Thursday, April 30, 2020

Malachi Book Blitz #Giveaway

Malachi, Ruse Master
Pamela Schloesser Canepa
(A Detours in Time Character Spin-off, #3)
Publication date: April 23rd 2020
Genres: Mystery, New Adult, Young Adult
Duplicity is Mike’s first nature. If you want to know what he’s doing with his life, just ask, but don’t expect the truth. You may not even be getting his real name…
Such duplicity is the reason a so-called ‘acting job’ at a suspiciously sparse agency, LLJF, becomes the perfect solution to Mike’s college drop-out blues. During a time when he is just finding out who he really is, Mike adopts the new identity of ‘Malachi,’ and it fits like a glove. A broken nose, a lost tooth, stealing scientific secrets, and a run through the alleys of D.C. are all in a day’s work. Malachi is the best at uncovering the truths that others want to hide, and the taste of succeeding at what you are best at is intoxicating.
Malachi is willing to do anything to get his paycheck–until he must decide if the thrill of deception is worth the price he must pay.
Malachi, Ruse Master is a Detours in Time series character spinoff and intersects with events from Undercurrents in Time. The third book in the series, Malachi, Ruse Master is also perfect as a stand alone read.
Jack got me back home in a blur. I headed back to my basement room and studied the scratches and bruises. I still had two black eyes.
“It’s not always this bad,” Jack said.
“Eh, it’s alright. I mean, a hundred dollars extra? I’ll take that. And you even fixed it for me. I should pursue that career in boxing after all.” I chuckled.
He set the pill bottle on my coffee table. “Well, let me know if you ever want some sparring lessons; it may come in handy, just for self-defense. By the way, you’ll only need one of these every six hours.” He tapped the pill bottle. “No drinking, okay?”
I nodded.
“I’ll get those back day after tomorrow.” He left with a grunt and a gentle pat on the back, as if I had just been initiated into manhood.
I pulled out an old Loius L’amour Western and opened it up. It had been a while since I’d read a book other than to scan it for a class assignment. Bad habit. The storyline and the concept of frontier justice could soothe me after a hard day’s work, but I could not focus my vision or my mind. My shoes were off, but my jeans were still on, and my money was still in my pocket. All of this made me feel a little more secure in the moment, as long as I didn’t think about the blow to my nose. Maybe he was right, and it wasn’t always this bad. I tried to focus on the pay, and soon gave up, dropping the book down on my lap as I lay back and drifted to sleep.

Author Bio:
As a teacher of middle school English, Pamela loves to inspire the imagination of young readers and writers. As a child, she herself wrote often to escape boredom or entertain herself on long trips or long distance moves. When her family settled in the Southeast, writing provided an outlet for private thoughts and emotions for years, and after blogging for a few years, she decided to self-publish fiction in 2016. Pamela's genres include science fiction, paranormal fiction, and poetry of all types. The "Made for Me" series was Pamela's first published fiction series with a futuristic flavor. Pamela is now releasing a spinoff for Malachi, one of the characters in “Undercurrents in Time,” and her next project is another installment in the “Made for Me” series. What inspired Malachi, Ruse Master? “I feel like the young adult years are sort tumultuous for many of us, as well as being a huge turning point in who we decide to be. I remembered those years from my life as I allowed Malachi’s story to unravel in my mind. I truly enjoyed it!”
What’s next? Ellie, the elusive young woman who keeps showing up in Malachi’s life, reveals her purpose for doing so in Ellie, the Time Traveler, due for release in 2021 or 2022.
In Mother of Many, a young woman whose real mother is unknown, becomes part of a conspiracy as she discovers the truth about the father of her unborn child. Due for release when the muse insists.



Infinite Us Book Blitz #Giveaway

Infinite Us
Eden Butler
Publication date: April 28th 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Love is timeless…
Nash Nation loves zeroes and ones, over-sized monitors and late office hours. He’s too busy taking over the world to make time for relationships—that is, until his new neighbor Willow O’Bryant barges into his life, and now Nash can’t shake the feeling that this isn’t the first time she’s interrupted his world.
Then, the dreams start. And in the dreams—memories.
Memories of a girl named Sookie who couldn’t count on love or friendship, never mind forever. Memories of a library and a boy called Isaac and secrets made in private that destroyed his world.
The memories seem real, but who do they belong to?
When Nash and Willow discover the truth, life as they know it unravels.
The bridge between this life and the next is shored up by blood and bone and memory. Sometimes, that bridge leads to the place we’ve always wanted to be.

NOTE: This is a completely revamped re-release version of this title with new characters and is a standalone with a HEA
“This thing we got… I told you, it won’t be easy.”
“Nothing good is ever easy, Isaac.”
There was a pause as unasked questions hovered around us. I considered what life would be like with Isaac, that no matter how committed we might be to our relationship, we could not exist in a vacuum. Struggles would follow us wherever we went, and would spill out to our families, our loved ones, our friends.
He waited. Although Isaac was the one who moved with caution, the one who refused to assume that the easy road would be ours to travel, he waited for me to come to a decision. He wanted me to say yes, but wouldn’t ask the question. He would not lead me anywhere, but would be waiting for me when I arrived—if I didn’t turn back.
“Isaac?” He nodded again and brought me closer. His cheeks were wide, his features strong and he closed his eyes, as though he relished the feel of my fingertips over his face. “Will you love me? No matter what happens?”
Isaac pulled me around him, holding me against his large body, his hand around my waist. His voice was quiet, but filled with strength, with conviction. “Always.”
No one had touched me like Isaac. He had a way about him, something real and honest that was assured by his long, perfect fingers down my back and the slip of his tongue inside my mouth. There was no fear, not when those fingers gripped me tighter, when he slowly lowered my zipper and held my hand as I stepped out of my dress.
He watched me then, and even though a different Riley might have been shy, I liked the way his stare felt against my bare skin. It was me he wanted, only me; only I could sate his hunger, redeem that desperate look that had caught him in a silent pause.
Isaac still held my hand, arm extended with that hard, greedy gaze working over me. He made me feel needed, wanted, he made me feel necessary. And when he pulled my hand to rest it against his heart, I held my breath, waiting to hear what he thought, hoping he wanted me as much as I wanted him. “My sweet… my beautiful Riley.”
He stepped back, my fingers trailing away from his chest, and tugged off his shirt, dropping it to the floor, instantly forgotten. Isaac picked me up and carried me to the bed, divesting me of everything that kept me covered, and everything that kept him hidden from me.
I had never seen a naked man before. I’d never been naked with a man before. But there I lay on Isaac’s large bed covered by his long legs and muscular thighs, my small frame underneath him, open to him as he took control and showed me what it meant to be loved.
“You and me, Riley, there’s nothing but this. Nothing else but this, how we are right now.”
Isaac never spoke much of his feelings, the things that rocked his soul, the many worries that kept him up at night. Maybe he didn’t know how to say he loved me, but just then, with Isaac’s warm, solid body right against mine, skin to skin, touching me like no one ever had before, I decided words weren’t all that important.
“Nothing else, my love. Nothing else at all.”

Author Bio:
Eden Butler is a writer of contemporary, fantasy and romantic suspense novels and the nine-times great-granddaughter of an honest-to-God English pirate. This could explain her affinity for rule breaking and rum.
When she's not writing or wondering about her possibly Jack Sparrowesque ancestor, Eden patiently waits for her Hogwarts letter, reads, and spends too much time in her garden perfecting her green thumb while waiting for the next New Orleans Saints Superbowl win.
She is currently living under teenage rule alongside her husband in southeast Louisiana.
Please send help.



A Zero Waste Life In Thirty Days Earth Day Blitz #Giveaway

I am so excited that A ZERO WASTE LIFE IN THIRTY DAYS by Anita Vandyke is available now and that I get to share the news!

If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book by Author & Influencer Anita Vandyke, be sure to check out all the details below.

This blitz also includes a giveaway for a Mermaid Straw and a copy of the eBook courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, enter in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.

About The Book:
Author: Anita Vandyke
Pub. Date: April 22, 2020
Publisher: Apollo Publishers 
Formats: Paperback, eBook, audiobook
Pages: 192

A practical guide to improving your life--and your impact on the world--in thirty simple days by radically reducing waste without losing your lifestyle.

Overwhelmed by clutter, anxious about your environmental footprint, and looking to make a change? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to reconfigure your consumption--still, it doesn't hurt that Anita Vandyke is. A qualified engineer and the eco-luxe lifestyle champion behind the popular zero-waste Instagram @Rocket-Science, Anita Vandyke has made the change to a zero-waste life, and through hands-on advice and charming illustrations, she shows us that with ease and style, we can too.

By incorporating thirty simple rules one day at a time, A Zero Waste Life is a manageable guide to forming a more conscientious, intentional life in just one month. Offered inside is guidance for tackling waste and making ethical choices when it comes to shopping, eating, travel, beauty, and more. With her signature elegance and encouraging voice, Vandyke proves that we can stop depending on plastics, tidy our homes, and clear the way for a cleaner future--and that when we stop wasting, we start living.

When people hear of the conservationist lifestyle, it sounds idealistic and undesirable—a life spent sacrificing conveniences and laboring over smelly compost. Not quite so, according to stylish lifestyle expert, social influencer, and qualified rocket scientist Anita Vandyke, whose popular Instagram (@Rocket_Science) documenting her hip, conservationist lifestyle has amassed more than 82,000 followers, and who is the author of the upcoming, much anticipated, beautifully illustrated, and highly readable guidebook A Zero Waste Life in Thirty Days.

Releasing just in time for Earth Day (April 22, 2020), A Zero Waste Life in Thirty Days makes it easy—even convenient, fun, and envy producing!—to become a conservationist. Inside, Vandyke elegantly and encouragingly invites readers to follow a simple, manageable plan that will incorporate sustainable techniques into their lives one day at a time over a 30-day period, and leave them with a more intentional, fulfilling, and Earth-friendly lifestyle.

Vandyke focuses on incorporating practical ways to reduce waste, such as with:

  • food and shopping (become a better cook, reduce costs from packaging, and spend less eating out);
  • beauty and cleaning (DIY organic beauty and cleaning products to avoid toxins);
  • and recycling and composting (the basics and why it isn’t as daunting (or smelly!) as it seems).

Vandyke says quitting her corporate job helped her find her path, and that her financial savviness during her “funemployment” is what led to a zero waste lifestyle. “I don’t have all the answers to living a 100% zero waste life,” she says. “It’s a goal, nothing more. I believe we can all be everyday activists and take little steps to reduce our waste.

About Anita:

Anita Vandyke is a qualified rocket scientist (graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering – Aeronautical Space) and runs a successful Instagram account (@rocket_science) about zero waste living.

She was born in Guangzhou China, raised in Australia and currently splits her time between studying Medicine in Sydney, and living with her husband in San Francisco. She regularly blogs about her passions of zero waste switches, minimalism, travel and all things green living.
Anita's first book A Zero Waste Life: a thirty day guide published by Penguin Random House, Australia is available at all good book stores. Her second book is coming out in 2020.
Giveaway Details:
3 winners will win a Mermaid Straw and a copy of the eBook, US Only.

The giveaway will be open until April 30th at 12:00 a.m. Eastern.

Someone To Kiss My Scars Book Blitz #Giveaway

Someone To Kiss My Scars: A Teen Thriller
Brooke Skipstone
Publication date: October 17th 2019
Genres: Thriller, Young Adult
First Place Pencraft Award in Young Adult Abuse
Readers’ Favorite International Contest: Silver Medal in Young Adult Thriller

“Powerful. Original. Deeply felt and convincing.” — Kirkus Reviews
Hunter needs to remember. Jazz needs to forget. They need each other to heal in this teen thriller of survivor love.
Hunter’s past is a mystery to him, erased by a doctor at the direction of his father. But memories of the secret trauma begin to surface when Hunter sees other people’s memories–visions invading his mind with stories of abuse, teen self-mutilation, rape, and forbidden sex.
His best friend Jazz has dark and disturbing memories of her own that she hides behind her sass and wit. Hunter discovers he can rescue the victims, even though he risks adding their suffering to his own.
Hunter and Jazz kiss each other’s scars and form a bond of empathy no two teens should ever need.
Only 99¢ for a limited time!
Jazz waited for Hunter inside the front doors of the K – 12 school, home to 150 students from the small town of Clear Creek and ten miles in either direction on the nearby highway. Her big boots stomped on the metal grating just inside the door as she paced, wondering what was keeping him. Her flatworms had regenerated their heads and tails and still remembered what she had taught them prior to decapitation. Memory can exist outside the brain! How cool was that? She couldn’t wait to tell him.
“Girl, you need to get to class,” said Patty, the secretary, in her loud, thick drawl. She was a large woman with a big smile, born in Texas, who lined her eyes in dark blue, wore big hoop earrings and gaudy silver necklaces. Today she wore jeans, boots, and a bright yellow top with white fringe and turquoise pieces sewn into the fabric. She loved the kids, and most loved her back, including Jazz.
“I need to show something to Hunter. It’s so cool!”
“Mr. Roberts approved you being out of his class?”
“He knows. He said it was OK.”
She had advanced to the state science fair a month ago and now wanted desperately to go to the international fair next year, her last chance before graduation. Maybe she could win a scholarship or some money for college. Mr. Roberts, her science teacher, had given her a corner of the school lab to run her experiments even through the summer. She’d been hired as extra maintenance help at the school, so she would have access to the building through August.
Jazz straightened up and put her hands on the glass door as she saw his truck roll into the parking lot.
Jazz watched Hunter park his truck and run toward the front door. As usual he looked flustered and a little clumsy when he ran, but God was he cute! She loved his long, floppy hair, his thick eyebrows over his dark brown eyes. And his mouth was gorgeous—so full and soft. He was the only guy in school who didn’t think she was weird for loving science and who smiled at her like he meant it. He was her only real friend. Before he came in August, the only people who cared about her were the teachers and Patty.
Just as he reached for the entry bell, Jazz pushed the front door open.
“Hey, Hunter!” She knew from the heat she felt in her cheeks she was blushing behind her big smile.
“Hey, Jazz. Sorry I’m late. I know you wanted me here early.”
“It’s OK. I have something to show you.” She grabbed his arm.
“I’ve got to get to class,” he said, panting.
“Patty said she’d give you a pass. C’mon!” Jazz pulled him down the hallway. “I said no such thing!” yelled Patty as the two kids ran past her.
“You know you will!” shouted Jazz over her shoulder.
Jazz dragged him down the hall to the science wing, opened the lab door, and walked to the far side of the room near the fume hood and a short lab table against the wall—her domain. One of the fluorescent tubes flickered on the ceiling. She looked up and shook her head. “That won’t do. Can’t have another variable in here. I’ll talk to Mr. Roberts later to have this fixed.”
She carefully removed a cover from a small shelving unit to reveal a series of petri dishes containing small brown worms. “Ta da!” said Jazz.
Each dish lay inside colored tape strips, labeled with names and dates. A clipboard with the color-code key hung from a hook.
Hunter bent closer. “Worms? Did you make them?” He wrinkled his nose. “Kinda. I trained them with food and bright lights until they remembered what to do in different environments to find their food. So if those memories were stored in their brain, which is similar to ours, you would think that if their heads were amputated, the new regenerated brain wouldn’t remember their training. But they did!” She threw out her hands in excitement.
“Yeah! As a group they didn’t do quite as well as the trained, uncut controls, which were not decapitated, but the ones that regrew their heads did as well as those which regrew their tails. And both groups of regenerated worms found their food faster than an untrained group. ”
“Meaning what?”
“Meaning memory is not confined to their brains!” She lifted up onto her toes and felt warmth radiating throughout her body. “If it were, the ones that grew new brains wouldn’t remember the training. Don’t you see? So many people think memories are stored in the brain, but they may be stored in other parts of the body or outside it.”
“At least in worms. What about in humans?”
“Could be the same. I haven’t figured out an experiment for them yet.” She moved closer and straightened the collar on his shirt. “But I’m looking for volunteers to help me.” She touched his nose with her finger. “How about you?”
“Sure. Unless you plan to chop something off me.”
She moved closer, enjoying the tease, locking her eyes onto his. “First, I train you, then I chop.” She picked up a ruler off a table next to her and slapped it into her hand. “Do you respond better to punishment or reward?” She walked toward him, shaking the ruler. “I used bright lights and raw liver on the worms.”
He backed away, chuckling. “So which one of those is the reward?”
“The liver, obviously. But for you . . .” She thought of so many things she wouldn’t dare say to him. “How about fresh chocolate chip cookies after school? I could come by your place.”
“Cool. I’d like that.”
He was so much fun. “When are you going to show me more stories about the Tremarians? I haven’t read any for a while.”
A pained look crossed his face. “I had to start writing something else.” “You had to? Why?”
“I’ll explain later. How about when you bring the cookies?”
“OK.” She noticed his frown and felt a chill. “Are you all right?” “Sure. Well, not really.”
“What’s wrong?” She almost reached out for his hand, but pulled back and clasped her hands against her chest.
“I realized this morning I never asked you about the things you didn’t want to remember. When we first talked. In the gym months ago. I told you I wanted to remember my past, and you said there were things you wanted to forget. What are they? And I’m sorry for not asking you before now.”
She felt her eyes widen and her heart race. How could you remember that? “So many things, Hunter, but none of them involve you.”
His shoulders slumped.
Jazz felt a rush of fear. Had she offended him? “What made you think of that now? I mean, I love that you care enough to ask, but what brought that up?”
Hunter bit his lip and frowned. “I haven’t had much sleep. I tried to find something from my past in my dad’s room, but the few things I found meant nothing to me. And I think he’s lying to me about . . . why we came here.” His chin quivered.
She moved closer to him, unable this time to resist, and reached for his hands. He tensed, causing her to pause. “Do you mind?”
She held both of his hands and felt them quivering within her own. “I’m your friend, Hunter. Something’s going on with you, and I want to help.” She looked into his brown eyes and saw them twitch. “Why don’t you come to my house for lunch today? I’ve got some leftover spaghetti and meatballs.”
He looked at their hands touching and smiled slightly. “That would be great. I forgot to bring anything to eat today. Lucky this school allows us to go home for lunch.”
“Good.” She squeezed his hands then let them go. “You better get to class.”
“Yeah, thanks.” He turned to leave and opened the door then looked back. “So what’s the brain for if not to store memories?”
“It’s a receiver and transmitter, like a TV set. A signal comes in, and a movie memory plays in your head.”
His eyes widened as he just stared at her with his mouth open.
“Are you OK?”
“Yeah. Gotta go.” He left the room.
She thought he would be excited or awed about her conclusion, but he seemed
terrified. Why did he have to write something else? Something was going on inside Hunter’s head. She’d sensed it since they first met. He said he couldn’t remember his past, yet he often seemed haunted.
She knew what nightmares the past could bring.

Author Bio:
Brooke Skipstone lives in Alaska, where she watches the mountains change colors with the seasons from her balcony. Where she feels the constant rush toward winter as the sunlight wanes for six months of the year, seven minutes each day, bringing crushing cold that lingers even as the sun climbs again. Where the burst of life during summer is urgent under twenty-four-hour daylight, lush and decadent. Where fish swim hundreds of miles up rivers past bear claws and nets and wheels and lines of rubber-clad combat fishers, arriving humped and ragged, dying as they spawn. Where danger from the land and its animals exhilarates the senses, forcing her to appreciate the difference between life and death. Where the edge between is sometimes too alluring.



RELEASE BLITZ - Full Court Press

Title: Full Court Press
Author: J. Akridge
Genre: Sports Romance
Release Date: April 24, 2020


Single mother Kelsi Fran hates basketball. To her, it’s a painful reminder of her past relationship mistakes. But after losing a bet to her sister, she finds herself at an Atlanta Hawks game, hating life. There, she meets basketball star Landon Prince and treats herself to one steamy night with him. 

Landon sees Kelsi as the kind of girl he could fall for, but it takes a bit of convincing for her to give them a chance. When she finally relents, Landon fully believes he can protect her from the trappings of his fame. He was wrong. One reporter was all it took to catch a picture of them in a compromising position, that could cost Kelsi her teaching job. 

But when Kelsi’s ex sees the picture, he formulates a plan to exploit the situation in a vicious custody battle. Can Landon and Kelsi work together to pick up the pieces of her shattered life and begin a full court press to their happily ever after? Or will the price of his fame tear them apart?

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Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

J. Akridge is a romance author that loves all the feelings she gets after reading a good love story. She enjoys watching reruns of Criminal Minds because, duh Derek Morgan, and all things leopard. Whenever she isn’t reading or writing, she’s cheering her kids on at competitive cheer competitions and t-ball games. She would love to hear your thoughts and any questions, so feel free to reach out. 

Author Links

The Run Around Book Blitz #Giveaway

The Run Around
Bernadette Franklin
Publication date: April 28th 2020
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance
Arranging a wedding for her brother and a five-time thoroughbride tests Hope’s skills and patience. She’d believed the vows would be the most dangerous part of the ceremony, but a baseball to the head during the photography session proves her wrong and lands her in the sights of her brother’s best friend, Fredrick.
He wants her to plan his wedding.
She wants to be his bride.
Diving into the treacherous world of wedding planning, Hope keeps her word and arranges the vows for the one man she believes she could love. He doesn’t know how much she cherishes him and his friendship.
What she doesn’t know lands her in the heart of a royal mess.
A sensible woman would’ve been delighted to be her future sister-in-law’s maid of honor, as it implied cordial relationships or some sort of bullshit like that. I knew better.
I made an excellent scapegoat.
As the wedding party’s weakest link, everyone expected me to trip on my dress, maybe break an ankle along with my neck, or spill the entire wine fountain onto the floor. My brother claimed he loved me, but I believed he’d been the one to spread the rumor I was the world’s clumsiest woman.
When I secured my revenge, it would be sweet.
But first, I needed to survive my brother’s wedding without being responsible for a single hiccup. Playing to my brother’s misconceptions, I’d spent months tripping over nothing on purpose so I could transform myself into the image of traditional beauty and grace.
I’d even lost twenty pounds so my dress would fit.
The wedding would be a disaster, but I would emerge from the chaos smelling like roses, red wine, and garlic bread. Honestly, I doubted the wedding would make it to the reception.
Some weddings had bridezillas. We had a thoroughbride, and if she got it into her head to run, I wished my brother the best of luck catching her before she fled from the church. My proposal to have the wedding on a yacht, where my brother’s thoroughbride couldn’t escape, hadn’t earned me points with anyone.
The bride hated the ocean.
My brother was smart enough to catch onto my implication.
It wasn’t my fault Amy wasn’t exactly the most reliable woman in the world when it came to marriage. Once was a fluke. Twice was a trend. Five incidents of running from the wedding was evidence the thoroughbride would strike again, and my dear old brother would be saddled with the fifty thousand dollar bill, as he refused to believe Amy would run out on him.
Oh, no. Amy would never run out on him.

Author Bio:
Bernadette Franklin is a figment of imagination owned and operated by two cats, a few plants, and a human.



RELEASE BLITZ - Old Enough to Love

Title: Old Enough to Love
Series: Just One of the Guys #1
Author: Kristi Pelton
Genre: Young Adult
Release Date: April 29, 2020


Emma Hendricks… Zach Owens
She’s 15… He’s 18
She’s experienced nothing… He’s experienced the world.
What happens when their worlds collide?
Never allowed to date, will the relationship survive Emma’s overly protective, older brother and his friends? And what happens when his past is revealed, and she discovers he’s on probation. Even if she accepts it, she must lie to her parents and those around her. She’s always been, Just one of the guys…and now a man sees her as so much more. Can she convince him that she is old enough to love?

*Please note, this book was released in 2013 and has been edited and formatted with additional material

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Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Just the fact that someone may be reading my ‘bio’ thrills me. What does one say in an author bio? Well, I LOVE to write! Sometimes characters talk to me in my head (in a non-psychotic way) and I have to get what they are saying out on paper! So, here we are!  J

I am a part-time juvenile probation officer and full-time wife, but I spend the majority of the time helping my two favorite, college-aged sons navigate through life and hopefully become the best humans they can be.

I am a huge fan of the Kansas Jayhawks, the Oregon Ducks, the Chicago Cubs (I have a dog named Wrigley) and the Kansas City Chiefs.

I’m terribly addicted to music—ALLLLL kinds and driving in the car with the sunroof open and radio turned up helps the creative juices flow.

I am deliciously addicted to queso and cupcakes; but even with that…I like to slowly kill my body with Crossfit. I’m annoyingly sarcastic.

People ask me ‘what has been your favorite book to write’—I would have to say my original series. (I think it sold 100 copies)  J   FINALLY, I’m tweaking them! My heart was poured into these books—but they needed tweaking.  Slick was my Amazon best seller, but every one of them mean something to me.

In the end, I truly believe life is taken way too seriously by most. I say enjoy every moment, have an adult beverage and READ!! Cheers….

Author Links

RELEASE BLITZ - Spooning Leads to Forking #Giveaway

Title: Spooning Leads to Forking
Series: Hot in the Kitchen #2
Author: Kilby Blades
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Comedy
Release Date: April 28, 2020


Leaving her name—and her job as a top food critic—behind in New York, Shea Summers seeks respite in Sapling. Her borrowed mountain getaway seems perfect for writing her opus. It’s also perfect for riding out a messy divorce and hiding the roomful of cash she kind-of-sort-of stole from her ex.

Too bad Sapling is a remote, three-restaurant town with food that leaves much to be desired. Sexy grocer, Dev Kingston, may be Shea’s saving grace. The way he looks at her with his aspen-green eyes shows her everything her marriage was missing, and he can special-order every delicacy she craves.

But Shea’s not the only one who isn’t what she seems. Dev moonlights as a sheriff’s deputy, a fact she finds out too late; a string of suspicious crimes finds newcomers under scrutiny; and her ex is going to extremes to find out where she is.

Taking the money and living under an assumed name might be on the right side of wrong, but dating Dev is a dangerous game. She's still running and he's still the law.

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Dev Kingston has some nerve, Shea said to herself rather unreasonably. She’d been mentally cursing the man all morning. He was utterly responsible for her lack of concentration. Maybe some of the blame ought to be put on Delilah, whose abrupt disappearance the night before had perpetrated events that left Shea and Dev alone in his car.

Even before last night, Shea had struggled to remain impervious to his charm. Seeing him with Evie had done nothing to diminish his appeal. There were few things more attractive than a man who doted on his momma. Then, to be in his car, surrounded by a cocoon of his citrusy, spicy aroma had made Shea ache to do spicy things.

Don’t forget the arm squeeze, sex-starved Shea reminded reasonable Shea, as if any version of Shea could forget. It was the least-perfunctory cheek kiss she’d ever received. His big hand had cuffed her upper arm firmly. His green eyes had narrowed slightly, telegraphing something complex before warm lips delivered a too-brief kiss to her cheek.

A wave of his delectable scent had filled her senses as soon as he’d pulled back and she might have leant forward just a bit—her nose’s attempt to follow. She might’ve taken it farther, trailing said nose up the column of his beautiful neck, if his voice hadn’t broken the spell, speaking a deep, “Good night.”

Also Available

99c for a limited time!


Author Bio

Kilby Blades is a 45-time-award-winning author of Romance and Women's Fiction. Her debut novel, Snapdragon, was a HOLT Medallion finalist, a Publisher’s Weekly Book Life Prize Semi-Finalist, and an IPPY Award medalist. Kilby was honored with an RSJ Emma Award for Best Debut Author in 2018 and has been lauded by critics for “easing feminism and equality into her novels” (IndieReader) and “writing characters who complement each other like a fine wine does a good meal” (Publisher’s Weekly).

When she's not writing, Kilby goes to movie matinees alone, where she eats Chocolate Pocky and buttered popcorn and usually smuggles in not-a-little-bit of red wine. She procrastinates from the difficult process of writing by oversharing on Facebook and Instagram and giving away cool stuff related to her fiction novels to her newsletter subscribers.

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RELEASE BLITZ - Treasure Island SEAL #Giveaway!

Title: Treasure Island SEAL
Series: Sunset SEALs #3
Author: Sharon Hamilton
Genre: Military Romantic Suspense
Release Date: April 28, 2020


Navy SEAL Ned Silver is lured to the Florida gulf coast by the friend of his fathers, a former Navy diver now turned treasure hunter. Between deployments, S.O. Silver is addicted to adventure, and searching for pirate booty is right up his alley. What he hasn’t counted on is that his net has  also captured a local mermaid.

Madison Montgomery has done freelance underwater modeling and film work, but she’s also an experienced scuba diver. Between jobs, she tends a salty beach bar catering to whatever the sea blows in. She’s unprepared when her heart is hooked on the muscled beach bum she’s hired to work with on a treasure dive.

As their underwater love affair smolders like a hyperbaric welding torch, the pair will have to discover who is captain and who is First Mate.

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“I haven’t been to this side of Florida before, it’s nice,“ Ned muttered.
“I’ve spent most my time on the other coast to be honest. But I love the gulf side much better. Warmer I think, more temperate. And it’s slower. I mean, we got lots of tourism here, no question about it. But it’s happier, you know what I mean?” 
Ned stared straight ahead as the bridge dead-ended into a small two lane boulevard, heading north and south along the beach.
“This here is Gulf Boulevard, for obvious reasons. You have your beachside properties and then you have your inland properties which sometimes are on a waterway. In any direction you’re no more than five or six blocks from some body of water. I think that’s why I like it“
Noonan turned right and headed north. Ned saw glimpses of turquoise water and white beaches in between two story rental units and occasionally a large condo complex. Along the way it was dotted with beach shops and rental agencies, renting everything from vacation cabins to surfboards, golf carts and beach bicycles. He passed a lot of ice cream stores. There were shops on both sides of the road selling fishing and beach gear, flip-flops, bathing suits, tanning lotion, and a couple of Taqueria‘s with open air palapas just like Ned had seen in Mexico. There were lots of fish and chips places, a smattering of outdoor bars with brightly-colored umbrellas. Occasionally they had to stop between lights to allow couples or families to cross the road, usually towing a canvas wagon filled with towels and equipment.
They also passed several groups of walkers, and occasionally a tandem bicycle. Ned felt himself starting to relax, even though Noonan was quick to hit on the gas and slow to hit the brakes.
“See? Nothing fancy, but not too shabby, either.”
They turned left down a paved road that ended at the edge of a wooden bridge over the sand dunes. It was the Treasure Island beach access trail. Off to the side was an alleyway, unpaved, just wide enough to accommodate two cars passing. On both sides of the path were smaller shacks, some of them well-painted, and others left to the sea's devices. Vacation rental signs hung in most of the yards or attached to the upper eve of the houses, colorfully  lettered in bright Caribbean paint, with names like Pete’s Paradise and Laura‘s Lair, with pictures of fish, starfish, and mermaids adorning fences and sides of buildings. Newnan pulled into the driveway of a tiny pink house that sat right on the beach.
“It isn’t much, I warn you. This place is going to get torn down, and the owner has plans to build a McMansion, sort of triplex building. He wants to live upstairs and rent out down below. But for now, this place is vacant and it has a little bit of furniture. I hope you like it. And the price is right.“ He said as he exited the truck.
Ned ran right behind the pirate, his canvas slip-ons crunching on the white mixture of crushed shells and stones. Noonan produced a set of keys and unlocked the front door, which was slightly warped, causing Noonan to have to lean into it hard with his shoulder. At the second try, it gave way and let them enter, but part of the door trim had cracked.
Inside, the house smelled of mildew, but Ned thought it was nothing that a few open windows could take care of. It hadn’t been updated in many years. That surprised him, because Ned thought all these beach properties saw themselves underwater every few years due to the storms. But this one looked like it had survived many seasons of winters and lots of fall hurricanes.
“Home sweet home, kid.”

Also Available



Coming Soon

Releasing May 26


Author Bio

NYT and USA/Today Bestselling Author Sharon Hamilton’s SEAL Brotherhood series have earned her author rankings of #1 in Romantic Suspense, Military Romance and Contemporary Romance. Her other Brotherhood stand-alone series are: Bad Boys of SEAL Team 3, Band of Bachelors, True Blue SEALs, Nashville SEALs, and the Bone Frog Brotherhood.

Her SEALs and former SEALs have invested in two wineries and a brewery in Sonoma County, which have become part of the new stories. But old characters keep returning to all the newer books.

Sharon also writes sexy paranormals in two series: Golden Vampires of Tuscany and The Guardians.

A lifelong organic vegetable and flower gardener, Sharon and her husband live in the Wine Country of Northern California, where most of her stories take place.

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