Tuesday, March 31, 2020

RELEASE BLITZ - Surviving His Scars

Title: Surviving His Scars
Series: Angels Halo MC Next Gen #4
Author: Terri Anne Browning
Genre: New Adult/MC Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2020


I have a secret.

One that will get the man I’ve been crushing on for years killed if my father ever finds out.

My sister says he’s a stalker—how else could he know exactly when I’m in trouble and come to rescue me?

I don’t care. He’s saved me over and over again, so I know he doesn’t want to harm me. And every time I get so much as a glimpse of him, my heart becomes even more his.

Everyone who hears my name instantly thinks I’m a monster.

They don’t know the real me. The one who hated the men who tried to make me just as evil as them.

All I wanted was to burn their empire to the ground.

Until I saw her.

My precious one.

Her family thinks I wanted to hurt her when all I want is to protect her.

The scars of my past aren’t pretty. They shroud me like a dark cloak, making me feel like the devil I’ve been cast as. It would taint her sweetness if I let them touch her.

But when she disappears on me, I can’t hold back any longer.

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Author Bio

Terri Anne Browning is a USA TODAY bestselling author. Being dyslexic, she never thought a career in writing would be possible, yet she has been on bestselling lists multiple times since 2013. Reese: A Safe Haven Novella was her first Indie published book. The Rocker Who Holds Me changed the tables and kicked off The Rocker... series featuring the sinfully delicious members of Demon's Wings. The Rocker... Series is now complete with 12 books and the occasional novella. Other books by Terri Anne include the Angel's Halo MC Series, as well as The Lucy & Harris Novella Series, The Vitucci Mafiosos Series, and The Tainted Knights Rocker Series.

Terri Anne lives in Virginia with her husband, their three demons---err, children--and a hyper Frenchie named Grunt.

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Essence of The Angels Book Blitz #Giveaway

Essence of the Angels
P.S. Malcolm
(The Starlight Chronicles #2)
Published by: Parliament House
Publication date: March 31st 2020
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
After the Urenphians take over their home, Lucy and her entourage are forced to retreat to the Angel Sanctuary. But with Valarie missing, Lucy is oblivious to the lies and secrets staring her right in the face. After a shocking revelation, she realizes just how much danger she and her friends are in.
Meanwhile, Valarie finds herself in enemy territory. Her newly found Shadow heritage and ties to Reina aren’t the only dark secrets in her past…she may not make it out of Urenphia the same as she once was…
The exciting next installment in The Starlight Chronicles Series will reveal truths to a world they thought they knew—but will they survive?
When I reached the arena once more, I plucked my coat from the ground and hurriedly put it back on, shivering. Devian caught up to me just as I was heading for the gates. “Where are you going?” he asked, his tone stiffening slightly. I cast him a shadowy look.
“Away from here,” I said thickly. Devian inhaled slowly, then made for me, but I was already turning away and pushing forward. He called out again before I broke into a run.
It was foolish, I know. I would never get away from him. He’d catch up, set guards on me—hell, I wouldn’t make it through a single court on my own. That being said, my heart didn’t sink too much when Devian’s grip locked onto my wrist.
“Valarie,” he said, his voice low. I whipped my gaze back to him, glaring.
“How dare you?” I seethed, my eyes alight with anger. Yanking my arm from his grip, I added, “don’t you ever do something like that to me again!”
“We had to Valarie—the situation is dire, and we needed to be sure—”
I let out an incredulous laugh and stared widely at him. “So having a stranger attack me was the easiest way to see if I could summon magic? Have you ever heard of asking nicely?”
Devian gave me a pointed look. “It wouldn’t have worked. We had to rely on instincts to kick in. You couldn’t have known.”
I took a menacing step towards him and shoved him—just enough to set him off balance.
“You scared me half to death,” I growled. “I thought Stellena had come to kill me…or worse. I thought you were in trouble, and yet, you were behind the whole thing! How am I ever going to trust you again?”
Devian’s face fell, and he went a little white. “You trusted me?”
I let out a single, short laugh. “I won’t make that mistake again,” I said darkly, before turning to leave. He grabbed me again, this time rougher, and pinned me against the side pillars leading to the gates. I flinched, my skin prickling at his tight grip on my upper arms. Suddenly, I didn’t feel as safe as I once had, and a wave of hurt washed through me at the betrayal.
“Let me go,” I said slowly, but my voice had lost its courage. He glared at me.
“Do you think this is easy for me?” he asked, and there was a hint of instability in his even tone. “Do you think I enjoy seeing you unhappy? I know I’ve done some bad things, but I am not a monster.”

Author Bio:
P.S.Malcolm (Pagan) grew up in Proserpine, Queensland-- a small, Australian country town on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef. She was a storyteller from a young age and spent years perfecting her craft.
For two years, she juggled waitressing in tourist filled coffee shops while undertaking two degrees in Creative Writing online. She has always had an interest in writing, but never saw herself working in the industry until she made the choice to self-publish her debut novel, STUCK ON VACATION WITH RYAN RUPERT. Realizing that she loved the process of publishing her book, she pursued an internship at a publishing house and snagged a spot as Pen Name Publishing's Marketing Assistant.
In between interning and writing, Pagan opened her first business working as a freelance Marketing Strategist for Paperback Kingdom-- which helps indie authors with all aspects of their author careers.
Pagan also enjoys reading-- particularly fantasy and paranormal-- and is a passionate blogger. She reviews books that she has read on her personal website, and indie books on her business blog. Some of her favourite and most influential authors include Amanda Gernentz Hanson, A.G. Howard, Marissa Meyer and Michele Jaffe. She is a cat enthusiast, tea lover, and floral fanatic.



Priestess Storms & Stone Book Blitz #Giveaway

Priestess of Storms & Stone
Annie Anderson
(Rogue Ethereal #5)
Publication date: March 31st 2020
Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy
If there is one lesson I’ve been taught in my life, it’s that fairies are the absolute worst.

Finding a fledgling succubus in Faerie is like locating a needle inside a realm-sized haystack. With a guide I can’t trust and a goal more ephemeral than smoke, my odds of success are tenuous at best. Not to mention, as the last Elemental in existence, I have a giant target painted on my back.
Because one half of Faerie wants me dead, and the other half wants to use me as a sacrifice to open the gates to Earth. But I swore I would find my quarry, and I will. Even if I have to rip the entire realm apart to do it.
There is a storm coming to Faerie, and that storm is me.
It was never a good sign to be drinking bourbon at ten in the morning, but after the week I’d had, I figured I was due. Self-medicating with alcohol wouldn’t take the sting out of my grief, in fact, it was likely to make it worse. But I’d needed a teensy little breather from my housemates after the last truth bomb had been dropped, and wrapping my head around my new knowledge required booze.
I could feel Della’s eyes on me, her acute vampire gaze boring a hole in the side of my face. She wanted an answer to her question, and she likely wasn’t going to leave me alone until I gave her one.
When are we leaving?
That question echoed against the walls of my brain with enough force to give me a headache. Melody was alive. She was alive, and my sister was dead.
But that didn’t make a lick of sense. Melody died right in front of me. I watched Aurelia send her soul on in a way only a phoenix could do. I watched her body burn in the flames of a funeral pyre. I needed answers before I could answer Della’s question.
Because I wouldn’t be leaving to hunt her down unless I was sure this wasn’t some kind of trick. I’d been tricked too many times in the last week, and I wasn’t falling for another one.
“Melody is dead, Della,” I whispered before taking another sip of bourbon, refusing to face my bodyguard. If I looked at her, I’d see either pity or censure, and I couldn’t deal with either.
“Then why is her son gone?” Della pointed out a big hole in the “Melody’s dead” argument.
Shit, fuck, and damn. I made a promise to Melody to keep her son safe. If it wasn’t Melody who had her son—and I highly doubted it was—then I’d have to go get him.
In Faerie.
But hadn’t I earned a break? Hadn’t I earned the right to let someone else take up the slack?
You made a promise. You swore. You can’t turn away just because you’re hurt.
Those words cut through my thoughts sharp enough to bring tears to my eyes. I did. I made a promise to make sure her son was safe. And I’d keep it. Maybe it would make my soul burn just a little less. Maybe if I did this one thing, losing Maria wouldn’t hurt so bad.
Yeah, I doubted it.
I sniffed back the sting of tears, tossed back the rest of the bourbon, and managed to set the glass down without smashing it. I’d been on a smashing kick for the last little bit, and my living room had borne the brunt of it. At the time, I’d wanted to destroy everything Maria had ever touched. If I could just break it, burn it, wreck it, then it would have been like she wasn’t stamped all over every molecule of my house.
Wasn’t that stupid?
Like I wouldn’t see her every time I closed my eyes.
“Okay, I’ll give you that,” I muttered, finally answering Della’s question. “But I can’t just bust down the door to Faerie and find her. If it is her. We need way more to go on than a note and a can-do attitude.”
I peered down at myself. I had on black shorts and a black tank top. It was good enough for summer in Denver. All I needed was some flip-flops. Had I brushed my teeth today? Shrug. Was I wearing a bra? My tank had a shelf bra in it. It would just have to do. Plus, Barrett wouldn’t give two shits about what I was wearing. I located my flip-flops in their spot by the door, shuffled my feet into them, and raised my hand to snap my fingers.
But Della pounced on my hand before I could complete the task.
“What?” My whole body was on red alert, my eyes searching my demolished living room and relatively untouched kitchen.
“You can’t go out like that,” Della whispered furiously, her face a picture of panic.
Frowning, I looked back down at myself. Yep, all my parts were covered.
“It’s summer. Shorts and a tank aren’t going to turn any heads no matter how much ink is on display.”
A dawning realization lit up Della’s face before she winced. “You haven’t checked a mirror since you got back, have you?”

Author Bio:
Annie Anderson is a military wife and United States Air Force veteran. Originally from Dallas, Texas, she is a southern girl at heart, but has lived all over the US and abroad. As soon as the military stops moving her family around, she'll settle on a state, but for now she enjoys being a nomad with her husband, two daughters, an old man of a dog, and a young pup that makes life... interesting.


RELEASE BLITZ - Dirty Hookup #Giveaway

Title: Dirty Hookup
A Slayers Hockey Series Novel
Author: Mira Lyn Kelly
Genre: Hockey Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2020


One look and I know… this chick hates me.
I should walk away, find some puck bunny to gleefully sit on my lap and tell me what a big, hot, hockey stud I am--totally true, BTW. But there’s just something about this feisty redhead I can’t let go. She’s got an edge to her that’s sexy as hell and a smart mouth that’s been tying me up since the night I met her.

She tells me to forget it, we’re not happening. But this isn’t the kind of woman a guy ever forgets. Especially when the air starts to sizzle and pop every time we get within ten feet of each other. She’s in my head and under my skin, and all I can think about is the way she looked at me that one time. Like she already knew how it could be between us.

I’m not the kind of guy a girl like her takes home… But maybe I want to be.

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Ducking around a corner, I press my back to the wall and suck one shaky breath after another until the spots behind my eyes finally clear, along with any wayward thoughts about a third Slayers hockey player needing a bed in the ER.
I can’t believe it. After all these years.
Quinn O’Brian.
Two feet in front of me. Giving me that same smile. The one that put my belly into free fall the first time I saw it. Left me breathless. And then less than a day later, left me humiliated. Devastated. Working up fantasies about the wrath I’d rain down on him if I ever saw him again.
So much for that badassery. My knees barely held me when I looked up to find those stupid sea-green eyes twinkling back at me like some Disney hero come to life.
Stupid eyes.
Stupid shoulders and muscles-everywhere body.
Stupid sandy blond hair standing up like some foolish girl just had her hands in it for the last hour.
And that introduction.
Blowing out a breath, I shake my head.
He didn’t even recognize me. Though why I ever thought he might is beyond me. Six years later and I’m still reading more into that night than there ever was. More into those soul-deep stares and slow touches. More into those tender words that turned out to be total lies.

Author Bio

Hard core romantic, stress baker, and housekeeper non-extraordinaire. Mira Lyn Kelly is the USA TODAY bestselling author of more than a dozen sizzly love stories with over a million readers worldwide. Growing up in the Chicago area, she earned her degree in Fine Arts from Loyola University and met the love of her life while studying abroad in Rome, Italy… only to discover he’d been living right around the corner from her back home. Having spent her twenties working and playing in the Windy City, she’s now settled with her husband in Minnesota, where their four amazing children and two ridiculous dogs provide an excess of action and entertainment.

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RELEASE BOOST - Liar, Liar, Hearts on Fire

Title: Liar, Liar, Hearts on Fire
Series: Bro Code #3
Author: Pippa Grant
Genre: Romantic Comedy
 Release Date: March 24, 2020


Never borrow pants from your brother. Especially if he’s a size smaller than you are, because all that pressure in the junk will short-circuit your brain.

And you’ll lie to a woman in a club about your real name.

Leave her unsatisfied after making out in a bathroom.

Then find out that she’s the one thing standing in the way of your dreams. And she very much doesn’t like being lied to.

Now I have to convince Lila Valentine—the woman I can’t stop thinking about, my biggest regret, and my new boss—that I’m what’s best for the baseball team she’s inherited.

If we can’t work together to save the Fireballs, the commissioner’s forcing a sale and moving them across the country.

I’ll do anything to save my home team.

But the one thing I can’t do?

Keep my hands to myself.

Which would be fine, if she hadn’t been telling me lies this whole time too.

Liar, Liar, Hearts on Fire is a rocking fun romance between a single dad obsessed with baseball, an heiress with secrets, baseball pants, a rundown team, and rabid ducks. It stands alone and comes with a guaranteed happily-ever-after.

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The squawking erupts again nearby and saves me. There are no visible chickens on the field, and it gets louder as we approach the dugout on the first base side.
Louder and more intense.
Very intense.
Like, are there chicken police? Because we might need the chicken police.
I drift directly behind Tripp while we approach the noise, shameless in using him as a human shield if this is a chicken uprising. What's that movie? The one with the apes that rebel and take over the world? That's what this sounds like, except with feathers and clucks instead of chest-pounding and grunts.
"Should we call security?" My self-defense classes didn't cover protecting yourself from rabid chickens.
"That'd be a foul," he murmurs. And then chuckles to himself, and oh my god.
"Foul—fowl? Like a bird-fowl? Did you just make a dad joke at a time like this?"
"A time like this? You mean a random Tuesday night at a deserted ball field?"
"At a time when the chickens are gathering for a ritualistic sacrifice of one of their own."
His shoulders shake, and he seems to be struggling to cough.
"Oh, god, did you inhale a feather? Is that how this starts? They shed their feathers to choke us to death?"
"Please don't talk about chickens and choking in the same sentence."
"That was not a dad joke."
"No, it was—oh. Duck."
I squat low, spinning to see what I'm ducking from.
Tripp flips his flashlight on me. I squint and cover my head. "Stop! I can't see! What's coming?"
"Lila. Ducks. Ducks. Not chickens. It's mating ducks."
He swings the flashlight to the dugout, and—oh.
"Is it...supposed to be that violent?"
There are two ducks under the bench in the dugout, one flapping its wings and chasing the other, who's squawking so loudly she could wake the dead.
And— "Ohmygod, I did not need to see that!"
Duck penis.
Duck penis.
Oh my god. Duck penis. Duck penis should not look like that.
Tripp's bent double laughing.
"Where's security?" I demand. "Hello? Security? Security? I'll give whoever removes this duck a ten-thousand-dollar bonus. Right now."
No one comes running for ten grand, because no one can hear me.
The squawking. It's a cry for help.
"It's nature," Tripp says. He's wiping his eyes now, he's laughing so hard. "Give 'em a few. They'll finish up."
The girl duck is racing back and forth under the bench.
The boy duck is chasing her with that thing.
And I am not having it. "Shoo. Shoo!"
"Lila!" Tripp calls, but I'm already gone.
Flapping my arms. Yelling. Charging the dugout and the ducks.
Why are they even here? There's no pond here. Winter's coming. They should be flying to the Caribbean for Mai Tais and sunshine.
And instead, they're ruining the sanctity of my ballpark.
"Shoo!" I yell again.
I hit the stairs down to the long covered bench, and the boy duck suddenly seems to realize I'm coming at him.
He turns, pointing that thing at me, flaps his wings, and gets this evil glint in his eyes that means I really should've thought about what I was doing before I came in here.
"Woo her nicely," I snap.
He squawks—no, quacks at me.
I need to go back to kindergarten to learn my animal sounds again. I'm a city girl. We don't do farm animals.
"And put that thing away!"
"Lila." Tripp's laughing so hard he's wheezing. He grabs my elbow and tugs. "Let the ducks be."
"I'd let it be if he wasn't attacking her."
"Maybe that's how ducks have sex."
"Then maybe ducks shouldn't exist."
"QQQUUUUAAAACCCCCKKKKK!" the boy duck yells.
It's like a Braveheart yell, and I realize I'm asking the wrong question.
I shouldn't be asking why is the duck assaulting the other duck in a dugout?
I should be asking what have humans previously done to this duck because he's going to kill me?
It charges, wings flapping.
I scream and take off running. Tripp mutters a well-timed, oh, fuck and runs with me. "The other dugout," he shouts, pointing to the dugout on the third base side.
Another light flashes up in the stands.
"Security!" I yell. "Arrest the duck! Arrest the duck!"
It's gaining on us. Quacking louder. And it can fly. It can fly.
It's going to swoop over us, poop on our heads, and whack us with that—that—that mutant penis and then scoop us up in its talons, and—"Aaah! It got me. It got me!"
It bit me on the butt.
"Don't fuck with nature," Tripp grunts.

Also Available


Free in Kindle Unlimited



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Author Bio

Pippa Grant is a USA Today Bestselling author who writes romantic comedies that will make tears run down your leg. When she's not reading, writing or sleeping, she's being crowned employee of the month as a stay-at-home mom and housewife trying to prepare her adorable demon spawn to be productive members of society, all the while fantasizing about long walks on the beach with hot chocolate chip cookies.

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Title: Pained
Series: Bullied #2
Author: Vera Hollins
Genre: Dark High School Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2020


Two months have passed since the day I pushed Hayden away. Two months since I found out he loved me and wanted to be with me. I’ve been trying to move on and forget about him, but my heart refuses to listen.

Hayden had almost died saving me. Half of me wants to forgive him for everything and give him another chance. The other half prevents me from doing so, distrusting him and ignoring my heart's desires. Hayden is dark and complicated, and as the days pass, he gets further away from me, ignoring me whenever our paths cross.

I have less than a year before I go to college, and I won't see him ever again. I have to believe I will get over him and move on with my life. I have to believe in my future without him. 

Unless he didn't really move on, and our masks are about to fall.

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"He smirked, his eyes heating. “Our rooms are very similar.”
That was true. Not only our walls were covered with the layers of our souls, but my room was also messy, so many papers, sticky notes, and art supplies lying all around. I wouldn’t change a single thing about it.
“You’re right.”
“That was why I felt...” He stopped mid-sentence, taking another drag of his cigarette.
My body leaned closer to him on its own. The mood between us shifted once more. “What?”
He locked his jaw and looked away. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It matters to me,” I whispered. Without conscious thought, I moved and covered his hand that rested on the mattress.
He flinched and looked at my hand, frowning. I feared he would pull his hand away, but he didn’t. “Why?”
My pulse beat madly in my throat. “Because... Because you matter to me.” I tightened my grip around his hand, feeling exposed. My eyes went to his scar, and I wished I could touch it, definitely not for the first time. “I want to know everything about you.”
His breathing sped up. “Everything?”
He sucked in a quick breath, taking in every line of my face with undiluted hunger. He balanced his cigarette on the edge of the ashtray and met my gaze.
“I felt at peace there,” he said hoarsely. “I felt like...”
I leaned even closer to him. “Yes?”
He swallowed. “Like I belonged there.”

Also Available


Author Bio

Vera Hollins is the author of the Bullied series, which has amassed over 30 million reads online since 2016. She loves writing emotional, dark, and angsty love stories that deal with heartbreak, mental and social issues, and finding light in darkness.

She's been writing since she was nine, and before she knew it, it became her passion and life. She particularly likes coffee, bunnies, angsty romance, and anti-heroes. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, plotting her next book with as many twists as possible, and watching YouTube.

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