Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Keeping Promises Release Blitz!

Title: Keeping Promises
Author: Renea Porter
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 26, 2018
I’m engaged to be married. But I have feelings for someone else… my sisters soon to be ex. I keep feeling this magnetic pull toward Guy. Maybe it’s his British accent. Or the way his hair curls at the ends that makes me want to run my hands through it. Maybe it’s the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. Whatever it is, something is there, and I can’t shake it. He’s my brother in law. It’s so wrong on so many levels. Even if there was a possibility there, it feels wrong because he belonged to my sister first. It’s becoming hard to ignore the nervousness that swirls inside me whenever I’m around him. He says he won’t give up until I tell him I choose Trevor instead. I can’t tell him that.  
Purchase your copy today!
Since my sister left Guy, I’ve barely heard from her. However, he’s thrown himself into the restaurant and even won an award for Best Steakhouse in the area. That is exceptionally rare for such a new restaurant. Lately, I’ve noticed there hasbeen a little pep in Guy’s step.
“Hey.” Smiling, I tug on his sleeve playfully.
“Yeah?” He spins around to face me.
“It’s good to have you back.”
“What did you call it? Back to the land of the living.” He smirks, nudging my arm with his elbow.
I laugh. “Yeah.”
With the restaurant flourishing, I’m happy to be busy.
To top everything off, I’ve been feeling this magnetic pull toward Guy. I don’t know. Maybe it’s his British accent, or the way his hair curls at the ends, that makes me want to run myhands through it. Maybe it’s the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles.
Whatever it is, something is there. And I can’t shake it. He’s my brother-in-law. Or my soon to be ex-brother-in-law. It’s so wrong on so many levels. Even if there was a possibility there, he belonged to my sister first. But it’s becoming hard to ignore the nervousness that swirls in my belly and my fast beating heart whenever I’m around him.
Six months ago, my boyfriend of five years finally proposed, and I said yes. That was way before my feelings for Guy shifted. Just being in Guy’s presence is already affecting me in ways that I can’t explain.
Then again, just because I feel a pull to someone, it doesn’t mean I’m in love with him. But my fast beating heart thinks otherwise.
About The Author
Renea Porter is best known for writing realistic stories with realistic characters. Her stories may even cause you to shed a tear or two. She mainly writes New Adult and Contemporary Romances. However, she's not afraid to venture into other genres like Paranormal Romance.
She enjoys spending time with her husband of fourteen years, and stepson. She calls Pennsylvania home but loves to travel and try new things. In her free time, you can catch her reading books, watching reality tv, and baking.  

Promised To A Highland Laird Book Tour!

Promised to a Highland Laird
The MacLomain Series
A New Beginning
Book Three
Sky Purington     

Genre:  Time Travel Fantasy Romance

Date of Publication:  February 27th, 2018


Number of pages:  265
Word Count:  82,000

Cover Artist:  Tara West

Christina has made her own way for as long as she can remember and juggled men for even longer. The love ‘em and leave ‘em type, she finally said goodbye to Virginia, moved to Maine, and made a fresh start. Or so she thought until her best friends were pulled back in time. Better yet, when a stubborn Claddagh ring on her finger declares she can run but can’t hide. Not when it comes to men from medieval Scotland.

First-in-command of MacLomain Castle, Graham MacLomain has more secrets than most and wants nothing to do with a lass from the future. Especially not one who is promised to King Robert the Bruce. Yet the moment he makes contact with Christina before she travels back in time, he is drawn to her. Soon enough, despite his own commitments and a life that can never include her, he’s eager to be by her side.

Friends from the start, Graham and Christina devise a plan to pretend true love found them. Now they can discreetly dodge destiny and follow their own paths. The only problem? Destiny is unavoidable. Passion sparks and love ignites. Days before the Battle of Bannockburn, they’ll have to face the truth and make a heartbreaking choice. Give in to how they truly feel and destroy all those they care about or turn away, and save Scotland from ultimate ruin.

They met each other’s smiles, not a bit of discomfort between them as they discussed things that would be entirely inappropriate with any lass from his time. More than that, anything he would ever talk so casually about with a lass he just met.
“So back to us moving forward together and trying to save my country.” He considered her. “Are ye up for it, lass?”
She seemed to contemplate it as she continued eying him. “So let me get this straight. You want to skip all the love and intimacy and see if we can get out of this ring-binding thing while we pretend to be together?”
“More the pity on the intimacy part but aye,” he said. “What about ye? Do ye want to move forward with me and take control of our own destiny rather than have anyone or,” he glanced at her ring, “anything dictate it for us?”
She crossed her arms over her ample enough chest and tapped her foot as she thought about it. “Y’know what, Graham, I reckon I do.” She shook her head. “But can it be done? Can we be together without actually being together?”
“I think ‘tis best that we give it a try.” He nodded, more sure of this quickly hatched plan by the moment. “Just as long as ye realize we cannae truly be together.”
“That sounds doable.” Yet he saw the curiosity in her eyes. “So what gives? Are you in love with someone your kin has forbidden?” Her eyes rounded in intrigue. “Secretly married?”
“Is it so important to know?” He remained perfectly honest with her. “Because I would rather not share quite yet.” Graham issued his most charming smile. “Right now, ‘twould be best if, by the time we return to the house, we could say we’re smitten and desire one another.” He shook his head. “And no one else.”
Christina’s full, perfectly shaped lips twisted as she considered his offer. “What’ll happen if we don’t?” Her foot tapped a little faster. “Is Bryce gonna want me?” She cocked her head. “And is he a real dragon?”
“Half dragon,” he said, sure to sound grave. “But aye, the MacLeod can easily shift into a ferocious beastie.” He shook his head. “One that is frightening to behold.”
A little smirk returned to her lips as she listened to him. “You’re exaggerating, aren’t you?”
“Nay.” He arched his brows. “I’ve seen my cousin embrace his dragon, quite recently in fact, and ‘twas terrifying.”
Her smile didn’t budge, and her bonnie eyes never wavered from his. “You’re determined to play this up I see.” She stepped a bit closer, her tone that of a co-conspirator as she looked right then left before she met his eyes again. “All right, I’m game.” She pointed between them. “You and me. How do we go about it without everyone knowing we’re trying to trick ‘em?” She held up her hand between them and eyed the ring. “And what about this?”
“I think, for starters, we let my cousins see how intense the attraction is betwixt us already.” He nodded. While he had intended to spend more time getting to know her, it really wasn’t necessary now. She was on board with deceiving everyone, and that’s exactly what he needed.
“Wow, glad to see you’re decisive,” she commented, but he could tell she approved. “Just wondering…won’t your kin see right through it? Better yet, your sister?”
“Nay, they havenae been around me enough to know better,” he provided.
“Ah.” She gave him a knowing look. “So you really are off with lots of women.” Her look turned sly. “Or one extra special top secret mystery gal.”
“I didnae say that,” he denied.
“You didn’t have to,” she said with approval, eying him over again. “Like I said, it makes sense.”
He smiled. “Thank ye.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Yer quite bonnie yerself,” he said, comfortable with how frank they were with each other.
She grinned. “Heck if I don’t know it.”

“So we are in agreement then?” he said, still dishing out his most charming smile though he knew he didn’t have to. “We were smitten the moment we met, and refuse to be with anyone else.”

Sky Purington is the bestselling author of over thirty novels and several novellas. A New Englander born and bred who recently moved to Virginia, Sky was raised hearing stories of folklore, myth, and legend. When combined with a love for nature, romance, and time-travel, elements from the stories of her youth found release in her books.

Purington loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at Sky@SkyPurington. Interested in keeping up with Sky’s latest news and releases? Either visit Sky’s website,, subscribe to her quarterly newsletter or sign up for personalized text message alerts. Simply text 'skypurington' (no quotes, one word, all lowercase) to 74121 or visit Sky’s Sign-up Page. Texts will ONLY be sent when there is a new book release. Readers can easily opt out at any time.
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Careless Release Day Blitz!

Available via Kindle Unlimited

Irony – when life f@cks you over.


She’s the one girl I can’t forget.
She’s as innocent as a saint, with the mouth of a sinner.
After taking her virginity, it’s taken me four years to get rid of the guilt.
I used her while she was at her lowest and she’s never forgiven me.
Watching my best friend die a little every day, and not being able to do anything about it, kills me.
I should’ve seen it coming. The second I hit rock bottom, she walks back into my life.
The f@cking irony?
She might be the only one who can save Marcus.
The life of the person who means the most to me lies in the palm of the girl I screwed.


Hate is a strong word, but it’s one I’ve really considered when it comes to Jaxson West. But I’ve settled for intensely disliking him. It’s similar to the way I feel about visiting the dentist.
Asking me to forgive Jaxson, is like asking me to willingly sit through a root canal.
He’s heartbreakingly gorgeous, emphasis on heartbreakingly.
He’s an amazing friend, just not to me.
He’s supportive, understanding, caring and loving, just not to me.
No, for me he reserves his dark scowls and low growls.
I’ll do everything I can to save Marcus, but I’m not doing it for Jaxson.

Jaxson West & Leigh Baxter ~ Book 3 in the Enemies To Lovers Series

This is a Stand Alone book in the Enemies To Lovers Series. Each book in the series is about a different couple. To get the full experience of their friendship I'd recommend that you start with Heartless.

Michelle Horst is a Bestselling Romance Author who likes her books hot, dirty, and with a touch of darkness. She loves an alpha hero who is not scared to fight for his woman.

Want to be up to date with what’s happening in Michelle’s world? Sign up to receive the latest news on her alpha hero releases, sales, and great giveaways →

P.S. I Hate You Cover Reveal!

Coming March 28th

Dear Isaiah,

Eight months ago, you were just a soldier about to be deployed and I was just a waitress, sneaking you free pancakes and hoping you wouldn’t notice that my gaze was lingering a little too long.

But you did notice.

We spent a “week of Saturdays” together before you left, and we said goodbye on day eight, exchanging addresses at the last minute.

I saved every letter you ever sent, your words quickly becoming my religion.

But you went radio silent on me months ago, and then you had the audacity to walk into my diner yesterday and act like you’d never seen me in your life.

To think … I almost loved you and your beautifully complicated soul.


Whatever your reason is—I hope it’s a good one.

Maritza the Waitress

PS – I hate you, and this time … I mean it.

Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon bestselling author Winter Renshaw is a bona fide daydream believer. She lives somewhere in the middle of the USA and can rarely be seen without her trusty Mead notebook and ultra portable laptop. When she’s not writing, she’s living the American dream with her husband, three kids, and the laziest puggle this side of the Mississippi.

And if you'd like to be the first to know when a new book is coming out, please sign up for her private mailing list here --->

Author Links

Drawn To Dark Book Blitz! #Giveaway!

Drawn to Dark
Emma Tharp
Publication date: February 27th 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Being a Rock God isn’t easy. Kingston Lawless has survived a lot of things – alcoholism, ultimate betrayal, and an ill sister only he can save. But Kingston is ready to get his life back on track.
When his path crosses with nurse Camilla Watts, he immediately knows she’s different than all the other women he’s met. Sweet, innocent, and she didn’t even know he’s famous. Could Cam give him the kind of life he wants?
Unable to deny their chemistry, Kingston and Cam start a whirlwind romance. But King’s past isn’t ready to let him go. Will their love be able to overcome the lies or will his dark past rip them apart?

Author Bio:
Emma was raised in upstate NY. Being an only child, she spent a great deal of time alone dreaming up characters that would keep her company on long family road trips. Putting her writing on the back burner, she went to college and became a chiropractor. After spending 14 years healing patients, Emma decided—with the help of her amazingly supportive husband—to use the creative side of her brain and let her characters come to the page.
If she’s not writing, Emma can be found at the gym, one of her kids sporting events, Starbucks, or at a live music event.
A perfect day for Emma would be spent at her lake house with her husband, two ginger-haired children, and Vizsla, reading a book and drinking a large cup of coffee (or wine) with music playing in the background.


Blogger Opp: Geoffrey Zakarian #ProForHome Sous Vide Circulator Giveaway! #Free & #Paid Options Available (Sign Ups Close 3/01)

Deliciously Savvy Is Hosting A Giveaway In Which 1 Lucky Winner Will receive a Geoffrey Zakarian Pro For Home Sous Vide Circulator Of Their Very Own! RV is $130! Now I need Your Help Promoting. There Are #Free & #Paid Options Available So Sign Up Today And Let's Rock This Delicious Foodie Giveaway! You Can Check Out My Review Here!

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The Details:

1 Lucky Winner Will receive a Geoffrey Zakarian Pro For Home Sous Vide Circulator Of Their Very Own!

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