”

Author Bio:

Cookie O'Gorman writes YA & NA romance to give readers a taste of happily-ever-after. Small towns, quirky characters, and the awkward yet beautiful moments in life make up her books. Cookie also has a soft spot for nerds and ninjas. Her novels ADORKABLE, NINJA GIRL, The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder, The Good Girl's Guide to Being Bad and WALLFLOWER are out now! She is also the author of NA sports romance, The Best Mistake.

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Saturday, March 27, 2021

Paper Hearts Release Blitz


Title: Paper Hearts
Author: Brittany Taylor
Genre: Enemies to Lovers Romance
Release Date: March 26, 2021


Asher Owens.

Gorgeous. Arrogant. Liar.

It’s been ten years since Asher left me with nothing but the remains of our shattered dreams.

The last place I expected to see him was at a small bar in a city of over eight million.

With my heart set on expanding my business, I needed one of New York City’s best real estate executives. Little did I know it would be the same man who had torn my heart like a piece of paper before setting it on fire.

Once my gaze lands on his, I know Asher is no longer the boy I loved when I was eighteen. No, this Asher treated me like a stranger. All for the sake of not wanting to sift through the ashes of our past.

Yet Asher’s arrogance rivaled any sort of rejection, even mine. Using his own selfish ambition, he needed me to claw his way to the top.

Despite his true motives, I had foolishly let him back in.

I’d fallen in love with Asher Owens once before and this time I would try my best not to make the same mistake twice.



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I step forward, closing the space between us. It’s the closest I’ve been to her in ten years. She steps backward, her back hitting the wall behind her. Her scent fills the air around us, a mixture of vanilla and flowers. Even with her heels, the top of her head still doesn’t meet my chin. I’m hovering over her, looking down at her as she tips her chin up. Breaking my eyes away from hers, I take a glance at how many floors we still have to go—only ten more left. Her whole body turns rigid with mine pressed against hers. She presses her lips together and swallows, her eyes dancing between my mouth and my eyes.

“What bothers you more, Charleigh? The fact that I won’t work with you or that you think I’m a shit friend? Because it seems to me it might be both.”

She bites down on her bottom lip, pulling it between her perfect teeth.


Suddenly I’m remembering how those lips once pressed against mine. Standing this close to her was a mistake, my reaction to her beginning to grow within the black pants of my suit.

Despite my question, she remains silent, so I continue. “And don’t pretend to be shocked by my question. We both know the truth behind how you really feel about me.”

Her bottom lip pops out from between her teeth, the flesh pink from the pressure she placed on it. “Wow.” The word slowly seeps out of her mouth, letter by letter. Her eyes narrow once again, and it’s as if she’s pierced me straight in the chest. “How arrogant you must be to assume how I feel about you after ten years of silence. Don’t act like you’re the victim here, Asher. You made your choices and I made mine.” Her words are laced with venom, meant to poison me.

It took nearly ten years to put Charleigh out of my mind. The pain of what happened, her forcing me to make the decision to leave her, is still fresh, even after all this time. We both lost something the night I left, but in a way, I feel I lost more than Charleigh did…my mother, and Charleigh.

I thought I was doing what was best for the both of us, but the differences between her and me couldn’t be more apparent.

The elevator settles before the doors slide open. I’m still standing in front of Charleigh, pressing her body against the wall. She pushes against my chest and quickly walks out. I hold my breath, knowing I should let her go. But like the fool I’ve always been, I don’t.


Brittany Taylor grew up all over the world including places such as California, England and Texas. Today she resides in Connecticut with her husband, two sons, two cats, and a dog. She loves reading but loves writing even more. Her favorite things in life are her family, binge watching Golden Girls, and tacos.


Friday, March 26, 2021

Lucas Release Boost


Title: Lucas
Series: The Sinful Seven #1
Author: Connie Lafortune
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 18, 2021


My face is splashed on every tabloid.
My reputation notorious.
I’m the quintessential bad-boy Rockstar whose addiction is women.
I savor a new “flavor” every night, then I cut and run with no false promises to call.

But recently, one sexy little barista has snaked into my veins. I’m craving far more than the mean cup of Joe she slings. Abby ignites a fire in my soul, making me burn for her in ways I never thought possible. I’ve been warned that love and lust are a dangerous combination.

Will Abby be my latest distraction? Or the fatal overdose of a deadly attraction?

Get swept up in the gritty world of rock-and-roll in Lucas, the first book in The Sinful Seven series sure to set your e-reader on fire!



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Now we’re back at home and we’re both too wound up to sleep. What’s a girl to do?
“There are only a few more hours before dawn, you wanna grab a bottle of champagne and go up on the roof?” Ah, I do believe my rock god is a romantic. He might not send me flowers or buy me chocolates, but it’s the little things like this that make me fall in love with him more and more every day.
“I’d love to. I’ll grab a blanket while you get the bubbly. I’ll meet you up there.” I sneak in a quick kiss before walking over to the bed to grab the comforter, toss off my shoes which are killing me, and then climb the stairs to the rooftop. It’s a bit chilly, so I wrap the blanket around me and wait for my man.
As soon as he notices me all bundled up, he asks, “You want me to get you a jacket?”
“No, silly. I have you to keep me warm.” Ah, that beautiful smile does crazy things to my insides.
“Yeah, I hope you know I’ll always keep you safe and warm, Abby.” After sitting down next to me, he hands me a paper cup. He shrugs and starts laughing. “Sorry, I don’t have any fancy champagne flutes or anything, but now that I have a steady paycheck, I’ll get some for next time.”
Abandoning the warmth of the blanket, I crawl over to him and straddle his lap. Cupping his face, I stare into those sultry eyes. “I don’t need fancy glasses or expensive clothes. I don’t even need a fancy car or a posh place to live. All I need is you, the stars, and coffee.” There’s that smile again. “I love you, Lucas. Not your money, not your fame, and certainly not your bad taste in movies. Just you.”
The bubbly’s soon forgotten when he lays me down on the blanket and slowly peels off every layer of my clothing. Which isn’t much, but it’s a slow burn nonetheless. A few minutes ago I was freezing, now I’m on fire as his gaze rakes over every inch of me. I notice the different look in his eyes now compared to earlier in our relationship. Now it’s about the love and not about the lust. Although the two go hand in hand, this is lasting, not fleeting. Lucas doesn’t realize it, but he’s come a long way and I’m so damn proud of him.
When he hovers over me for a kiss, I use this time wisely and strip him of his clothing. All he needs to do is shimmy out of his jeans and we’ll be skin on skin. And he does and we are.
My legs part, inviting him in, and he accepts the invitation with open arms by thrusting inside of me. I gasp, he moans, and our bodies move to the rhythm of our heartbeats. Lucas Pipes Knight makes love to me under a blanket of stars on a rooftop in Manhattan.
It’s not fancy. It’s perfection.


Connie Lafortune is a rebel, coffee addict and incurable romantic. She pens steamy contemporary romance about enemies-to-lovers, second chances, and broken heroes with plenty of angst. If she's not in her office writing her next novel, you can bet she's curled up in a comfy chair with her nose buried in a book. On the lookout for her next book boyfriend!